< 監委的協商 綠營也不爽 >
Dissatisfaction reigned in the room as DPP legislators met to discuss the names on the list of Control Yuan nominees. Some even urged the party to hold a vote to elect the nominees.
DPP LEGISLATOR SHEN FU-HSIUNG: (If the Central Committee wants to pass this, it is a step back for democracy. I believe that the Central Committee will definitely not pass it this afternoon. If it is passed, it will humiliate the DPP for 10,000 years.)
Despite the DPP having appointed its Vice Secretary General 李應元 to preside over the matter, members of the party continue to urge that past precedence is followed. With even the DPP protesting, it isn't hard to believe that the pan-blue camp is also protesting the list of nominees. After just three minutes of discussion, an impasse was announced. Can the examination meeting still be held on Friday? The DPP is pessimistic. It'll first have to gain the cooperation of its own party members before it can begin to worry about the pan-blue camp.
< 喝太多牛奶 易得卵巢癌? >
Milk has always been seen as a healthy drink with easy access. It prevents osteoporosis for the elders and spurs growth for adolescents. But according to a report by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a 13-year tracking study conducted in Sweden found that women who drank one glass of milk or more per day were more likely to suffer from cancer, the most probable kind for women being ovarian cancer.
And not just milk, but dairy products such as yogurt, ice cream or butter also create carcinogens in the female body. Doctors in Taiwan, however, are doubtful of the correlation of milk to cancer. These women who drink milk on a daily basis are also unconvinced. According to the doctors, cancer is caused by a variety of agents. And as the Taiwanese have been drinking milk for years without cancer, milk lovers should not panic too soon.
< 身心障礙者 通過廚師考 >
阿雪, who recently passed her license test, tears up as she receives her training certificate from her teacher. Her path in learning has been more difficult than other people's because she has difficulty moving, and often cuts herself. Under the sponsorship of the Council of Labor Affairs, this group of handicapped students signed up for a cooking class. Their teacher praises them from starting at zero to now becoming licensed chefs. 阿俊, who is ranked number one in the class, overcame his mental disorder to achieve much. Gratitude reigns in his heart. 小游, who is nearly blind, also overcame much on his path to success. Eating the dishes they prepared, each student is pleasantly surprised at the delicious flavor. Of the nine students in the class, seven received their licenses. Therefore, not only have they successfully faced challenges head on, but created a new world for themselves.
< 郵局送年菜 郵禮送到家 >
These are soup dumplings. This is a rib steak. These sumptuous dishes would have anyone drooling. And there's more. The sturgeon is a rarely cooked fish, also the favorite of Tsu-shi Empress from the Ching Dynasty. These foods are put together to fill you up on Chinese New Year's Eve. It has become a trend in recent years to order elaborate take-out meals on Chinese New Year's Eve. And this year, Kaoshiung City's Postal Service has also joined the market with an offer of its "Harbor City Prosperity Meal." The meal includes deluxe dishes such as broth cooked with expensive ingredients, and sturgeon cooked with ginseng. In one meal, you get nutrition and good value.
At the price of 3999 NT for 10 dishes with free home delivery, you can be sure to enjoy a hearty meal this year, without the hassles.
< 校長兼老師 教柔道奪冠 >
This young boy can compete against people twice his size, but what about this national women's judo champion? This judo team from Pingtung's 三地門賽嘉 Elementary School, which only has 72 students total, is Taiwan's national judo champion team. They owe their success to their coach, who is also the school's principal, and is beloved by all the students. Due to the lack of funds in this remote-area school, the mats that the judo team practices on were originally mats that were thrown away by the local police station. However, this has clearly not affected the team's performance.
< 沙灘車王國 全世界第三 >
This is an all-terrain vehicle, or ATV, as they are popularly known. ATVs are suitable for all kinds of terrain, and come in a variety of designs. Taiwan is currently the world's third-biggest manufacturer of ATVs, and specializes in these 150cc and below ATVs. 益通 of Tainan 永康 produced Taiwan's first ATV six years ago. Drawing on their years of experience manufacturing scooters and automotive parts, they successfully transformed into an ATV manufacturer. They have also created their own brand, which is ranked second in the North American market. Adding to the value of their vehicles is the technological expertise and safety-focused design. ATVs were originally used for cross-country terrain racing, and are now commonly used by the police, military, firefighters, and in sea searches. Test drivers test the vehicles over a variety of terrains and situations, including S-turns, slopes, cobblestone, and most importantly, in water. The domestic market is expected to expand, whereas overseas, the vehicles are selling very well. Taiwan's domestic brands are also doing well, and have led to Taiwan becoming one of the world's top ATV manufacturers.
這是移動迅捷、出沒刁鑽的沙灘車. 這是適合各種地形、還可以耍個花招的ATV全地形載具國內沙灘車、也就是ATV製造,已是全球前三大。台灣主攻這種一百五十cc以下的輕型沙灘車位於台南永康的益通,在六年前生產出國內第一台沙灘車,憑著多年摩托車製造和提供國際大廠的汽車零組件,順勢投入沙灘車生產,而且自創品牌,在北美市佔率已經攻下第二名其中的技術專利和安全設計更是價值所在沙灘車最早是為越野賽車遊戲所做,向來用在休閒,其實它還能用在軍事、警搜、消防、海巡救難都行,像美伊戰爭就派上用場,只要你能掌握試車手在模擬的各種地型中驗車,包括巔坡、s型轉彎、鵝卵石以及最重要的涉水功能國內市場有待擴展,外銷已賣得嚇嚇叫,自創品牌加代工,已經讓台灣成為沙灘車王國
< 花卉博覽會 彰化很熱鬧 >
The woman dressed as the flower goddess, sparkler in hand, is County Magistrate of Changhwa 翁金珠 . Ong will wake the flower fairies of the four seasons to announce that the 2005 Flower Festival is about to take place. With the success of 1.57 million visitors last year, Changhwa County Government has expanded to collaborate with local retailers this year, organizing the entire event from initial planning to final execution. Accompanied by the Flower Fairy, the County Magistrate passes out flowers from the Prosperity Bouquet to passersby. Locals are invited to share the 480 acre piece of beauty.
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