< 黑人三兄弟 台灣安親班 >
Many people probably aren't used to the sight of a black Santa Claus, but the children notice nothing out of the ordinary as they play with them. At this kindergarten in Kaohsiung's 鳳山 , the teachers use humor as an integral teaching accessory. School owner David has a wonderful relationship with his students, but ten years ago when he first arrived in Taiwan, his job searches turned up mostly dead ends. Persevering, he opened up his own bilingual kindergarten four years ago, making his own dreams come true. He has also married a Taiwanese woman, and they have a daughter. Because business is so good, his two younger brothers have also moved to Taiwan to help out at the school. The sight of the three brothers having fun with the children is a sight now familiar to area residents.
< 蔣方良追思 扁呂全都來 >
The graceful flowers accompanying Faina Chiang's late portrait are a resemblance of her kindness and generosity. The funeral ceremony was simple and solemn, guided under Pastor周聯 華. Family members mourned as they send the Former First Lady on her last trip. President Chen and Vice President Lu showed up early in the morning for the public memorial service with sorrow, and KMT Chairman 連戰 leading other KMT members paid their tributes to their beloved and respected late widow of Mr.Chiang Jing Kuo. PFP Chairman James Soong also came back from the U.S. with his wife to attend the ceremony. After everyone paid their tributes and the KMT heavy-weights covered flags over the casket, the casket was then moved to Keelung for cremation. It's been 17 years since the passing away of 蔣經國, and now Faina Chiang's ashes shall be next to him in 頭寮.
素雅的花朵,襯托著蔣方良的遺照,她看來和藹慈祥.整個告別式簡單隆重,由周聯華牧師主持,家屬哀傷落淚,送這位摯愛的大家長最後一程.陳總統和呂副總統一早出席公祭,神情哀戚,而國民黨主席連戰也率領國民黨同志,向他們敬愛的經國先生遺孀致上最後敬意,親民黨主席宋楚瑜協同夫人特地從美國趕回四位國民黨大老覆蓋國旗, 扁呂連宋, 全都到場致意蔣方良公祭之後,靈柩移往基隆火化場火葬,在蔣經國逝世十七年之後, 蔣方良的骨灰將安放在頭寮和經國先生作伴
< 黨主席登記 閣揆換人做 >
December 27th was the first day of registration for candidates running for the DPP Chairmanship. However, no one appeared to register. Legislators 許榮 淑 and 林重謨, who had shown motivation to join the race, have turned low profile, saying they will respect the intentions of President Chen. So who will be the next DPP party Chairman? Earlier on it had been speculated that DPP caucus whip 張俊雄 would take on the additional role of Chairman. Since Chang confirmed he would not be running, it is now rumored You Shyi-kun would take on the job after handing the Premiership to the new cabinet leader. The registration period, which will last a total of 5 days, has the nation anticipating just who will be joining the race. If You Shyi-kun does not register by the deadline, President Chen may need to personally conduct coordinations.
民進黨主席參選登記第一天,但是還沒有人前來登記,先前表達強烈參選意願的立委許榮淑跟林重謨,態度都轉趨保留,還要參選嗎?他們都說,先看陳總統的意思再說!誰會是下屆民進黨主席?先前傳出可能以黨主席兼任黨團總召的張俊雄,在確定無意參選之後,現在又傳出閣揆換人,行政院游院長可能將接掌黨務。黨主席登記一連五天,到底最後誰會登記參選?現在就等游院長做出最後決定, 如果在週五最後期限前游院長還沒有登記,陳總統將會介入協調!
< 俞揚和致哀 章孝嚴出國 >
3 daughters-in-law, 4 grandsons, and other close family members are all present as Mrs. Faina Chiang was quietly laid in the casket. This is the end of her of life journey. All the Chiang family members are present except for Faina Chiang's most beloved only daughter 蔣 孝章, because she's very sick and could not make it back from the states. However, her husband 俞揚和 came back for her and brought with him a letter that 蔣孝 章wrote for her mother. The content of the letter was very touching. She wrote from a Chinese saying in how a mother cow licks the calf to show deep motherly love; therefore maternal love is the greatest love of all. As the only daughter in the family, she received much love and attention. The letter went on describing how even though she was born and raised overseas, she still maintained the traditional Chinese womanhood. 蔣孝 章 wishes that her mother's soul and spirit can now return to her beloved husband. In regards to the public's concern of whether 章孝嚴 would attend the funeral ceremony, he went with his wife to Malaysia on Sunday to prevent from chance of awkward moments.
< 宋楚瑜返國 談國親合作 >
At 6 a.m. on Monday morning, PFP Chairman James Soong and his wife 陳 萬水 were greeted at the airport by PFP personnel and Legislative Yuan President 王金平. After the elections took place, Soong said that his party would continue to support Wang in the Legislative Yuan. Therefore, Wang met Soong at the airport to show his good intentions. Previously, rumors had swirled that Chen was so unhappy with her husband's political aspirations that she left for the US, and Soong traveled to the US to bring his wife home. However, at the airport on Monday, Soong and Chen walked hand in hand to prove that the rumors of marital discord were false. Soong can therefore focus all his attention on the pan-blue merger.
< 九二一影像 >
It has been 5 years since the devastating 921 earthquakes. How have the victims gotten by during this period? These photographs record the beauty of the reconstructed Nantou town of Jiji, where the center of the quakes hit. Tea farmers harvest their crop; children laugh without cares. Residents work together to rebuild their homes and restart their lives. Through the camera, the daily lives of the victims are recorded on photographs. The pictures show their courage in surviving the devastations and their vitality after the reconstruction. The 921 Image Exhibit will be on display until January 15th. Interested individuals are welcome to Red Theatre to witness this part of history.
< 最後衛武營 正變的儀式 >
As the white-haired former serviceman lifts the paintball gun, one can see that years of military training still remain in him. The group of former soldiers competing against Kaohsiung County Magistrate 楊秋 興 are all servicemen who were trained at this army training center, and just like the compound, they are all 76 years old this year. The yellowed discharge papers are a part of history, and the old soldiers say that never in their wildest imagination would they have guessed that the old military compound would be turned into an art and music park. Yang has invited all of them to attend the New Year's concert which will be held here on the evening of the 31st. Yang says that he hopes that all the soldiers who once sweated and were trained here will return to witness the historical moment.
< 花鼓節遊街 非洲來參加 >
The International Hakka Drum Festival hosts parades and performances every night. Among them is a dance group all the way from Africa, which performs light dance to traditional instruments. The grand sounds of traditional Hakka drums lead a procession of drum players, lined to resemble a centipede. This mother and 2 sons join the parade with pots and pans serving as their musical instrument. This signifies awareness for environmental protection. There are also a number of residents playing homemade instruments to entertain spectators. The International Hakka Drum Festival will be held until the wee hours of New Year's Day. Residents across the island are welcome to watch performances put on at Hsinchu County Government Square. In addition to Hakka drums, the highlight of the festival will be the countdown show on New Year’s Eve. An estimated 10,000 viewers will attend.
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