星期一, 12月 06, 2004


< 不滿民進黨 台聯也發飆 >
    Pan-green legislative candidate 陳永福 holds in one hand a flyer which was disseminated by four DPP candidates: 周 雅淑, 陳朝龍, 趙 永清, and 沈發惠 . These four candidates are running in the same district as Chen. The front of the flyer calls for vote allocation to help all four DPP candidates win seats, whereas the back asks voters not to vote for 陳永福 . Chen wants the DPP to take action against the four within three days. Former President Lee Teng-hui announced while attending a rally on Sunday that the TSU is not a vase belonging to the DPP. With all this going on less than one week before the election, if the pan-green camp wants to win the majority in the Legislature, it looks like they'll have to first settle all the internal fighting.




< 國親的配票 最後怎麼做 >
    The KMT has finally declared deployment of the vote distribution strategy. However, the tactic will only apply to KMT and New Party, with PFP excluded from the plan. As the arrangement implies disunity in the pan-blue camp, speculation has risen as to how it will continue to operate as a joint body. Joining the distribution will be Taichung City, Kaohsiung County, Pingdong County and Tainan City. The counties of Taoyuan, Miaoli, Chunghwa, Yunlin, Taichung and Tainan will resort to regional vote distribution. Jiayi County and Hsinchu County will not participate in the plan; other cities to be named will be discussed in detail. On the PFP side, its own vote distribution strategy will be announced. One candidate has volunteered to share votes, but under the condition of sacrificing the least likely winning candidate. The party may have a difficult time taking up on a plan that will hurt its own party member.




< 親黨泡沫化 三地的連線 >
    Every time PFP legislative candidates 龐建 國 and 林郁方 go on streets for campaigning, they are scared to hear the words "to-dong" from their voters. "To-dong" in English means "don't worry, you'll make it". The two asked chairman James Soong not to assist other candidates anymore or else the two are afraid that none of them could get into the legislature. The parade on December 5th wishes to raise PFP's popularity. James Soong has lost twice in election and his support rating is continuously dropping. PFP is very much worried about the votes they could receive from South of Cho-Shiu Stream. In Southern Taiwan, as opposed to the wrong strategy last time, PFP only nominated one candidate in Kao-hsiung north district, wished to go for a safe strategy plan this time. To PFP, this election battle means more than just a battle for number of seats in legislature; it means life or death for the party.

    親民黨候選人龐建國,林郁方,夾帶高人氣,沿街拜票,最怕聽選民說“妥當“,他們要主席宋楚瑜最後一星期,別再趴趴走,應該斷尾求生,該斷就斷,否則拖垮所有人,大家一起死!週日這場大遊行,親民黨寄望選前拉抬聲勢宋楚瑜經歷兩次敗選, 聲勢直線下滑, 親民黨的支持度在這次選戰受到嚴苛考驗, 濁水溪以南能拿多少票, 很不樂觀至於在南台灣,上一屆親民黨在高雄北區提名太多,全軍覆沒,這一屆,不求多,提名一席,以安全全上壘為優先!這場選戰,對親民黨而言,不只是席次之爭,更是生死存亡的關鍵一戰!



< 超強冷氣團 淡水最低溫 >
    The continental cold front revealed itself in full force in Tamsui on Sunday evening, pulling temperatures down to this winter's record low of 11.4 degrees Celsius. The cold persisted through Monday morning, when temperature still gauged at 11.5 degrees Celsius. In the plains of Jiayi, the cold remained at 12.4 degrees. According to the Central Weather Bureau, Monday evening will be accompanied by even colder weather. That explains the thick sweaters seen on commuters in the city. But the fact is, weather conditions during the day are quite warm. In the north, temperatures returned to 21 degrees; in Central and Southern Taiwan, it reached a high of 26 degrees. The cold front has only appeared from evening until early morning, causing a great difference in day and night time temperatures. The cold will last until Wednesday.




< 父母親肥胖 子女大多胖 >
    Most people want to be in the best possible physical shape, but it isn't necessarily an easy goal to achieve. 1400 junior high school students were studied by a doctor from Hualien's 慈濟 Hospital. The results of the study showed that children of obese parents are much more likely to become obese. Furthermore, children of diabetic parents, particularly diabetic mothers, have a higher likelihood of developing diabetes after age 20. Because the eating habits of parents have a great influence on the growth of children, doctors urge obese youths to seek medical advice for any discomfort experienced. Doctors also recommend that obese parents should eat balanced meals and exercise regularly for the sake of their own and their children’s' health. Obese people should also pay extra attention to any physical changes that may occur.




< 新聖誕公車 今天要上路 >
    These are jolly bus drivers getting ready to give kids a big surprise on Monday morning. To celebrate the holiday season, Capital Bus had its 500 bus drivers dress up as Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus to treat children to candies and treats. The children are ecstatic at the sight of their favorite holiday characters. What's more, the buses are decorated with Christmas trees and lights. Bus rides are turned into a fun excursion! As bus operators have had to share business with the MRT system, the holiday festivity is an attempt at attracting more customers. Last year, the Christmas buses increased the number of passengers by 5 percent. In the season of love and joy, a win-win for businesses and consumers is the perfect holiday gift.




< 內湖派出所 將要列古蹟 >
    This Japanese-looking architecture is the Nei Hu local police station. This police station was originally a business office for Japanese when Taiwan was a colony of Japan. After the Japanese left, this office became the local police station for Nei Hu residents. And because the architecture is getting old, Nei Hu district office planned to tear it town and construct new office building. However, staffs of Cultural and Historical Committee wish this historical architecture could stay untouched. The staffs and Nei Hu borough warden began arguing. One of the staffs named 陳金讚 even shaved his head to show his determination in saving the historical architecture. Unlike the staffs Of Cultural and Historical Committee, nearby residents have long wanted the police station and the nearby old architectures to demolish for new development planning. Exactly what to do to satisfy both parties, and whether the architectures are to stay or demolish, both parties need to sit down and collaborate for a better plan.




< 紡織品發明 測心律衣服 >
    This thin strap doesn't look anything out of the ordinary, but it is the textile industry's latest product. Placed inside clothing, it can monitor heart rates and body temperatures. In combining electronics with clothing, this product can help you monitor your health at all times, while helping you to relax and save time. This piece of clothing, on the other hand, is bullet proof and temperature adjustable. Using the newest materials, bulletproof clothing no longer has to be heavy and heat absorbing. The event's theme this year is health, and is the result of Taiwan's textiles industry incorporating high technology into their products.




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