星期二, 11月 09, 2004


< 監院的定位 錢復記者會 >
    Should Control Yuan be abolished or not? President of Control Yuan Chen Fu together with 8 other councils from Constitution Research Team held a media conference on the morning of November 9th. They emphasized the importance of Control Yuan and that it cannot be abolished. The term of the President and councils will end in January 2005. They said they would be holding responsibility in supervising Legislative Yuan and Executive Yuan as long as they are still on-duty. They said for a long period of time Control Yuan has the function of preventing corruption, maintaining social justice, resolving conflicts between Legislative Yuan and Executive Yuan. After having many meetings, Control Yuan decides to come out to public and act out in motion to gain support.






< 台聯改教材 婦女助選團 >
    The lively dance performance announced the start of the DPP's women's election-aid group. The wives of several DPP heavyweights such as 張俊雄, 蘇貞昌, and Frank Hsieh, along with Grand Hotel Chairman 宗才怡 established a women's election-aid group. Although it is rumored that tension is rising between DPP candidates 蘇貞昌 and Frank Hsieh, their wives, 詹秀齡 and 游芳枝 , made a public display of holding hands to show that they are unaffected. While DPP candidates utilized their wives to win votes, a TSU candidate is running on the localizing education platform. On Tuesday morning, 林志隆 arrived at the Ministry of Education to call for a complete reform of educational materials. Lin urged that all textbooks be localized, including changing national history to the history of Taiwan. As the number of days until the election gets closer, candidates are doing everything they can to win votes.

    熱情舞蹈活力四射,也宣告民進黨媚綠四射輔選列車即將啟動民進黨輔選天王包括張俊雄,蘇貞昌和謝長廷的夫人,以及圓山飯店董事長宗才怡, 成立了熟女助選團, 其中才傳出輔選路線天王槓上天王的蘇貞昌和謝長廷夫人,詹秀齡和游芳枝,還手牽手一點也不受影響民進黨打出夫人牌,台聯立委則是要槍攻本土選票,上午立委林志隆到教育部,要求全面更改教材呼籲教材要全面本土化, 例如本國史地要改成台灣史地, 選舉倒數, 參選人也打出更多政見!



< 站台惹爭議 國親新心結 >
    Last weekend, a series of campaigning activities were held in Kinmen. Elizabeth Chiang and KMT Central Standing Committee member 林奕華 both rallied for independent candidate 陳清寶 . Although both claim the act was out of personal relations with Chen, to pan-blue candidate 吳成典 , it feels like a slap in the face. What is even more interesting is that Kinmen's County Magistrate 李柱 峰, a member of New Party, rallied for DPP candidate 翁明志 . Lee went onstage and sent personal regards to voters offstage. This move made New Party members very unhappy. As election day nears, the pan-blue camp is witnessing division as to who should rally for whom.

    就在上個週末, 金門拼選舉, 蔣家媳婦蔣方智怡, 和國民黨中常委林奕華, 特別到場為無黨籍的候選人陳清寶站台造勢, 雖然說是基於私人情誼,不過這看在國親新共推的新黨候選人吳成典眼裡, 真的不是滋味, 更誇張的是, 新黨的金門縣長李柱峰, 竟然為民進黨的候選人翁明志站台, 還上台拉手向選民致意, 這引起新黨的強烈不滿呼籲國親堅守承諾, 新黨也再次宣示勝選的決心



< 地震測報錯 還有大地震? >
    After the 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit late Monday night, the seismological meter at Central Weather Bureau detected nearly 20 more quakes of different magnitudes. One of them measured up to 5.3 on the Richter scale! Fortunately, the epicenter was in the outer seas, with only Yilan experiencing a heavy quake. The major quake, which took place at midnight, occurred in the seas off of Hualien. Its depth only reached 10 meters, with the largest vibration in Yilan, which measured a 4. In Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli, earthquakes measured a 3. ON the island, two thirds of the vibrations went on for as long as one minute. Residents were apprehensive about the quakes' possible relation to the Nigata quakes in Japan.




< 宜蘭的凌晨 居民的驚嚇 >
    A security camera at the intersection of 汐止 Road and 大 同 Road captured footage of the fierce swaying that began at 11:54 p.m. on Monday night. The earthquake lasted for nearly a minute, causing many people to race out of their homes in a panic. Meanwhile, at the 饒和 night market, shoppers were frightened by the sudden onset of the earthquake. Even those who were walking when the earthquake occurred felt the movement. The earthquake also frightened people at the night market in Ilan city, where the earthquake measured 4 on the intensity scale. As woks swayed, oil spilled over the edges of the wok, causing a flurry of movement among stand owners. People were also concerned over whether the bridge would collapse. Meanwhile, someone also discovered a 40 cm snake in the garden outside this night market pet store. Similar in appearance to Taiwan's most poisonous snake, the Taiwan banded krait or umbrella snake, it frightened many onlookers as it slithered about. Fortunately, it was quickly captured. As of yet, no major casualties have been reported as a result of this earthquake.

    時間深夜十一點五時四分,地點就在汐止大同路口,透過監視器,可以看到一陣劇烈搖晃持續了將近一分鐘,不少民眾感受到天搖地晃,趕緊從家門逃出來,探頭觀望看看,到底發生什麼事了同樣的時間,地點換到饒和夜市,每天到十一、二點,仍然人潮不退,攤販,逛街的民眾還是不少,但是突然的地震,讓大家都嚇壞了,就算有些人邊走, 還是感受到了另外也是在夜市,震度有四級的宜蘭市區東港陸橋下夜市可以看到油鍋一陣搖晃,油自鍋溢出來,攤販趕緊處理善後相當緊張,擔心陸橋會不會崩塌,而在夜市這家寵物店,有民眾發現門口花圃有一條長度四十公分的蛇,到處遊蕩,外觀很像毒蛇雨傘節,發現民住趕緊把牠抓起來,還好,這起地震,沒有傳出重大災情,歷經一場虛驚。



< 台幣續升值 應如何操作? >
    Euro currency continues to rise against its US counterpart; making Euro currency marked its highest level in the history. Euro currency market opened with a rise in 1 dollar Euro to 1.2987 U.S. dollar, later fall back to 1.2971 and closed in 1.2970. The greenback has been weakening against the world's major currencies because the market reflected the investors' lack of confidence on the instability of global oil price, U.S. trade and the continuous increasing of debts in U.S.Federal Government. Analyst said the weakening of U.S. dollar actually benefit U.S. exporters. Compare to the lowest level of 1 Euro to 0.82 cents in U.S, current Euro currency has increased as much as 57%. The truth is Euro market doesn't want Euro currency to rise because this way European made products would lose competitive advantage against U.S. made products in world market. Analysts believe that U.S. government is actually please to see the weakening of U.S. dollar because the increase of U.S. export would increase employment opportunities and thus increase economic growth.




< 網路打國際 可便宜八成 >
    If your monthly international phone bill is usually tens of thousands of n.t., there is good news in store for you. Now, using internet telephony, you can save up to 80% on your phone bill! Anyone with a computer and internet connection can take advantage of this new cheap rate. Upon installing a program and connecting a headset microphone to your computer or PDA, you are ready to make the phone call. How low are the rates? Let's compare. Chunghwa Telecom charges 6 n.t. per minute for international calls, but by calling over the internet, you can save around 50%. Many people whose spouses or significant others are in China are used to being charged at the usual rate of 11 n.t. per minute, but calls over the internet rack up charges of less than 1 n.t. per minute. In the past, calls to the US, Canada, Central America, Western Europe, and Australia and New Zealand were charged at 5.6 n.t. per minute, but with Skype, you will only be charged 0.6 n.t. per minute, a difference of eight times. It only takes a minute to install the program, and even computer novices can learn how to use the program in under five minutes. It's no wonder that Skype's popularity soared as soon as it was made available to people in Taiwan.





< 吉他大師來 台灣作獨奏 >
    This is a light African Cuban tune... THIS is a Spanish number full of Latin flavor... These are the performances of leading guitarist Manuel Barrueco - classical tunes fused with jazz. In his hands, the guitar seems integrated with his body. The music is so smooth listeners are captivated. Some may be under the impression that guitar must be accompanied by other instruments. In Barrueco rules the stage with his soloist guitar tunes. When he plays, Barrueco can be deep and passionate for one moment, and turn fast and upbeat the next. His melodies cover the genres of classical, tango and jazz. Deep emotions are expressed as he plays with the strings. So if you like the sounds of acoustics, do not miss Barrueco's performance in Taiwan!





< 烏來內洞瀑 負離子最多 >
    This is the sound of waterfall in Wulai. This waterfall has three layers, and each layer is pretty far apart from each other. This creates lots of water vapor in the air. Water vapor plus sunlight and ferns make the Wulai waterfall filled with negative electrons. Coming here, you would feel very freshen up because in every cubic centimeter, there are 100 thousand of negative electrons. The negative electrons produce in Wulai waterfall is 10 times more than any other waterfalls in Taiwan. According to COA Forestry Bureau's research, San-Shia Manyue Waterfall, I-lan Taipingshan waterfall, Taichung Wulin-Taoshan waterfall, Nantou Ren-ai Waterfall, and Wulai waterfall are those which contain plenty of negative electrons. Doctors said breathe in negative electrons can increase oxygen in respiratory passage, making people feeling fresh and energetic all day. On top of that, breathe in plenty of phytoncide can sure make one get a good sleeping quality at night.




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