< 陳總統接見 重大的宣示 >
In a meeting with democratic, U.S. Congressmen, President Chen gave a big "thumbs up" praising democratic candidate John Kerry for his gracious response to his loss in the presidential election. President Chen said that Kerry's attitude won the hearts and respect of the American
people. Chen picked up that theme and revealed for the first time that when he won his first election four years ago, he was the first to call Lian Chan and James Soong to express his regards. He went on to criticize Lian and Song for their continuing animosity 8 months after the last election
(I won my second term in the 2004 election, but the opposing candidates still have not accepted or respected the decision the people expressed through their ballots. The also fail to respect or accept the court's decision upholding the election outcome. It is hard for us to understand why those who lost still hold such anger and bitterness a full 8 months after the election.)
President Chen also received Academia Sinica President 李遠哲, who will be travelling to Chile on the 20th to attend the APEC conference. They hope to take advantage of this rare opportunity for Taiwan to speak on the international stage, but they also hope that this time they will receive a more civil response from Chinese leader Hu Jin-tao.
會見美國民主黨聯邦眾議員, 陳總統豎起了大拇指, 先大大稱讚民主黨總統參選人凱瑞氣度不凡陳總統說, 凱瑞的風度, 贏得美國民心和尊重, 話鋒一轉, 首度透露自己, 四年前台灣總統大選, 是他先主動打電話向連宋致意, 他也批評, 選後已經八個月, 連宋還充滿仇恨
< 立委要軍購 國防部說明 >
On the morning of November 10th, with Director of Navy Ministry and Director of Air Force Ministry aside, Ministry of National Defense held a media conference. They made a presentation, showed the expense and budget planning for purchasing arms and weapons. Ministry of National Defense
emphasized that they are very determined to push the Arm Purchasing Plan. A survey conducted by them showed that 46% of the citizens being asked said they support weapons purchasing plan and 40% of the citizens are against it. However, if the budget can cut to 500 billion nt, supportive citizens would increase to 54%. On top of that, 70% of the citizens want the weapon purchase plan to be validated in Legislative Yuan. Regarding to public saying that the budget plan is too much, Ministry of National Defense answered that they didn't try to add up the numbers purposely. There was a confusion between the real figure and the figure reported by the U.S. Whether the budget plan can be validated by Legislative Yuan, we'll have to wait until the next Legislative assembly.
< 連方瑀助選 台灣好出發 >
On the morning of November 10th a campaign team led by Lien Fang Yu began in front of the KMT building. However, accidents after one another forced the electioneering activity end very quickly.First, DPPlegislater candidate 蘇惠珍 showed up at the campaign unexpectedly, began criticized Wang Jing-ping as being a corrupter. Her words got the Pan Blue supporters very upset.ns The campaign was a total chaos. Water balloons, fish nets and even Taiwan R.O.C. flags could be seen on the floor. Another unexpected accident happened when a man from KMT Women Electioneering Team passed out suddenly. Ambulance came and after CPU the man fortunately woke up. The third accident happened when one of the staffs passed out from breathe in too much carbon dioxide led out by dry ice. The electioneering activity had no choice but to end it very quickly. These unexpected accidents totally took away Lien Fang Yu's spotlight on stage.
< 各地的花絮 李敖稻草人 >
The aborigine representative group arrived at the Legislative Yuan to stage a protest, but the focus shifted when legislative candidates from boththe blue and green camps arrived at the scene, hoping to pull votes. As the two yelled at each other, the aborigines were forced into the background. Meanwhile, in Pingtung, a scarecrow was in the spotlight. A farmer had seen the scarecrow as free ad space. But calling for fairness were legislative candidates from all different camps. As for candidate 李敖, who uses public speeches each week to win votes, this week's topic was guarding the Republic of China. Is this a good strategy? We'll soon find out.
< 台灣史爭議 政治的效應 >
The Ministry of Education's decision to adapt the high school R.O.C. history curriculum has stirred up strong opposition from the pan-Blue camp. The curriculum makes a division at 1945, calling history prior to this date, "Chinese history," while subsequent events are called, "Taiwanese history." KMT and PFP party members see this as a step toward statehood which raises doubts about the identity of the nation over which Chen Shui-bian is the president. Dividing the history of the Republic of China at 1945, with China on one side and Taiwan on the other is a move that has raised the ire of the Pan-Blue alliance. They accuse the Ministry of Education of pushing for independence, but the DPP has spoken out in defense of the move. Who isn't confused about Taiwan's history and identity? The question is, who is thinking about how these decisions will affect the students who are studying the new curriculum?
教育部將高中歷史課程的中華民國史﹐以民國卅四年為界,之前是中國史,之後是台灣史﹐引起國親陣營強烈反彈﹐國民黨和親民黨都認為﹐這是去國家化﹐還質疑陳總統當的究竟是哪一國的總統﹐推入未定論。 中華民國的歷史民國三十四年成為歷史分界線,台灣中國一邊一國,讓國親陣營相當火大,批評教育部在搞台獨,不過民進黨立委跳出來教育部說話本國史外國史把大家都搞糊塗了,只是誰有考慮到正在唸歷史青年學子的感受
< 立院導盲犬 感恩大會師 >
8 guide dogs for the blinds are presented in the Legislative Yuan. Couple of the dogs are already retired, couple of them are working, and couple of them are young puppies still under training. Though they are not Kaloo from the movie, but their innocent looks still made the legislaters and media gone crazy for hem. ns Although law has been passed to protect the guide dogs for blinds, but in general most citizens still have a lot to know and learn about guiding pets. The guide dogs for blinds have to be carefully picked and undergo 8 months of training. After training, these guide dogs can officially work for the blinds. When they are on work, they can't play with others. Therefore, next time you see them on the street, don't treat them like pets because they might be working!
< 瓦斯又漲價 小吃跟著漲? >
The meat buns steam as they are taken out, looking delicious. But Mr. Hsieh can't even crack a smile because this morning when he ordered a barrel of gas, he found out that the price of gas had gone up once again. From January until now, Formosa Plastics and China Petroleum have increased the price of liquified petroleum gas again and again. Although each hike was only around 1 NT more, the price of gas per kilogram has gone up an accumulated 5.4 NT this year alone. Whether it's small dishes or baked sweet potatoes, the vendors are all complaining. Mr. Hsieh, who has sold meat buns for over a decade, feels like he is bleeding internally. On Tuesday, after FPC adjusted its gas price, CPC followed suit. But vendors are afraid to increase their prices, and can only swallow the difference so as not to affect business. With the prices of all consumer products going up, business is harder and harder to do.
< 國內第一個 口服戒菸藥 >
John has only been working in Taiwan for one year, but he has been addicted to tobacco for eight. The doctor said that he needed to quit smoking because of his high blood pressure. Knowing that he lacked willpower, John decided to try a pill to break the addiction. After using the drug for six months, he is now free of his addiction. Doctors say that this type of drug works by maintaining levels of neurotransmitter s so that people fell like they are smoking, gradually reducing the amount of tobacco they smoke until they reach their goal of breaking the habit. However, the success rate for this type of drug isn't very high. Studies show that only about 30% of people who take the pills quit smoking, but that is still higher than those who use patches or tobacco chewing gum, and the pills don't lead to weight gain. However, this drug can't be used by epileptics and those on medication for depression.
< 阿一又來了 鮑魚極品宴 >
As soon as the lid of the pot is lifted away, everyone's mouths begin watering. What are the contents of the pot? The answer is high-quality abalone. And who is preparing this dish? That would be Hong Kong abalone master chef 楊貫 一. This set of twenty abalone weighing 1 kilogram total is worth over 10,000 NT, but pales in comparison to the set of four abalone Yang has brought with him from Hong Kong. A set of four abalone weighing one kilogram total need sixty years to grow to that size, so they are extremely valuable. These four security guards have been hired to ensure that nothing happens to the set of abalone, and none of them risk taking their eyes off of the abalone for even a second. On this trip, 阿一 has only brought eight abalone with him, and will be preparing them with Shanghainese lobsters and crabs and swallow's nest. The meal costs 120,000 NT per head, and sold out a long time ago. The meal using a second-level set of ten abalone weighing 1 kilogram total is limited to 100 persons, and has also sold out despite costing 30,000 NT per person. With each bite costing around 10,000 NT, is it really worth it? It truly is difficult to valuate.
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