< 弔唁蔣方良 民眾哭斷腸 >
After a night's arrangement, the shrine of Faina Chiang was set up at Tri-Service Hospital. At 9 a.m. Thursday morning, it was officially open to the public. A photograph of the the warmhearted first lady is placed on the shrine; fresh white flowers fill the solemn room. Throughout the morning, mourners stopped by to pay condolences. Some were in wheelchairs, others walked with the assistance of canes. They never met Faina in person, but came to pay respects to the former first lady nevertheless. A retired teacher from 三軍 Day Care Center, established by Ms. Chiang, brought a faded picture of Chiang to reminisce. Former President of Examination Yuan 邱創煥 speaks of the times he played golf with Ms. Chiang. President Chen paid respects for a second time at the shrine. Former President Lee Teng-hui and wife sent flowers. President of Legislative Yuan 王金平 paid a personal visit and remarked that the government will arrange a national burial if Ms. Chiang's family wishes to.
< 萬納度斷交?外館險撤離 >
Trouble seems non-stop ever since Taiwan tries to build diplomatic relations with Vanuatu. Just days ago, Vanuatu's new government gave out a written notice to all airline companies forbidding Taiwan citizens to get in or leave Vanuatu. To avoid our diplomats and staffs being harm by China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the diplmats to retrieve from Vanuatu right away and go to Fiji for the time being. The ministry strongly criticized Vanuatu's new government trying to create obstacles for Taiwan diplomats and the pressure constantly release by China. As to what's the future diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Vanuatu? The ministry emphasized that only if Vanuatu officially announce terminating diplomatic relations with Taiwan or else the two countries' dimplomatic relation is still valid.
我國與萬納度的建交案, 波折不斷,雖然目前仍然維持外交關係, 不過萬納度新政府, 日前竟然發函給各航空公司, 禁止台灣人民進出萬納度, 外交部擔心, 中國趁機對我國外交人員不利, 已經緊急將他們撤離外交部將兩名外交人員暫時安置在斐濟, 對於萬納度新政府的刁難, 和中國的打壓, 外交部也重話痛批至於兩國的邦交,到底樂不樂觀, 外交部強調, 除非萬納度主動宣佈和台灣斷交, 否則台萬邦交仍然有效, 外交部也會持續努力, 堅守到最後一分鐘
< 三一九槍案 可疑灰衣男 >
After discovering where the gun was purchased, new developments came to light in the 319 shooting incident on a daily basis. Investigators discovered that the gun used on March 19 was purchased from 唐守義 by an unidentified male surnamed Huang. Huang, whose nickname is "Lefty," may know the identity of the would-be assassin. But because Huang refused to tell the police who he passed the gun and bullets onto, officials requested permission to take him into custody.
Investigators are also trying to apprehend the unidentified male in gray who appeared on the scene of the shooting, but since the shooting, the male in gray has disappeared into thin air. Investigators suspect that the male shot at President Chen with his left hand, and because Huang's nickname is "Lefty," the male in gray and Huang may be one and the same. There is another suspect in the case, the bald male in yellow, and police are investigating whether he is in fact the deceased 陳義雄. In their search for 唐 守義, officials have already taken 17 people into custody. If they are able to find out the identities of the male in gray and the bald male in yellow, the chances of cracking this case open is high.
< 高鐵超快感 急速駕駛艙 >
This is the first time High Speed Railway's driver cabin shows in public. We're here to show you how it is like when the train travels in 300 km/hr. When the driver pulls down the accelerator, the train accelerates, the scenary passes by just like wind. The 700T train could speed as fast as 300km per hour. It was build like the high speed train, Shinkansen, in Japan. Taiwan's high speed railway costs over a 10 million nt dollars to build. All residents at the scene were all very eager to go into he driver's cabin to take a look. High Speed Railway expects the train to start servicing residents next year in October.
< 影帝鬧胃痛 一直臉臭臭 >
On his second day in Taiwan, Nicolas Cage attended a press conference for his new movie. Cage appeared fatigued due to jet lag or lack of sleep, often taking sips of water and playing with his glasses, and only when he was asked about his first date with his wife Alice did he crack a smile.
("Would you like to go with me to the Grand Canyon?" She said, "Sure," but that I had to get her home by 11 o'clock. We went out to San Francisco and had dinner, but I got her back in time to be home for her mother at eleven.)
Cage was left with a deep impression of the fans that waited for him at the airport. And because his schedule has been so busy, he still has not had a chance to sample some Taiwanese delicacies.
(I haven't had a chance to really go anywhere cuz I just came straight to the hotel.)
Having starred in such action films as "The Rock," "Con Air," and "Gone in Sixty Seconds," Cage says that in real life, he is quite boring.
(I'm very boring. All I do is, when I'm not working, I read.)
In his latest film, Cage will be bringing you on his quest to find a 3000 year old treasure.
在台灣渡過第一夜,尼可拉斯凱吉一身白色襯衫休閒裝扮,出席記者會。不過,不知是時差還是沒睡好,尼可拉斯凱吉有點無精打采,記者會上不時喝喝水,玩玩桌上的眼鏡,直到說起和新婚嬌妻愛莉私第一次約會的浪漫情節時,才露出一絲笑容。奧斯卡影帝 尼可拉斯凱吉(我問她你願不願意,和我在大峽谷共進午餐 她說好啊,不過我晚上十一點以前要回家,於是後來我們在舊金山,吃完晚飯後我就準時的在11點以前把她送回家了,因為我可是一個紳士。)第一次來到台灣影帝對機場熱情影迷印象深刻,不過一直在工作,到現在都還沒機會常常台灣有名的美食小吃。奧斯卡影帝 尼可拉斯凱吉(下飛機後就直接進飯店了,所以到現在我還沒機會去任何地方。)演過『絕地任務』『空中監獄』和『驚天動地60秒』等動作片,但大家可能不知道,螢幕下的影帝,自認是個無聊的人
奧斯卡影帝 尼可拉斯凱吉(我是個非常無聊的人,不用工作的時候,我大部分就是在看書。)這次尼可拉斯凱吉要帶你去找尋三千年前遺失的寶藏,一起去尋寶吧.
< 白冰冰賣力 宣傳雙響炮 >
The Big Sister of Taiwan's entertainment industry, 白冰冰, cheers for Taiwan and for her team. When theweekend approaches these days, the artist leads co-stars of her new series, 雙響炮, on promotions around town. Be it department stores of the night market, Bai promotes her new work with the same fervor. To meet the schedule, she even turned down 6 million NT worth of legislative rallying offers. This is Bai's first acting gig in seven years. It is almost as if she were a bride marrying the CTS station. Despte the hurt of losing a daughter and her father, 白冰冰 never gave up hope. In the series, she plays a spunky and lovable mother in law. She has no fashionable costume and wears makeup to look like an old woman. 白冰 冰's mission this time is to please the audience.
< 偶像劇明星 回鍋打超籃 >
Hunter guard 高天騏, who wears number two, confidently directs his team's plays on the court. His individual matchup with Yulong Veteran 陳志忠 is the focus of much attention during the warmups. Kao, who was formerly the national high school assist king, chose to leave the basketball court three yeras ago to pursue acting. After becoming a popular soap opera actor, Kao has now decided to return to the basketball court. There are many basketball players turned actors in Taiwan. 黑人陳建州 and former national team player 顏行書 both jumped from the basketball court to the entertainment industry. However, Kao is perhaps unique in his return to basketball from acting. From training camp to finally becoming an official team member, Kao used actions to show his determination. Kao is currently the sixth man on the Hunters, and hopes to shine brightly on the basketball court.
< 養寵物過敏?提早可減敏 >
The one year-old baby really like dogs. See how happy she is when she feeds and hugs the puppy. But her mom refuses to buy her the puppy because she worries that her baby would be allergic to the dog's fur and eventually lead to asthma when she gets older. But there was a research study that prove the mom's worries was unecessary. Doctor said the best time to own a pet is when a child reaches at the age of 5. If sneezing or rashes occur, then suggest to bring the child to the hospital for a blood test because very often the allergies wasn't induced by pets but by cold air or other factors. Therefore the sooner a child get contact with pets, the better he or she could be immuned from allergies. Looks like this child would soon able to bring a puppy home!
< 馬紹爾總統 國宴在台東 >
Since this is the first time a national banquet is to be held in Taidong, chefs are cooking up their specialty dishes to impress the guests. This dish, called the Golden Mushroom with Bamboo, is refreshing to the palates and strengthens the kidneys. Entrees include swordfish and roast lamb, each with its own unique flavors.
And of course, a trip to Taidong would not be complete without a taste of its rich, creamy milk. This panna cotta,made with local milk, has preserved the original flavors of its ingredient. And fruit served after the meal will be Taidong's exclusive Buddha fruit. The 9-course meal will show its guests the beauty and flavors of Taiwanese cuisine.
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