星期五, 11月 12, 2004


< 親黨祭國父 總統府嗆聲 >
    Dressed in black from head to toe, a New Party legislator hopeful was the first person in a long line to pay his respects to the founding father of the Republic of China. Reading a text about his disappointment in the ruling party, New Party heavyweight 陳癸淼 teared up. But before he had time to gain control of his emotions, the next group of people arrived. Taipei City Mayor 馬英九 brought six legislative candidates who paid their respects in a sea of flags. One candidate put his own picture together with Sun Yat-sen's. When asked about the history textbook debate, Ma was visibly angry. With a variety of events happening at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial on Friday, things
never quieted down as protesters pelted pictures of 杜正勝 and 林玉体 with eggs. What should have been a solemn occasion became a campaign tool, and one can only wonder what the father of the nation is thinking in heaven as he watches the events below.






< 張俊雄輔選 十大的綱領 >
    The DPP Secretary-General and the party's legislative caucus leader 蔡煌 瑯 both attended the release of DPP's goals in the legislature. The party announced that if it wins majority in the legislative election, it will pursue a total of 10 objectives to bring new hope to the island of Taiwan.
The objectives include auditing assets of the KMT, reducing the period of military service by half, cutting down the number of elections by half, among others. On the 11th, Chen Shui-bian personally appointed 張俊雄 as President of the Legislative Yuan, launching the battle for the position. Chang was outraged by incumbent 王金平 's charge that he contended for the rank in inappropriate manners. While legislative candidates vie for seats, the head of the legislature is no less coveted by officials.





< 梁弘志彌撒 音樂送他走 >
    "Just like your tenderness" is the first hit written by 梁志 宏. With all the fresh flowers and live music, all of his family and friends accompanied 梁志 宏 in his last trip. A fresh bouquet of 999 roses is presented, in hoping that 梁志宏'music would last eternally in everyone's hearts. 蔡琴, who originally sang "Just like your tenderness", gets teary eyed again and chokes on the words when she performed this song during his funeral ceremony. Everyone thinks it's such a shame for a great music talent and friend to depart at such an early time in life. After dealing with pancreas cancer for 6 months, 梁 志宏 lost the fight. Even though he only lived for 47 years, his music shall forever be passed on to the next generations.






< 金馬新人獎 東海女學生 >
    How would 洪顥瑄 react if she won the Golden Horse Best Newcomer Award? The 18-year old's reaction isn't fake at all. Her personality was one of the reasons the director of the film cast her in 擁抱大白熊. In the film, Hong plays the role of a difficult teenager, and is often in conflict with a 10-year old boy.
In real life, Hong has a seven year old brother, and perhaps because of it, she took to her role naturally. Hong laughingly admits that she looks like a female version of 趙自強, and says that she is never recognized at school. In her first ever role, Hong did everything that was asked of her, including cutting her hair. She says that her participation in the film gave her many experiences she'd never had before, and would seriously consider acting as a career.





< 二二八點燈 主題歌公布 >
    The upbeat melody and simple lyrics sing of the love for Taiwan. This is the theme song of the Hand in Hand Organization's national title movement. The limerick-like tune is easy to catch on to. It is hoped that the song will attract new friends to join in next year's lighting event on February 28th. While the theme song is inviting, the event ID gives a message that is equally friendly and approachable. The symbol is a colorful windmill of 6 different colors, to represent harmony among the many cultures and ethnicities of Taiwan. Hand in Hand will soon be establishing a campaign support group to tour Taiwan and rally for the 66 legislative candidates signed with the



    輕快的旋律, 簡單易懂的歌詞, 緩緩唱出對於台灣母親的眷戀, 這就是手護台灣大聯盟正名運動的主題歌, 類似兒歌的旋律, 很容易朗朗上口, 希望明年228有更多人來參與點燈的活動主題歌溫暖動人,現場也公佈了活動的標誌, 以六個不同顏色的台灣組成的彩色風車, 代表六個不同角度的台灣, 族群融合, 創造了多姿多彩的文化, 手護台灣大聯盟也宣佈成立台灣國助選團, 將要巡迴全國, 為參與連署的66位立委助選造勢



< 法務部擬購 電子手腳銬 >
    The Ministry of Justice is soon planning on using a surveillance system on the sexual harasser of the pocketknife that women are afraid off. Using electronic bracelets and ankle bracelets, prisoners on parole are always being monitored by computers when they walk around during both day and night times, in order to prevent them from committing sexual offense again. This parolee surveillance system is still in its experimental stages in Britain and the U.S. Therefore, the decision of the Ministry of Justice to proceed to official usage is causing concerns from the Judicial Reform Foundation.
The Judicial Reform Foundation thinks that the reason for using this new surveillance system is because the Ministry of Justice lacks confidence in their behavior correction system and loose standards of period on parole for prisoners. Even though the surveillance system is still in its developmental stages, the actual efficiency of electronic surveillance is yet to be determined.






< 法官常生病 因為風水差 >
   The courtyard fountain of Panchiao District Court recently underwent renovations. Its painting was refurbished and the muddy water gave way to a source for clean, clear water. Judges at the court revealed the changes were made according to the rules of fengshui. This is a picture of how the fountain looked before renovations. The spout was covered with moss. A far cry from its refreshing looks now. This year alone, three judges from this courthouse were diagnosed with cancer. Some believe it was the poor fengshui of this fountain that worked as a negative influence on health. Although there may be no correlation between the two, the courthouse says it chose to act on the recommendation of the science to put fears at ease. After all, the Chinese say about superstitions: It is better to acknowledge its existence than to deny it outright. The irony is not escaped, however, that an institution based on evidence is susceptible to folk beliefs.




< 受刑人改過 賣魚鬆大賺 >
    If someone requests it, this vendor of dried shredded fish will take off his shirt to show off his dragon and phoenix tattoos. But will his tattoos frighten his customers into running off? His female customers love him. Apart from his products being delicious, they are touched by his life story and how he turned over a new leaf. He was at first unused to normal daily life after getting out of prison, and would often get stared at because of his tattoos. But persevering, 劉文通 is now earning an honest living, and has income of over 900,000 NT per month. His tattoos are now his business' sign, and guarantee his products' quality.






< 御諏訪太鼓 仁愛之家秀 >
    This is the Osuwa Taiko drums from the 3 Japanese Taiko drums. During the drumming performance your mood shifts accordingly to the sound and rhythm of the drums. The patients from Home of Renai all watched with full concentration. This woman is even clapping her hands according to the beat of the drums. Everyone felt that it is an amazing performance. The Taiko drum's sound and rhythm combined can affect people's emotions and even alleviate depression. It is considered to be a therapeutic instrument. The exciting performance has even attracted the neighbors from around Home of Renai to come and watch. In the end people are asking and wondering when they would be able to see such an amazing performance again in their area.





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