< 組財經內閣 點名賴英照? >
The legislative elections are over, and now, the President has appointment of a new cabinet to keep his hands full. Who is the right candidate to head the Executive Yuan? So far, Governor of Central Bank 彭 淮南 and Justice 賴英照 are the most likely candidates. Lai was once Minister of Finance of the Provincial Government. During 張俊雄's term as Premier, Lai was promoted as Vice President of the Executive Yuan, forming a stronghold with the institution's then Secretary General 邱義仁. When 張俊雄 resigned three years ago, Lai insisted on leaving the cabinet as well. Subsequently, he took on responsibilities of a justice.彭 淮南 is presently Governor of Central Bank, bank of Taiwan. Peng was educated to become a financial expert for the government during the years the KMT was in power. A quality both Lai and Peng share is amiable relations with the opposition party. In the wake of the imbalance between government and the new legislature, either candidate would be vital to coordination between the pan-blue and green forces.
< 民進黨敗選 自評兩原因 >
A deep bow to voters, President Chen Shui-bian acknowledged losing the legislative election battle. DPP did not win enough seats in legislative like they have expected. DPP headquarter did a reviewing report on the reasons why they failed. And the conclusion was during the election period, too many issues were being thrown out, including the change of name and constitution. That scared away many mid-voters. Another reason that failed was because after March 20th, the presidential election, DPP became too overly confident and optimistic about the legislative election this time. On top of that, there were too many legislative candidates running for the same districts, thus caused problems with vote-sharing. After this time, DPP will definitely learn to be more humble in the next election.
向選民深深一鞠躬, 陳水扁總統承認, 在這次立委選舉中, 民進黨打輸了, 表現不理想, 而追究原因, 黨內也完成了檢討報告,總結起來最大的原因, 就是拋出太多的議題, 包括正名和制憲, 嚇跑了中間選民. 另一個值得檢討的, 就是民進黨在320過後,對於選舉過於樂觀, 自信和自滿, 才會導致敗選. 再加上提名爆炸, 同一, 聯合配票又出問題, 才會導致這次的大挫敗, 有了這樣的經驗, 民進黨下回面對選舉, 將會學著更謙虛.
< 宋楚瑜出國 連宋會喊停 >
On the third day after the elections, PFP Chairman James Soong left for the US to visit family. Before he left, Soong said that he would no longer provoke the KMT, and that he is extending an olive branch to KMT Chairman Lien Chan. As for internal party rumors that the PFP would be cooperating with the DPP, Soong said that the oranges hadn't turned green, and furthermore, how does one merge blue oranges with the rest? Lien Chan had no comments for the media on Wednesday morning, but most people have an optimistic outlook on the planned merger. On the other hand, a KMT legislator has asked the KMT to do some humble self-analysis. Regardless of whether the merger ultimately takes place, the KMT and PFP will continue to work together. Currently, all negotiations are postponed until Soong returns to Taiwan.
< 蔣方良病逝 >
Chiang Fang-liang was born in 1916 in Russia as Faina Vakhreva. In 1933, she met Chiang Ching-kuo at a factory in her home country. Two years later, the two were married. In 1937, Chiang Fang-liang gave birth to their first son 蔣孝文 . In the same year, she moved to China, where she spent the next twelve years. In 1949, she settled permanently in Taiwan. Chiang stayed by her husband's side for fifty-three years, rarely making public appearances during that time. She raised three sons and a daughter with Chiang Ching-kuo. Chiang Ching-kuo passed away in the year 1988. In the next eight years, Chiang Fang-liang then saw her three sons die one after another. The deaths made her even more private than before. Over the years, she developed chronic pulmonary disease, asthma and also suffered a stroke. In early October this year, she was hospitalized at Veterans General Hospital due to an outbreak of pulmonary symptoms. Guests including President Chen and Vice President Lu have paid personal visits to the former First Lady. Lu acknowledged Chiang as a role model for Taiwanese women. Chiang Fang-lian was 90 years old.
蔣方良,一九一六年出生於俄羅斯,一九三三年認識同在俄羅斯烏拉爾機器工廠工作的蔣經國,兩年後結婚。一九三七年,長子蔣孝文出生,同 年回到中國定居。 在中國住了十二年,一九四九年來到台灣,伴隨蔣經國五十三年,蔣方良很少公開露面;蔣經國與蔣方良育有三子一女。一九八八年蔣經國去世,短短八年內,三個兒子接連離開人世,椎心之痛讓蔣方良變得更沉默。蔣方良患有慢肺腫瘤、中風、氣喘等病史,十月上旬因為肺疾發作,住進台北榮民總醫院治療,住院期間陳水扁總統、副總統呂秀蓮都前往探視,呂秀蓮讚揚她是位嫻淑台灣女性。
< 匯豐和花旗 擴大台市場 >
Bank employees, don't worry of losing your job after banks hiring. Citibank has decided to increase 800 staffs in credit card department. HSBC on the other hand will increase 550 new staffs. It is a 30% increase of new blood compare to the number of staffs they have right now. The large number of staffs increase was for preparation for the uprising needs in credit card market and real estate market. Foreign banks believe that Taiwan is a big consumer behavior market. Knowing foreign banks' intention in Taiwan, local banks like First Bank for example is also begin hiring as well. The hundred year-old First Bank will hire over a thousand people for its 180 branches in the nation. First Bank said foreign banks mostly focused on customers on the top pyramid. Local banks on the other hand, strengthen in servicing customers on the lower and middle ranks, especially the residents living in the suburban areas.
銀行人員不用擔心金控合併失飯碗了,外商銀行明年將有大規模招募行動,只要有企圖心抗壓力強,還不一定要有金融專業背景,先來看台灣前二大外商,花旗明年將增加八百名消費金融部門人員,匯豐也將增加五百五十名新血,比起現有人力成長三成,這也是匯豐在台灣有史以來最大規模招募行動,以搶攻房貸、信用卡等消金市場,金融同業普遍認為,台灣市場大有可為. 面對外商銀行搶大餅,本 國銀行也不甘示,百年老店第一銀行明年全國一百八十家分行共要招募上千人,和外商拼了,一銀表示外商多是以金字塔頂級客戶為主,但三百萬以下大餅,尤其是都會區以外需要一些草根性搏感情吸引客戶,本國銀行絕對佔優勢.
< 信義計畫區 停機車收費 >
Staff at the Taipei City Parking Management Office carefully staple parking bills onto the motor scooter handles. Starting from noon this Wednesday, all motorcycles parked in the Hsin-yi commercial district will be charged a 20NT parking fee. Areas subject to the fee include Taipei 101, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Taipei City Hall and the World Trade Center. And Hsin-yi District won't be the only one. From January 1st, 2005, Nanyang Street by Taipei Main Station will also begin collecting parking fees from motor vehicles. Civilians who have enjoyed free parking in these areas are, as expected, indignant at the new regulation. The purpose of the deployment is to alleviate traffic congestion in the city. Whether it will be effective, however, still remains to be seen.
台北市停管處的收費員, 仔細的把繳費單, 用訂書機訂在機車的把手上,從中午開始, 只要在信義商圈停機車, 就要交錢, 停一次, 收費二十元.停機車收費涵蓋的範圍, 包含了台北101, 新光三越,台北市政府, 還有世貿展覽館, 除了信義商圈, 明年元旦開始, 南陽街商圈也要開始收費,原本免費停車, 現在變成依次計費,民眾覺得很不合理.為了紓解車潮,停管處大動作, 只是, 停車要收費,能不能真的改善交通, 效果還要再觀
< 肺癌的基因 已經找到了 >
The X-ray reveals whether a malignant tumor has been found in the patient's lung. Many people see the discovery of a cancerous tumor in the lungs as equal to a death sentence, because in over 80% of lung cancer patients, by the time the tumor is discovered, it is too late to operate. But now, lung cancer patients have new hope. The National Health Research Institute's Genetics Division has discovered a mutated gene within the tumors of55% of lung cancer patients in Taiwan. If the gene is suppressed, the tumor will not expand further. A new type of drug is particularly effective in treating this type of situation, and can successfully shrink the tumor in under a month. Because in the past under 20% of lung cancer patients live more than five years, this new discovery brings hope to patients. The National Health Insurance Bureau is also preparing to cover this type of drug, which costs millions of NT per year, in its insurance plans.
< 生育率新低 為何都不生 >
These children's innocent smile is the sweetest but yet also the biggest burden for most parents in Taiwan. According to a survey, more and more married couple choose not to have babies, making Taiwan's birth rate dropped to 1.2, ranking number 2 for the lowest birth rate country in the world. According to a survey conducted by Ministry of Health targeting residents aging between 20 to 39. About 60% of the residents express willingness to get married but 40% wish not to have kids. The main reason is because they don't want to bear the heavy education fee for the next generation. This kind of common thinking among married couples made Taiwan's birth rate not able pass an average of 2 kids in a family. Declining birth rate and increasing aging population worries Taiwan government. The government is now in hurry to come out with a promotion plan. Purpose is to encourage married couples give birth to babies with a healthy and welcoming attitude.
這樣天真無邪的笑容是每個爸爸媽媽心中最甜蜜的負荷,不過現在確有越來越多人選擇不要生小孩,讓台灣的生育率降到1.2,全球排名倒數第二,原因到底出在哪? 說來說去,其中最大的問題就是怕自己養不起,根據衛生署的調查,在20~39歲的民眾,其實有高達六成都願意結婚,但確有四成擔心經濟不足以負擔小孩長大,不到二的生育率,會讓台灣社會出什麼問題? 面對人口老化,政府極力研擬生育宣導政策,希望讓每個小寶貝都在爸媽的期待下,快快樂樂的長大
< 現代灰姑娘 陳好變紅星 >
Actress 陳好 has played a variety of roles, and played each one convincingly. Chen shot to fame in the Greater China region when she appeared in 澀女郎 several years ago, and now she is commanding over 10 million per film. However, Chen never has a diva's attitude. Chen's determination to play her role in CTS' 雙響炮 results in her often leaving the set with bruises all over her body, but she has never asked for a body double. Her high standards for herself have allowed her to rise from a new graduate of Beijing's Theater School to a star on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
陳好百變的造型還有俐落的武打工夫,不管是扮演什麼都入木三分,曾經以澀女郎走紅兩岸三地的她,即使現在拍戲身價高達一千萬,但對自我要了成功扮演華視八點大戲雙響炮俠女角色,陳好就算拍戲打得全身是傷也不輕言找替身. 就是嚴格的自我要求還有事事全力出擊,讓陳好從一個剛從北京戲劇學院畢業的應屆畢業生,搖身一變成為紅遍兩岸三地的萬人迷.
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