星期四, 12月 02, 2004


< 夢時代上樑 高清愿上祭 >
  The launch of the construction of the Dream Era Shopping Center, kicked off with scantily dressed girls dancing. Boasting an area of 121 thousand pings and investments of 18.5 billion NT, the international shopping center will become Kaohsiung's new landmark, and Taiwan's largest entertainment plaza. Under best wishes from everyone, the scaffold slowly delivered the last column to the ninth floor, symbolizing an important milestone.高清愿, Chairman of Uni-President Enterprise and moderator of the ceremony, invited guests to sign on the pillar. In his speech, Kao acknowledged Kaohsiung Mayor Frank Hsieh's exemplary performance and noted that Hsieh is capable of becoming the country's premier. Dream Era is slated to begin operations in the end of year 2005. It is expected to become the largest attraction in Southern Taiwan.

  辣妹熱舞,揭開了夢時代購物中心的上樑典禮,建築面積十二萬一千坪,投資一百八十五億的超大型國際購物中心,完工後將是全國最大的購物中心,在眾人注目下,由吊車牽引,將最高樓層的一根主樑,緩緩升到九樓屋頂,象徵一個重要的里程碑。 主持典禮的統一企業董事長高清愿,除了帶領來賓在樑柱上簽名,致詞中還不停稱讚謝市長政績優秀,應該可以入主中央擔任閣揆。 預定在民國九十四年底前開幕營運的夢時代購物中心,屆時也將會是南台灣的最大驕傲


< 選戰的花絮 沈新黨其他 >
  Accusing the prosecutor's office of framing him, DPP legislative candidate 莊碩漢, who is under investigation for election corruption, brought the items which prompted the investigation to the prosecutor's office. Chuang furthermore showed the receipt for the items, which consisted of a cup and a microwavable lunchbox, in order to prove his innocence. As the number of days until the election wind down, even well-known candidates are doing all they can to win votes. Candidate 沈富雄 is calling for the KMT to donate its party emblem to the Republic of China, and asking the DPP to accept it as the national emblem. Shen also said that if this wasn't possible, then he suggests an emblem of a black bear which can be used in conjunction with images of taros and sweet potatoes.

  高喊檢調單位故意栽贓,傳出疑似賄選遭到檢調單位調查的的民進黨候選人莊碩漢,帶著被懷疑是賄選證物的保溫杯,和微波餐盒,前往板橋地檢署喊冤,還出示收據,證明自己的清白. 出面澄清,為告急的選情全力護盤,選戰倒數,連高知名度的候選人也都拼了,候選人沈富雄呼籲國民黨捐出黨徽,還向民進黨喊話. 沈富雄說,如果這個方法不可行的話,他還建議,他手中的這個台灣黑熊為主體,一手拿著芋頭,一手拿的番薯的圖案,也可以考慮成為新國徽.


< 週末大遊行 台聯國民黨 >
  Political parties are making full use of the last weekend before election day. On Saturday, the DPP will hold a parade from Sungshan Tobacco Factory, passing by Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, the Legislative Yuan, and finishing at Keitakelan Boulevard. President Chen will be participating, vowing to send DPP candidates to the legislature. On Sunday afternoon, more action will ensue in the streets of Taipei as the KMT holds its 10,000-people parade. The route will begin at Taipei City Council, passing by Chunghsiao East Road, Linsen South Road and finally the Legislative Yuan. Lien Chan and James Soong will also personally attend. On the TSU side, a 15-man parade will be divided into 3 teams. They will meet at 228 Park and CKS Memorial Hall and finish at Keitakelan Boulevard. Despite warnings of a typhoon this weekend, parties have expressed positive expectations toward the turnout and say they will progress, rain or shine.

  把握選前最後一個超級星期六,民進黨率先舉辦大遊行,整個路線將從松山菸廠出發,經過國父紀念館,立法院,最後到凱達格蘭大道,陳水扁總統也將親自參加,誓師要將民進黨候選人送進國會。緊接著在星期天下午,台北街頭更熱鬧,國民黨的十萬人大遊行將從台北市議會出發,經忠孝東路,林森南路,最後到立法院,而連宋也會親自參加。台聯的十五人大遊行則是兵分三隊,在二二八公園及中正紀念堂集合,最後會師凱達格蘭大道. 而這個周末可能有颱風侵台,各黨目前都是樂觀看待,並且強調風雨無阻。


< 抗議棄保說 國親又槓上 >
  Wearing a big poster, PFP 許淵國 went to KMT headquarters for a truth, because he had heard of rumors spreading from KMT that they want to give him up on legislative election. Chaos occurred when 許淵國 tried to get into the building. 許淵國 went in the building, he went upstairs but couldn't find chairman Lien Chan. He then went out the building and sat in front of the gate for protest. Facing 許淵國's charges, KMT denied totally. How to share votes and which candidate to give up are the most important thing Pan Blue needs to do now. Chairman of New Party 郁慕明 calls out for Pan Blue's 3 parties to sit down and talk seriously. His words seemed to convey that the 3 parties had not been sitting down talking about many things seriously.

  身上掛著抗議大海報,親民黨許淵國直闖國民黨,還發生肢體推擠,傳聞國民黨放話放棄許淵國,他上門理論. 場面一團混亂,許淵國上樓又下來,見不到主席連戰,他走出黨中央,在大門前靜坐抗議. 許淵國大動作加上指控,國民黨完全否認. 怎麼配票棄保,成為泛藍當務之急,同時間新黨主席郁慕明呼籲,坐下來好好談配票事宜。顯然泛藍三兄弟對很多事情,沒有談清楚


< 選舉大發財 商機獲暴利 >
  Volunteers hurry to pass out fliers on major roads and in small alleys. At campaign banquets, flags fly as voices boom. In the final weeks leading up to the election, candidates are doing all they can to get their names out. Billboards and flags abound as far as the eye can see. The promotion war is becoming increasingly heated, and many people are earning quick bucks as a result. For example, renting the ad space on the side of a bus costs 1 million NT per month, and large billboards cost 50-100,000 NT per month. Although the unit prices of small promotional items may be low, the entire order can run up to 200-300,000 NT. All in all, a campaign's promotional efforts alone can cost a candidate up to 20 million NT. The business opportunities created by the election total over 7 billion NT. Therefore, the legislative candidates' efforts are helping people to earn big profits.

  大街小巷忙著拜票發傳單. 造勢晚會旗海飄揚, 聲勢浩大, 要打響知名度, 候選人使出大手筆, 只要是醒目的地方, 都看得到競選看板和各種旗幟. 文宣戰打得火熱, 也讓業者大賺一筆, 像是公車廣告一個月就要一百萬, 而大型看版也要五到十萬元, 小型文宣品雖然單價低, 但是一訂就是二三十萬份, 加起來也要好幾百萬. 算一算, 一個候選人至少要花上兩千萬元, 全台灣的商機高達七十億元, 真的是賺翻了, 選戰打得火熱, 也讓業者趁機大發選舉財


< 選戰越熱烈 痔瘡越多人 >
  As election day gets closer, campaigns have intensified and even affecting the health of citizens. Doctors have found that long hours of standing or sitting at campaign rallies have resulted in hemorrhoids in many patients. The phenomenon is punctuated by irregular diets and lifestyles, or drinking and heavy eating. Doctors say that recently, the number of patients with hemorrhoids has multiplied by two to three times the normal number. While it isn't a serious problem, it can be quite a nuisance. Some slack off time to look for medical help; others wait until they just cannot bear the pain. To avoid the syndrome, doctors suggest drinking less alcohol and eating less spicy foods. It is also important to make regular trips to the bathroom. And if you should see blood where it doesn't belong, see the doctor as soon as possible.



< 發現輻射屋 官員去察看 >
  Since the news of radioactive houses came out, lives for the residents in 草湖 district in Shinchu did not change. Most residents remain to live just like before. However, couple of the residents have begun to worry. Shinchu related organization have started their first inspection on 草湖 district. Starting from 1992, there have been cases reporting on radioactive houses. Houses built by radioactive steels are mostly houses built between 1982 to 1984. Atomic Energy Council after inspection said that most radioactive houses are located in Keelung, Taipei and Taoyuan. But this time the radioactive house was discovered at Shinchu. Seems like there are more radioactive houses that we didn't know are existing. Shinchu radioactive houses were revealed by a real estate agent. The agent said not only radioactive houses are in Keelung, Taipei and Taoyuan, they have already spread to Southern part of Taiwan. Atomic Energy Council later came out and explain that 草湖 district was not listed under city planning when built, that's why the district was able to escape from the inspection. AEC will continue to inspect on other houses, aiming to find out the origin of the radioactive steel.

  輻射屋的消息傳出,新竹草湖山莊和往常一樣,沒有什麼不同的地方,住戶生活依舊正常,不過還是可以看得出來,有些人已經開始擔心。 而新竹市的有關單位,也出動來到草湖山莊,開始做一些初步的調查。 從八十一年爆發全台第一起輻射屋案件後,當時調查出輻射鋼筋蓋的房子,都集中在民國七十一年到七十三年,原能會也在普查後,認為輻射誣指存在於基隆北桃四縣市,這次居然在新竹也發現,可見全台可能還隱藏著多輻射屋。這件消息之所以曝光,是桃園一家房屋仲介業者爆的料,房仲業者表示,輻射屋其實不只有在基隆台北和桃園,已經向南蔓延。 至於原能會表示,草湖山莊是早期都市計畫以外的社區,普查沒有查到,除了對已經發現的要調查之外,對於其他房子,還有輻射鋼筋的來源,全部都要追查。


< 高中棒球賽 兩高手投球 >
  At the high school baseball tournament, the entire teams of 強恕 Junior High School and 穀保家商 were mobilized to compete. 張誌家, who is an alumnus of 穀保家商, appeared on the pitching mound at the top of the sixth inning, and succeeded in striking out the batter, making baseball fans very happy. The performance portion of the tournament featured professional baseball players playing alongside high schoolers. In the end, 強恕 Junior High defeated 穀保家商 7-4. It was a fun-filled experience for all.

  高中比賽輸人不輸陣,強恕中學以及穀保家商兩所學校全部動員,讓現場熱鬧非凡. 穀保家商畢業的張誌家,在六局上登板投球,雖然只投了一人次,不過就是三振,讓球迷很開心. 這場高中棒球聯賽的表演賽,由職棒球員加入青棒隊,帶領小老弟比賽,薪火相傳非常有意義,最後這場沒有火藥味比賽,強恕中學以7比4擊敗穀保家商,大家都玩得很開心.


< 繼柳丁之後 金棗價狂跌 >
  It is now the harvest time for gold plums, but there was no smile on farmers' face. That's because these gold plums that used to sell for 18 nt per catty could only sell for 10 nt per catty this year. Due to the flood brought by typhoons, the looks of the gold plums are not appealing, therefore causing no demand of the gold plums and causing the price dropped drastically to only 10nt per catty. In addition, the gold plums imported from China made the local farmers not able to compete. Many farmers refuse to pick the gold plums, and just left them rotten. Rotten gold plums can be seen everywhere in the 200 hectares. Farmers advocate residents to eat the gold plums. Though they are a bit sour but eat these could stay healthy. Guess besides eating more oranges, residents could come to Chiso-hsi to eat some fresh gold plums.

  黃澄澄的金棗,現在正是豐收的時侯,只是結實磊磊,果農卻沒有笑容,原來以往一斤可以賣到十八塊以上的高價,今年因為風災,產量少,賣相又不佳,使得價格慘跌到一斤只有十塊,讓果農是欲哭無. 除了收成不好,加上大陸金棗的進口,無法競爭的農民只能任金棗自生自滅,不再採收,二佰多公頃的礁溪果園裡,到處可見落果,有的都己經發臭,農民也束手無策,只希望民眾能多多食用這種酸甜多汁,又可以養生的好水果. 看來民眾除了多吃柳丁外,也不妨多到礁溪來多吃新鮮的金棗水果。



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