星期二, 11月 02, 2004


< 華航變國營 為外交困境 >
    In 1995, the aircrafts of China Airlines began to wear the emblem of the plum blossom. This is after 36 years of having the national flag on the planes. The change was made with intentions of altering China Airlines' image - from close ties with the government to a more privatized organization. In addition, it was difficult to travel with the ROC flag on the aircrafts. But now, China Airlines is back where it was, shouldering responsibilities of national diplomacy. In fact, aviation rights has always been soft diplomacy for governments. This is seen in flights to Hong Kong and to European countries Taiwan has no diplomatic ties with. But this change in policy may interfere with China Airlines' privatization process. Legislators have asked China Aviation Development Foundation, China Airlines' largest shareholder, for a briefing. During the briefing, it was disclosed that the airline had already released its shares. Legislators charged that the sale of the shares was unreasonable; the CADF was low key in response and said it will study the situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     揹了36年的國旗,華航1995年開始換裝,飛機上的圖案換成梅花,當時,華航就是要擺脫國家航空公司的形象,朝向民營邁進,因為背著國旗,到很多國家都受到刁難,但現在,華航又要走回頭路,肩負國家外交任務事實上,讓航空公司肩負外交任務,一直是航權談判的彈性做法,包括台港航權,以及歐洲無邦交國家的航權,都是這麼談來的。只是這樣的政策轉彎,會不會影響國營事業民營化的進程,立委找來華航最大股東,航發會高層來報告,結果竟然發現,華航早以其他名目釋股,立委猛批華航釋股手段不合常理,航發會只好摸摸鼻子,說要回去繼續研究,再做說明

< 史地說廢考 現在又要考 >
    First level of public servants examination will be held next year on January 15th. The announcement could have been announced much earlier. It was due to the arguments started up by Chief of Examination 林玉 体 who thinks the public servants examination should not cover China's history. However, the real decision is made upon Examination Yuan and it will announce its decision on Thursday. Those who are taking public servant exams, did you hear? 林 玉体's meaning of Taiwan history only includes Taiwan, Pong Hu, Kim Man, Ma Zu and just a small part of history on China and Japan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     公務人員初等考試預定明年一月十五日舉行 ,考選部早該公告,但因為典試長林玉体落實本國就是台灣的理念,引發本國是否包括中國史地爭議,如今確定本國史地還是要考,但命題範圍仍待考試院會周四確認才能公告,林玉体說那些反對的他的,根本不敢面對問題反對的試委暫時不多說,但試委們意見不合,讓考生無所適所考生們聽清楚了嗎,林玉體典試的本國史地只要台澎金馬,以及和台灣有關的中國、日本史等

< 沈富雄造勢 李鎮楠蘋果 >
    To show his anger over being named in the Apple Daily's list, DPP legislative candidate 李鎮楠 smashed the apple in his hand, spraying apple juice in his own face as well as the faces of the reporters surrounding him. Lee was showing how he felt, but did he have to punish the reporters, none of whom were from the Apple Daily? Is "LP" a dirty word? Candidate 沈富雄 , on the other hand, has been campaigning while asking people to stop using dirty words including "LP." The pan-blue camp hasn't yet publicly announced whether they will be allocating votes, but in Nantou, TSU candidate 陳啟吉 invited the top four DPP candidates to run with him under one banner in order to unite pan-green voters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     立委李鎮楠不滿被蘋果日報點名問政不認真,這麼狠狠一戳,手中的蘋果,頓時爛成一攤,飛濺的蘋果汁,噴得李鎮楠滿臉都是,貼身採訪的媒體記者,一群不是蘋果日報的,也全中鏢!臉上身上,到處都是蘋果汁,擦呀,抹呀,立委非常造勢,記者非常狼狽!LP算不算髒話﹖另一名參選人沈富雄,發起拒說髒話運動,要大家別在出口閉口LP,究竟配不配票,國親還沒有共識,但在南投,台聯立委參選人陳啟吉登高一呼,邀請民進黨四大天王,也能跨黨站台,拉抬泛綠選情

< 民進黨美女 四天王輔選 >
    The 5 young DPP legislative candidates stand side-by-side and declare their resolution to enter the legislature at the end of the year. These women are not only attractive; they are also very young, with the average age of 35. And each one has an impressive background. 林淑 芬 was once elected into the Taipei County council with a high number of votes. 邱議瑩, also known as "Pretty Woman," became a delegate to the National Assembly at the age of 25. 蕭美 琴, who is running to be re-elected, has long been active in foreign affairs. Despite their good looks, these women hope constituents will focus on their professional performances. The party central is also supportive of women being elected to the legislature. The candidates put the crowns on to represent victory and hope to gain voters' favor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     五位民進黨籍的年輕女立委候選人排排站,宣示要在年底前進國會殿堂不只有外貌,有才藝,這幾位平均年齡不到35歲的女立委,可是個個有來頭,林淑芬曾經以最高票當選台北縣議員,漂亮寶貝邱議瑩25歲時就已經是國大代表,現任立委蕭美琴長期專注外交事務,她們都希望選民可以注意她們的專業表現黨中央也極力推薦這幾位年輕女立委,希望女性參政能獲得認同親切的為美一位候選人戴上象徵當選的花冠,現在就希望能獲得選民的認同

< 真調會調查 輪到調查局 >
    Led by the head of 319 Truth Probe Committee 施啟揚, the delegation went to visit the Investigation Bureau. Director of Investigation Bureau 葉盛茂 came out to welcome them in person. 319 Truth Probe Committee has come across some progress in investigating. They learnt that on the day of March 19th, there was a black color van at the scene. Although the van had flags of Chen-Lu campaign flags but no one knows who was the van driver. Spokesperson of 319 Truth Probe Committee 王清峰 hopes civilians who know something can come forward and speak to them. The committee had so far met with Police Bureau and Investigation Bureau. However, the two bureaus won't provide a detailed information to the committee until it is legal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     真調會由召集人施啟揚領軍,這次拜會的地點是調查局調查局局長葉盛茂親自接待。真調會這次拜會調查局,已經有進一步的線索。在319槍擊案發生的當時,現場有一輛黑色休旅車,上面雖然插上了陳呂的競選旗幟,不過,經過過濾,卻始終查不出車主是誰?隨後趕來的真調會發言人王清峰,希望有民眾能夠提供線索。不只是懸賞的獎金,現在就連真調會本身的運作經費,也成了問題。前後拜會檢方和警方,這一站來到調查局,只是這些當時協助辦案的單位,恐怕在大法官釋憲結果出來之後,才能提供比較確切的情報。

< 耳鼓助聽器 固定式較好 >
    A glance at Ms. Lin would not reveal her handicap. But once she lifts her hair, we can see a hearing aid she wears. Lin has not been able to hear since she was 2 years old. And with this newest model, the device is so small it can be hidden behind the ears, covered by the hair. The most important part is, Lin can hear with no problem and is able to hold a normal conversation with people. This new hearing aid can be used two months after the surgery for 4-5 years without a change of battery. Children under the age of 5, however, are not suitable for this device. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     我們第一眼看到林小姐,就覺得他和一般人一樣,只是當他撥開頭髮,我們看到了這個助聽器,才知道原來他兩歲開始,就聽不見聲音,不過這個最新的骨固定式助聽器,不小到可以隱形在他的頭髮裡面,最重要的是,林小姐可以清楚的聽到記者的問題,可以正常的和大家交談,彌補了他的遺憾。而且這種新式的助聽器,在手術兩個月以後就可以使用,而這一用,就可以用上四到五年不需要換電池。不過要提醒的是,這種助聽器,不適合五歲以下的兒童。

< 彩繪派出所 膽子真是大 >
    The group of children kneel in front of the police station, holding up paintbrushes. They discuss amongst themselves what color this wall should be painted, and what pictures should be painted on it. It doesn't occur to them that the owners of the wall, the police force, may be upset by their actions. Seeing that the children delight in painting the walls with butterflies and grass, the policemen decide to join in and help paint. They say that the station is indeed becoming run-down, and this way, they won't need to make the repairs themselves. Seeing the fruits of their labor, the children express confidence in the abilities of the policemen to catch criminals. In their hearts, these policemen are their protectors, and by repainting the station, they are also giving area residents something new to look at. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     一群小朋友蹲在派出所前,拿起畫筆,大膽的討論著這面牆要用什麼顏色,又該畫什麼好,完全不怕這面牆的主人,也就是裡頭的警察叔叔,會出來罵人小小年紀就知道,要做好警民關係,看小朋友們畫的開心,又是蝴蝶又是草,就連警察叔叔也親自出馬,幫忙畫,他們說,反正派出所老舊,剛好不用再油漆裝修看看完成的作品就知道,小朋友對警察抓壞人很有信心,而且在他們心中,警察叔叔永遠是他們的保姆,這樣彩繪派出所,也讓民眾對警局有了煥然一新的感覺。

< 觀光來相親 越娘見公婆 >
    At 天后宮, one of Penghu's biggest tourist attractions, five beautiful Vietnamese women suddenly appear, arousing the interest of tourists. This is the matchmaking service's newest gimmick, bringing the women to Taiwan as tourists so that Taiwanese men won't have to travel abroad to find a foreign bride. All of the Vietnamese women brought over by the broker can speak Chinese, and all are in their early 20s. Although they appear shy, they speak clearly. According to industry insiders, the price for meeting a foreign bride this way is 300,000 n.t., and although it's more expensive than traditional methods, the bride comes with post-sale services. If the bride should run away or be incompatible with her husband during the first year of marriage, the broker will introduce a second candidate for free. Is this a real guarantee? The men may have to take the plunge to find out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------     澎湖著名的觀光景點天后宮,突然出現五名漂亮的越南女子,引起觀光客注意,原來這就是婚友社仲介外籍新娘的新花招,讓男性不用組團到國外相親,果然讓男性都挺心動的。這些由婚友社帶來得越南女子,都會說國語,才二十歲出頭,雖然面對鏡頭有些害羞,不過講起話來挺有想法。業者說,這樣辦到好要三十萬,雖然比較貴,但是他們還有售後服務,一年內新娘如果落跑或個性不合,還可以免費在介紹一個,這樣的促銷手法聽起來很新奇,不過到底有沒有保障,消費可要睜大眼睛。

< 放生鳥捕捉 買賣的真相 >
    Most people think that they are doing good deeds if they set birds free. But have they ever thought of where exactly did the birds come from? According to a research, Taiwan has 155 bird shops. 63 of the shops provide birds for people to buy then set free. The fact is, it won't be called doing good deeds if you see the process of how birds get set free. The birds were put in a crowded cage; they have to struggle to get some air. Some of the birds died from out of air before they get to the woods. Besides being inhuman, the traditions of buying birds then set them free has caused an imbalance in Taiwan nature. Animal protest organizations found out that many bird shops would import birds to Taiwan for religious group members to purchase and do good deeds. As a result, a few Taiwan bird species had extinct because of mating with imported birds. Seeing the birds fly out from the cage. We wonder if they are really free from now on? Would the haunters catch them again? Do you still think the act of buying birds then setting them free is doing good deed? -------------------------------------------------------------------------     在民眾眼中,讓這些鳥自由飛翔,就是做功德,但有沒有人想過,這些鳥到底哪裡來的?根據調查,台灣155家鳥園,有63家會販賣鳥隻提供民眾放生,但這些鳥兒在運送到放生地點前,有很多被困在網子裡,看看他們掙扎的樣子,這哪叫做功德,還有部份鳥兒在放生前就被悶死了。除了不人道,放生鳥也對台灣生態造成影響,動物團體調查就發現,很多鳥園為了應付宗教團體放生活動,會進口大批的鳥隻,現在市面上放生鳥類多達35種,也有許多是外來種.造台灣本土鳥基因混淆,一些特種鳥類因此而消失看著鳥兒爭相飛出牢籠,展翅高飛,他們真的從此可以獲得自由嗎?還是又會被獵捕成為下一次放生的工具?再看一次他們痛苦的掙扎,這是做功德嗎?



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