星期三, 12月 01, 2004


< 四天王輔選 歡迎查賄選 >
    The four DPP heavyweights were all on hand at Taipei 101 in an attempt to help the pan-green parties win the majority in the legislature. The first thing Kaohsiung mayor Frank Hsieh did was explain why he was late. In light of the upcoming Christmas holiday, the heavyweights led the candidates to hang wish dolls upon the Christmas tree in order to pray for the pan-green camp to win at least 101 seats. Legal campaigning will officially begin on Wednesday. In the next few days, the four DPP campaign supporters will be attending rallies all over the island. Beginning in the morning, 蘇 貞昌 led the four pan-green candidates running in District One of Taipei County to the 板橋 Market, where they tried to gain the support of vendors and shoppers. A vendor presented the group with a large bag of candy, which Su divided up. Su then changed into a vest in a further effort to gain support. As for allegations that corruption was affecting the campaign race in Taipei County, Su said that the DPP welcomes officials to investigate the matter. In the final days before the election, campaigning is becoming more and more heated.


熱情的店家老闆送上一大袋糖果,蘇貞昌趕緊分送,連過路的小妹妹都有份. 越走越熱蘇貞昌換上背心,繼續衝選票。針對台北縣傳出賄選,蘇貞昌則表示,民進黨歡迎檢調來查。選舉進入倒數,戰火也越燒越烈。



< 馬英九輔選 馬家軍亮相 >
    Leading 6 KMT legislative candidates, Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou went on streets, pleading residents walking by to vote for KMT. The campaign delegation was standing right in the middle of the crowded Taipei Train Station district. Because Mayor Ma was afraid of the pedestrians' safety, he doesn't forget to direct traffic while assisting for the legislative candidates. Mayor Ma wasn't too happy with the unorganized scene. Only after the crowds got cooled down, smile was back to Mayor Ma's face again. The 5 KMT legislative candidates, also called the Ma's Armies, held a press conference on this day and announce their determination to get in to legislature together. Though they are all crowned as Mayor Ma's followers, but they are not too confident that they could win. Mayor Ma has already tried his best to help them. It is up to voters' decision.

    帶著國民黨六位候選人, 台北市長馬英九站在街頭, 向來來往往的民眾拉票造勢地點正好在人潮洶湧的台北車站, 擔心影響行人通行, 馬英九一邊輔選, 一邊指揮交通,不過效果好像不太好,馬英九生氣了, 等到大家都乖乖配合, 才又露出笑容, 輔選行程跑不完, 而號稱是馬家軍的五位候選人, 也首度召開記者會, 宣佈聯合進軍國會的決心就算頂著馬英九的光環, 不過五位子弟兵都認為選情不樂觀, 紛紛向馬英九告急師父領進門, 修行看個人, 想要全部送進立法院, 馬英九還有得拼


< 阿輝伯站台 曾燦燈告急 >
    In the Northern and Southern Districts of Kaohsiung, there is one candidate each from the TSU competing for a seat. In the heat of the race, the pan-green candidates invited star campaigner, former President Lee Tung-huei, to attract votes at a rally. Nearly 2000 voters showed up at San-min Park to welcome the popular Lee with cheers and roars of applause. The former President urged supporters to help pan-greens win majority as a means to end the current political turmoil. Lee also remarked that correcting Taiwan's national title is essential to the future of Taiwan. The former President has been on a tight schedule for two days, speaking at campaign rallies from Pingdong to Kaohsiung. The pan-green camp hopes to take down all the legislative seats in Southern Taiwan.




< 冬天有颱風 40年第一次 >
    Looking at the bottom right hand side of the photo, there shows the big cyclone, which is a mid-sized typhoon Nanmadol. It is about little more than 2000 kilometers away from Taiwan. Central Weather Bureau expects to that typhoon will be in Taiwan on Thursday December 4th. The outer current of Nanmadol and the northeast monsoon creates a reaction that will bring rain to Taiwan. The key depends on the northern high pressure. If it can't stop Nanmadol from going north by northwest but let Nanmadol go north on the Lu-Song Island, Central Weather Bureau will then announce a sea and land typhoon warning. For the residents who have live in Taiwan for over 40 years, they will be seeing the first winter typhoon in Taiwan.




< 食鹽水噴霧 可以防流感 >
    Would taking a deep breath of this prevent colds and the flu? A report compiled by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences indicates that inhalation of saline spray effectively wards off colds and pneumonia. Researchers found that, after 6 minutes of inhaling a saline spray, droplets decreased by 70 percent. As saline seems to increase surface tension of liquids, droplets in the respiratory tract grow in size, which makes it difficult for them to travel out of the mouth. It also makes diseases more difficult to be airborne. The discovery is said to be helpful in coping with respiratory diseases such as SARS. Doctors in Taiwan, however, are skeptical. Experts say as the inhalation equipment is available only in hospitals, it is highly unlikely for civilians to stay away from colds with this method.




< 垃圾怎分類 江總拍短片 >
    After stage makeup was applied to his face, EPA Minister 張祖恩 filmed the commercial. Playing the role of batter, Chang made every movement count as he swung the bat from first one angle and then another. CTS President 江 霞 also made an appearance, playing the role of the umpire. This commercial is a public service announcement, which explains the new garbage separation system that will go into effect on January 1st. The island is currently in the midst of baseball fever, and government officials hope that next year, when the new policy goes into effect, it too will become a grand slam.




< 青少年高球 花費超昂貴 >
    Just take a look at the swings of these young players. They are young in age, but precocious in their skills. Under professional training of golf courses, each one has competed with players beyond their age. 黃韜 is in the 8th grade. Measuring 180-cm in stature, 300 yards for an opening swing is a piece of cake for him. Aside from a state-of-art golf venue, the course also offers accommodation at its 5-star resort. The players learn fast, but it does cost money. Training for a player costs 2 million a year. If a Tiger Woods of Taiwan is yielded, it will prove to be a worthy investment.




< 太陽能家電 可隨身攜帶 >
    From now on, you don’t need to carry a bag of batteries with you when you go outdoors camping. This small size solar energy board immediately erase your stereotypically image of solar energy usage. See, open the board like this and connect it with an interchange, then you can freely use the electric fan, mobile phone, watch movie, play computer, and even put cold drinks in a refrigerator. Even if it is at night, the battery installed inside could save electricity that could last over 24 hours, depends on the size of the solar energy board you have. Like this big board with a battery weighs about 4kg. This is extremely useful when you're outdoors in absolute darkness. These are the new products that haven't been out on the market yet. These new inventions had made solar energy products more closely to our daily lives.




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