星期五, 12月 03, 2004


< 下午發陸上 明天風雨強 >
    The first winter typhoon in 100 years, Nanmadol, is striking Taiwan. In the morning, the typhoon left Luzan Philippines and came straight toward Taiwan. A sea typhoon alert was anounced at 2am of December 3rd and an on land typhoon alert was announced in the very afternoon by the Central Weather Bureau. Northern,
Eastern and Southern part of Taiwan will first experience the strong wind and heavy rainfall brought by the storm. Central Weather Bureau said this Saturday is when the storm is the strongest. And it will hopefully leave the country on Sunday. This is a warning to all Taiwan residents, please be aware of the storm and prevent any disasters from happening.





< 貞昌和長廷 同台助選擠 >
    Although Frank Hsieh arrived at candidate 湯 金全's campaign rally on time early in the morning, he still had to wait for the arrival of someone else. After 蘇貞昌 finally arrived, the two DPP heavyweights stepped onto the same stage, a rare occurrence indeed. Although Su was originally slated to
speak, he refused several times to step up to the microphone, and instead pushed Hsieh into the spotlight. The two appeared to be attempting to put rumors of discord between them to rest. The event was held to support candidate 湯金全, but candidate 黃昭輝 had his own agenda. Arriving upon the scene, he created quite an awkward situation. In the end, Tang's wife was unable to suppress her anger, and stepped forward to give Huang a big shove. Su and Hsieh, on the other hand, were visibly unsure what to do since Tang and Huang are both pan-green candidates. All they could do was join hands and raise them in the air, and hope that both would get elected.






< 馬家軍廣告 惹火馬英九 >
    The words, "Not one less in the Ma Army," sprawl out across half a page in the morning paper. The joint advertisementwas put up by independent legislative candidate 林正修 . It evokes Ma Ying-jeou's endorsement and includes the Mayor's signature. However, as this was done without approval from Ma himself, Ma is outraged. 林正修 and 賴士葆, both members of the so-called Ma Army, immediately released public apologies and offered explanations. Of the 5 legislative candidates in the group: 林正修 and 吳育昇 were strategists for Ma; 賴士葆 and 蘇盈貴 worked pro bono on the City Government committee. The five candidates recently called out to Ma Ying-jeou for support in heir campaign. Over the unauthorized signature now, anxiety may have been generated between the mayor and the campaigners. It still leaves to be seen whether the glamour of the "Ma Army" will work for or against the 5 candidates.



    佔了報紙半個版面,斗大的字體寫著『馬團隊一個都不能少』,這個由無黨籍候選人林正修刊登的聯合競選廣告,打著馬英九的招牌,還未經馬英九同意,附上簽名,這可讓小馬哥相當不滿。惹火了馬市長,林正修和賴士葆趕緊表達歉意, 出面解釋廣告中五位候選人, 林正修吳育昇是馬英九過去的幕僚, 賴士葆和蘇盈貴則擔任市政府委員會義務職務, 連薪水都沒有拿, 五人日前還向馬英九告急, 希望馬市長幫忙站台, 為了一個簽名, 雙方恐怕已經產生心結, 選前馬家軍光環, 對候選人還有沒有用,引發外界揣測!



< 藍綠都棄保 許淵國運鵬 >
    Though just yesterday, 許淵國 was sitting in front of KMT headquater yesterday, refusing to eat as a way to protest KMT's attempt of sacrafise him for another candidate. Today he put himself together and went out for campaigning. He is still upset over what KMT had tried to do to him. Same situation has also happened to DPP's Northern district of Taipei city 鄭運 鵬. Rumors were heard that DPP nominated 5 candidates but the total votes could only get 4 candidates into legislature. In addition,TSU's 陳建銘 is also a strong competitor. Therefore 鄭運鵬 who is the least favored among voters might be sacrafised by his own party. However, he believes in DPP and said that his party would not do such things to him. There is a cruel part for every election battle, which is at the end of the battle, your biggest threat is not from your enemy but from your comrade.






< 呂副棄柺杖 美麗島25年 >
    The Vice President walks slowly from the President's residence to 200 meters away where the press conference is held. This is the first time since the March 19 shooting that Lu has been able to move without a walking stick. After 9 months, the knee injury has finally healed. Despite the happy recovery, Lu turns sentimental in
light of the 1979 Kaohsiung Incident, for which she was imprisoned for 6 years. At the launch of the documentary commemorating its 25 anniversary, the VP reminisces with old photographs. 施明德, also actively involved in the incident, was scheduled to appear at the launch, but canceled at the last minute. His reason was, the Kaohsiung incident is a historical event, not political. It seems that the two comrades who once fought side-by-side have each gone their separate ways.






< 瑞妮今亮相 晚上星光道 >
    In the press conference, Renee Zellweger is looking gorgeous and slim. In Bridget Jones' diary, she plays an overweight single woman living in London, anticipates love but yet always feel insecure in love. In order to play the role of Bridget Jones, Renee put on 20 kilograms in 3 months. But now she had lost all the extra weight she had put and back to her slim body. How did she do it?
(I don't like sitting at a desk all day, eating bon bons and drinking shardines. Now I'm much more active. I need it for my mental health and I need to go for a nice long run.)

In the new BJ's diary, Renee continues to be torned between to two handsome men, played by Hugh Grant and Colin Firth. This movie attracted many movie watchers who also in real life are like Bridget Jones. And that's why the movie was successful because many women could be related to Bridget in the movie. On the night of December 3rd, Renee Zellweger will be walking on the red carpet for her moviepremier in Shimanding.



    記者會上的芮妮,身材穠纖合度,多一分太肥,少一分太瘦!這也是她,BJ單身日記第二集裡的Bridget Jones,立志減肥三公斤,期待感情卻又怕受傷害的,單身倫敦女子!為了演活BJ這個角色,芮妮短短三個月之內,從四十五公斤,胖到六十五公斤,更厲害的是,殺青後,她居然立刻瘦回來,她是如何辦到的?



< 北體一百勝 師大可打敗 >
    For Taiwan Normal University's basketball team, a game against the weaker Taipei Teachers College only requires their second best players. Dressed in white jerseys, they wineasily with a score of 96 to 71. National players 李豐永 and 王志群 are breezing on the bleachers. During last year's tournament, Taiwan Normal University nearly broke Taipei Physical Education College's winning streak in a game lost by one point. This year, they will challenge their arch rival once again, full of confidence. A look at the starting players: On Taipei Physical Education College's side, there are 李學林, 張智峰,周士淵,李啟億, and 曾文鼎- all national level. From Taiwan Normal University, starting players consist of 田壘, 王志群 , 吳永仁, 何守正, and 李豐永. The two teams will meet again at the playoffs. The showdownis expected to be the pinnacle of the matches.






< 電腦病鬆弛 維他命亂吃 >
    Many people sit in front of a computer all day long, and then go home and surf the web. Over the long term, they start experiencing stiffness in the neck or soreness in the hands and wrists. In more severe cases, they may even develop arthritis. Doctors recommend that heavy computer users should often stand up to stretch, or move the head from side to side or massage the head with your fingers in order to move the neck muscles. For the hands, you should do wrist circles to stretch out the area. Doctors also say that vitamins can help. They recommend intaking 600 micrograms of Vitamin A each day, as well as ingesting Vitamins D, E, and K. However, doctors remind the public that vitamins should be taken with care in order to avoid poisoning. Intaking too much Vitamin A over the long term may cause damage to the liver, and too much Vitamin D may result in cardiovascular problems. Too much Vitamin E, on the other hand, may cause lightheadedness, whereas too much Vitamin K may cause anemia. Therefore, to be healthy, vitamins should be taken according to recommended dosages, and
most importantly, people should eat balanced meals and exercise regularly.



    每天坐在電腦前好幾個小時, 回家之後, 還繼續上網奮鬥, 長期下來, 是不是覺得頸部僵硬, 手部也容易酸痛, 嚴重的話, 還可能引起退化性關節炎醫師建議, 電腦族最好多做伸展運動, 有空就轉轉頭,或是像這樣用手壓著頭, 活動頸部肌肉, 再把雙手反轉做做伸展, 另外還要多吃維他命,像是維他命A, 每天應該攝取600微克, 維他命D, E,K也都不能少, 不過醫師也提醒, 維他命可不能亂吃,否則可能會引起中毒長期攝取過量的維他命A, 會造成肝臟損壞, 過量維他命D, 會引起心律不整, 維他命E過量會造成眩暈, 而吃太多維他命K,則會引起溶血性貧血, 想要健康有活力, 醫師建議, 維他命適量攝取就好了, 最重要的還是飲食均衡, 多做運動



< 侯硐站改建 林陵三主持 >
    After over ten years of waiting, construction finally began. With Transportation Minister 林陵三 digging up the first shovelful of dirt, work has begun on 瑞芳's 侯硐 Station. When construction is completed, a completely new 侯硐 Station will be unveiled. A coal mine museum will be built nearby, and the surrounding roads will be widened and straightened out. Many area residents, however, were a bit saddened to see the work begin, being used to the sight of the old station. However, the modernization of the station has the support of most people. In the future, tourists will be able to travel between the station and the coal mine museum on self-driven vehicles. How many tourists will be arriving once the work has been completed? Area residents can hardly wait to find out.





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