< 扁倒數衝刺 上午拼北市 >
Chen arrived at a Taipei City rally to show his support for the five DPP candidates running in the northern district of the City. Chen led the candidates in burning incense and praying to get elected. In the final 72 hours before the election, Chen urged voters to save the candidates who are lagging in the polls.
(Ah-bian and Mayor Hsieh can't eat or sleep. So you have to support the pan-green camp to get rid of Ah-bian's worries.)
Chen attended two rallies in the morning, and at 保安宮, he once again reiterated that state-owned enterprises have to change their names.
(Some people say that only enterprises with "China" in their names can be profitable. But does Wang Yong-ching's "Formosa Plastics" have China in its names? He uses "Formosa," yet still earns money, isn't that right?) Chen once again criticized Lien Chan and James Soong, and urged voters to help the pan-green win the majority in the Legislature in order to end the latter's dominance.
< 蘇貞昌拼了 橋頭和市場 >
It's only a few days before the election day, Presidential Office Secretary-General Su Tseng-Chang this morning went to Shin Dian in Taipei county for campaigning. He led the 4 DPP legislative candidates of Northern Taipei county to the streets pleading for votes. Regarding the vote competiting issue among Pan Green candidates and the incident about receiving black mails, Su Tseng-Chang asked the Pan Green to be more unitedat this moment. Su Tseng-Chang strongly recommend the 4 candidates; Shin Dian residents reacted excitedly, emphasized that they will vote for Pan Green to help President Chen do a better job in the government. With Su Tseng Chang and the residents' support, the four candidates appeared in full confidence.
< 連戰記者會 配票藍分裂 >
Just how did the vote distribution strategy break up unity between KMT and PFP? In a KMT press conference on Wednesday, Lien Chan urged the importance of winning majority in the elections. However, press focused on the pan-blue's allocation of votes. The KMT's earlier arrangement had implied tensions between it and the PFP. In response to the questions, Lien stressed that although the two parties will not merge before the elections, the issue will be seen to after the election. Lien also responded to President Chen's criticism of forming a cabinet by insisting on the proposal. This is the first time the KMT has deployed vote distribution.
< 馬輔選子弟 搶救丁守中 >
Accompanied by Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou, independent candidate 林正修 campaigned at Shihlin's 中正 Road. This is the sixth time that Ma has campaigned for Lin. Ma says that his support for Lin does not affect the pan-blue's election situation in any way. KMT candidate 丁守中, on the other hand, said that he wished Ma would spend some time campaigning for pan-blue candidates. Ma's incredible popular appeal was also on display as a female driver became too engrossed in watching him and forgot to step on her brakes, ramming into the scooter in front of her. Fortunately, neither party was hurt. But does the campaigning of candidates on intersections adversely affect traffic? Ma says that he will definitely review the situation.
沿路向民眾拜託再拜託, 台北市長馬英九, 陪著子弟兵林正修, 在士林的中正路口拜票, 這已經是馬英九第六次為林正修造勢,難道不擔心引起泛藍內部的反對聲浪. 馬英九不擔心影響選情, 為林正修賣力演出, 看在正牌國民黨候選人的眼裡,丁守中話說得含蓄, 還是希望馬英九全力為黨籍候選人輔選, 而馬英九的超人氣也造成了意外插曲, 這名女駕駛看馬英九看得太入神, 竟然忘了踩煞車, 撞上了前面的摩托車還好雙方都沒有損傷, 不過, 路口拜票是不是真的對交通造成妨礙, 馬英九說, 回去之後一定會好好檢討
< 古根漢出局 胡志強無奈 >
The long unsettled Guggenheim Museum was the key of discussion between Taichung city government and the city council. First the city council rejected the building of Guggenheim Museum by giving an unequal treaty. Now, the city council is afraid that Guggenheim Museum will not make profit, thus decided to hand this case to the central government. Taichung city mayor Jason Hu sighned and said he wants to meet with President Chen next week for some further explaination. City councils said no to the project because they are do not want to afford the risk of getting into financial difficulty. But the mayor have faith in the project, he believes the museum will make money. He said now only the central government could solve this problem. On December 16, Guggenheim Museum Foundation will hold another meeting. Whether there is any more changes before December 16th, obsevation is undertaking.
< 竹科電子業 不孕比例高 >
This is Cathay General Hospital. In Hsinchu, centers for reproductive medicine and infertility are filled with patients like this every day. Most patients are engineers from the nearby Science Park. Or, what press calls, "electronic nobles." It seems that males who work in the Hsinchu Science Park are more susceptible to infertility than the average male. Doctors say that salaries at the Science Park may be lucrative, but an equal amount of pressure comes with the territory. Most engineers marry at later ages, which further decreases chances of having a baby. Among couples from the Science Park, one in three have difficulty bearing a baby. The ratio is 10 percent more than the national infertility rate. As a result, many couples resort to medical science. It isn't unusual to see patients undergo artificial insemination. It seems that, despite the prestige, members of the Science Park community still have their share of everyday troubles.
< 新品種行業 賺錢大調查 >
許饒和 works in one of the most popular sectors of the service industry right now: teaching the game of go. A cartoon featuring a go king has created an interest in the game, and an estimated 2 million people have signed up for go classes, creating a demand for go teachers thatheavily exceeds supply. Therefore, go teachers are
now earning millions of NT in annual salary. Small enterprises are earning big bucks. This year's popular story houses are taking in around 600,000 NT per month, whereas the wedding industry raked in 133 billion NT this year. Meanwhile, pet salons earned tens of billions of NT just from bathing pets, and the fortune telling industry took in 5 billion NT from the market and 400 million NT from the internet. Which industries are slated to earn big bucks in 2005? Number one on the list are services which help lonely people like dating or pet matchmaking services. Therefore, if you want to earn a lot of money, you better start thinking of ideas now!
< 星機票大戰 來回一千六 >
Since morning phones in travel agencies could not stop ringing, because everyone was calling to ask for the low fare tickets by JetStar Asia from Taipei to Singapore. Now you may wonder how low is the low airfare. Don't be surprised, it's 1788 nt to fly from Taipei to Singapore in the first week of the promotion.
However, the airline does not offer any food to passengers. Seats are narrower and there's only one departure time everyday, which is departing in evening and arriving to to Singapore in midnight. So travellers need to spend one more night of hotel fee. Maybe it's not that worthwhile if you calculate everything. This promotion by JetStar Airline had made an impact to the market. Singapore Airline also came out with a promotion of Taipei and Singapore round trip ticket for only 1688 nt dollars starting now until January 20th. Taiwan's Eva Airline and China Airline did not follow, with ticket price still selling for 11,000 nt to 12,000 nt. The cheap airfare offer JetStar Asia does not include airport tax. Therefore, passengers have to add 3000 nt to the ticket price. For those who want to travel but don't want to spend much, this is the perfect chance.
< 尋找太平輪 追思和徵人 >
During the civil turmoils in Mainland China in the years of 1945-1950, the Pacific Ship traveled between Shanghai and Keelung, transportingover 2 million Mainlanders, with theirgold and silver, to Taiwan in search of refuge. In those days, Pacific Ship played a crucial role in the conveyance
of passengers across the Strait. In 1949, just as the ship embarked from Shanghai, full of passengers and cargo, it clashed into trade boats around the 舟山 islands. It resulted in the tragic deaths of 1500 passengers. To this day, family members have difficulty accepting the fact. There were 36 people who were rescued at the time. Ms. Chang was one of them. To commemorate the incident, the party central of the DPP invited families of those who died to East Coast Pier in Keelung to offer flowers to the Pacific Ship memorial. As it has been well over 50 years since the incident occured, it isn't easy gathering historical facts. The Pacific Ship Incident Team calls out to anyone who has had contact with the ship or those involved, to come forward and help piece together the facts.
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