< 阿扁的活動 多國使到任 >
This is Sanchez' second term of office as the Dominican representative to Taiwan. President Chen welcomes him and briefs the representative on the rapid developments that have taken place in Taiwan in the last few years. Sanchez hands over the letter of credence; Chen then officially welcomes him on behalf of the ROC government and people. The President then acknowledged Sanchez' efforts in the election of the Dominican President Fernandez. Sanchez acted as campaign coordinator for Fernandez, who won by a landslide in May this year. Chen congratulated Sanchez on the success. Finally, Chen pointed out positive outlooks for close collaboration between Taiwan and the Dominican Republic. The President hoped that Sanchez will help to enhance relations between the two countries.
< 台灣是地雷?外交和政院 >
Who is the mine in between U.S.-China relations? U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Armitage says it is Taiwan. During a recent interview with the U.S. media, he declared that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China. Furthermore, he said that there is nowhere in the U.S.-Taiwan Relations Act which indicated that Taiwan requests U.S. to protect Taiwan. Armitage continued by explaining that the U.S. does not need to protect Taiwan according to the U.S.-Taiwan Relations Act, and the decision is through Congress if there is a need to involve in war. The Pan-Blue legislators worry about such statements given by Armitage. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs proclaims that things are not as bad as it seems.
呂 慶龍: (He only said that it could be Taiwan; he didn't necessarily state that it is in fact Taiwan.)
However, has Armitage's "mine" speech hurt Taiwan-U.S. relations in any way? The Executive Yuan has already instructed Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inquire AIT and also informed David Lee, Taiwan's Representative in U.S. of the situation, in hope that the U.S. State Department can offer a clarification and explanation.
誰是美中關係的地雷?美國副國務卿阿米塔吉的答案居然是台灣,更在接受美國媒體訪問時表示,只有一個中國,台灣是中國的一部分,台灣關係法,沒有要求美國保衛台灣阿米塔吉更進一步說到, 根據台灣關係法,美國沒又必要防衛台灣,出兵由美國國會決定。聽到這樣的言論,藍軍立委非常擔心不過,外交部研究之後表示,事情沒並有那麼糟糕。
< AIT今簽約 2008搬內湖 >
This piece of land is the future site of the American Institute in Taiwan. Due to security precautions, the US will be handling all the construction and design work at an estimated cost of 160 million US dollars. The US government is leasing this piece of land for 99 years, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that this is proof of good ties between the US and Taiwan. The US has also announced that a retired military official will be sent to Taiwan next year to head up the AIT. China believes that this move will have a negative impact on the stability of cross-strait relations as well as the further development of US-Sino ties, but a spokesperson for the AIT has said that the retired military officer is being posted only to raise the effectiveness of the AIT in terms of administration. Therefore, China shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill.
< 美蘋果有蟲 不能再進口 >
The 基隆Harbor Customs is very busy as usual in the mornings. There are four big containers containing apples entering customs that have just arrived from the U.S. Recently there were incidences where codling moths have been found in the U.S. imported apples, so customs officers are all very careful with the inspection. These crimson red apples all look very delicious, but you cannot tell by appearance whether or not they're infested with insects. Customs officers even randomly picked out a few apples and cut them open to check. Even though these few boxes have passed to be insect-free, the other boxes of apples that had been found with codling moths two days ago had resulted in the decision to ban importing apples from the U.S immediately. When the ban will be lifted is yet unknown. The Ministry explained that even though codling moths are harmless to health upon digestion, it is still damaging to crops. It takes only one codling moth to vastly breed and as a result they could eat up the whole orchard. Agricultural experts still haven't found a way to totally prevent this so once codling moth is discovered it should be treated with caution immediately. At any rate, there is only around a two-week stock of U.S. imported apples left before the ban gets lifted.
< 如何作分類 志工來宣導 >
This student couldn't be bothered to separate the trash. So he stuffs everything into the garbage bag. "It's okay," he thinks, as long as no one sees. But alas! A volunteer from the Environmental Protection Agency catches him right in the act. His embarrassment can be imagined! Although most citizens have developed the good habit of separating trash, most, like Cheng, are still unclear to the rules. How are the trash divided into three categories? This group of volunteers for the EPA are assigned to city streets to promote awareness. Their services will help citizens to fully understand the rules and act as prelude to the new recycling policy to be launched after the new year.
< 投幣式廁所 台北學法國? >
When nature calls, most pedestrians will seek out the facilities at fast-food restaurants or department stores, whereas gas stations are the locale of choice for drivers. The Taipei City government will be making things easier for the population by setting up coin-operated toilets in high-density areas. In the future, people will only have to spend 10 NT to gain access to clean and hygienic toilets. The announcement has been met with both positive and negative reactions. At Monday's public restroom exhibition, some members of the bathroom facility industry recommended that the Taipei City Government should follow the American and European model and set up coin-operated bathrooms. Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou thought it was an excellent idea, and will be seeking out private manufacturers to turn the idea into reality.
在台北街頭走著走著, 忽然覺得內急, 好想上廁所,大部分的人都會跟速食店借用洗手間, 加油站也很受開車族的歡迎, 不過以後可不必這麼麻煩, 只要是人潮多的地方, 未來都會設置像這樣的投幣式公廁, 投個十塊錢, 就能使用衛生又乾淨的廁所民眾的反應有好有壞, 星期一開幕的公廁博覽會, 有業者向市長馬英九建議, 效法歐美引進投幣式公廁, 馬英九相當肯定, 將會盡快徵求民間廠商合作, 給台北市民更大的方便
< 千人羊肉爐 阿珠流水席 >
On the eve of the winter solstice, the Changhwa County Government will treat its staff to hot servings of mutton hot pot. Donning a professional chef robe, County Magistrate 翁金 珠 personally leads a group of fine cooks to prepare ingredients for 100 tables of guests. It isn't an easy task to stir 10,000 servings of mutton in a 12-meter pot! But 翁金珠 says, compared to the hard work of her staff, this is nothing! In no time, the hot pot is ready to be served. A Guinness World Record has also just been set. Thousands of members of the County Government celebrate the occasion with bowls of mutton soup to welcome the cold winter.
< 耶誕應景品 都標示不清 >
The snow spray decorates the Christmas tree beautifully, but the odor created by the spray is not very pleasant. What exactly is being sprayed out from the can? The manufacturer's label is unclear, and the product is actually potentially dangerous. Other popular Christmastime items like gingerbread houses and surprise grab bags also either have unclear labels and expiration dates or lack labels altogether, perhaps because they are on the market for such a short period. According to a random sample survey conducted by the Consumers Foundation on ten different Christmas products, only 20% of the products have adequate information on their labels, whereas the majority either lack labels or lack information on ingredients or materials, or only have foreign language labels. If you wish to have a happy and enjoyable Christmas, make certain when purchasing Christmas products and decorations that the items are safe.
< 捉到黃金鱔 十萬元不賣 >
What are all these people standing around in a circle looking at? This golden yellow animal looks like a snake but it's actually a very rare golden color swamp eel. If you don't look that closely you would mistaken it as a sea snake. The farmer who has discovered it lives in 花蓮, and he discovered it right in his own paddy field by chance. This golden swamp eel is actually bred in Taiwan and Mr. Chen found it in the paddy fields of豐田 Village. The golden color patter on the swamp eel is not common, and so Mr. Chen treats it with extra care and attention. According to some cultural-historical workers, this eel is actually not foreign bred but Taiwan bred swamp eel. The reason for the mutation in color may be due to disease, causing change in color. There are people who are offering as much as 120 thousand NT to buy this swamp eel from Mr. Chen but he says he still needs more time to make a decision.
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