星期一, 11月 22, 2004


< 扁見哈維爾 會說些什麼 >
  On Monday morning, President Chen met with former Czech President Harvel. Chen decorated Harvel with the Order of the Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon for his contribution to Taiwan-Czech bilateral relations. The President also acknowledged Harvel as a world-class philosopher, statesman and literary artist. Harvel, however, was confined to a wheelchair when he met with Chen. The President expressed apologies for the guest's injuries in Taiwan as well as get-well wishes. Chen then went on to thank the former President for contributing to Taiwan-Czech relations. Under Harvel's efforts, visits of high-ranking officials from the two countries were made possible. Two First Ladies of Czech have visited Taipei. From Taiwan's side, former President Lee Teng-hui, former Premier Lien Chan and First Lady Wu Shu-jen have all paid visits to Czech and received warm welcomes from Harvel himself. President Chen named Harvel as one of the world's greatest thinkers, particularly in his philosophy toward human rights. Chen hailed Harvel's ideas, such as human rights rise above national sovereignty, or, the nation is a product of the people; people are a creation of God, as forward steps in humanity.



< 扁限國民黨 三月改黨徽 >
  Holding up a ROC flag and a KMT flag, Chen Shui-bian complained that the two were too similar. The KMT issued a statement saying that the party would not be changing its emblem, and voiced suspicions that Chen's ultimatum was simply a way to change the national flag, which Chen had promised not to do. Furthermore, in response to Chen's call for 黃復興 and other military committees to end ties to the KMT, the KMT said that this was an internal party matter. Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou also pointed out on Monday morning that the national emblem and KMT party emblem were in fact quite dissimilar, and that any questions should be directed to the relevant organizations.

  拿出中華民國國徽和國民黨黨徽,陳總統說兩個圖案太類似,痛批國民黨黨國不分. 國民黨口徑一致,不會改黨徽,更批評陳總統用意,其實要改國徽,至於陳總統呼籲裁撤黃復興等軍方黨部,國民黨則回應這是家務事. 上午出訪雅加達進行城市外交的台北市長馬英九則說,黨徽國徽分別很清楚,如有混淆情形應該督導各單位改善.


< 奧會旗警徽 黨徽比一比 >
  These emblems all come in blue, with white suns and 12 rays of light. It is difficult to tell which one is the party emblem and which is the national one. If you look carefully, you will see that the national emblem has a GREEN circle around its edge. The rays on the party emblem touch the outer circle. At the door of the National Police Agency is a party emblem. The Agency has indicated it will soon make the correction. An even closer look will show you that the flag of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and the National Police Agency both carry the party emblem. On the uniforms of the Police Agency is the national emblem. Two versions in one organization is a little disorienting for most. As to the Olympic Committee's emblem, the Secretary-Genera l indicated that it has been in use since 1981 and will not be changed hereon. The committee also expressed that the emblem itself should not be given political connotations. Politics is politics; physical fitness is not politics.

  都是青天白日、十二道白尖角光芒,究竟什麼是黨徽、什麼是國徽,一堆人霧煞煞。仔細瞧,國徽其實在周圍留下一到青色圓圈,黨徽的白尖角,則幾乎與圖形邊緣接觸。我們來到警政署大門口,發現上面就是黨徽的圖案,警政署表示會儘速修改。 再仔細比較,中華奧會的會旗與警政署大門都是黨徽,不過警政署人員的制服圖案卻是國徽。同一個單位,不同的版本,令人困惑。至於中華奧會使用黨徽,秘書長則表示,會徽的圖案是在1981年就確定,不會更改。 中華奧會也希望,不管國徽黨徽,不要過渡政治化解讀,讓政治歸政治,體育歸體育。


< 扁批蔣仲苓 女兒委屈哭 >
(It would be very simple to find out whether on the morning of March 24th, a retired general asked a currently high-ranking general to pretend to be sick and go to the hospital, and to resign.)
The President lashed out when he spoke of the coup d'etat, naming exact dates of the incident. Chen accused 蔣仲苓 of still acting as Minister of National Defense and asked 蔣仲苓's successors 湯曜 明 and 李傑 to come forward and testify. Subsequently, 蔣仲苓's daughter appeared on Monday to clear her father of his name. Chiang's agitation resulted in tears as she asserted that her 80-year old father is nearly blind and is incapable of instigating a soft coup.
(His eyes are so weak he can barely read. Can we stop talking about this? We don't want sympathy. We've said everything we need to say. Let him focus on his heath. We don't want him to suffer anymore harassment.)
蔣仲苓's daughter says neither she or her father will leave town. They welcome any investigation to prove his innocence.

  總統陳水扁(到底在三月二十四號上午是哪一個退役將領去請現役高級將領叫他生病住院、叫他辭官. 這個很容易查嘛)
提到柔性政變,陳總統火力全開!點出了明確時間, 陳總統還痛批蔣仲苓以為自己還是國防部長, 居然要求前後任國防部長湯曜明跟李傑出面對質,一再被點名涉入柔性政變, 蔣仲苓的女兒,代父出面,情緒激動當場痛哭流淚, 還透露八十多歲的蔣仲苓,因為眼疾, 幾乎雙眼已經不到
前國防部長蔣仲苓之女(他眼睛幾乎已經看不到字了. 不要再講了,不要再講了. 我們不願意博得同情. 你不要再講了. 我們該講的都講了. 讓他養身體,對對對. 我們不希望他再受到干擾)
蔣仲苓的女兒說,他和父親都不會離開, 如果真有證據,就請檢調去查明,還他清白!


< 比例四點四 兒童活體移 >
  Staring curiously at the birthday cake, baby 鍾 gets a new start in life today. Of course, the happiest person here is her father, who donated part of his liver to save his infant daughter's life. The transplant was very risky due to the fact that baby 鍾 was only 9 months old and weighed a mere 4.4 kilograms. There was the risk that her body would reject the liver, and that her abdominal cavity was not large enough. To her father, the 20 cm scar which now decorates his body is completely worth it when he thinks of what he got in exchange: his daughter's health. Seeing his daughter now, the picture of health, the pressure which he faced prior to the surgery can now finally be released. Her weight has increased to nearly 6 kilograms since the transplant. 軒軒, who also underwent a liver transplant four years ago, was only 11 months old at the time of the transplant. Now, she is already six years old, and has come to help baby 鍾 celebrate. She also congratulates baby 鍾 on having set a new record in Taiwan for the lowest weight and smallest body mass for a successful liver transplant.

  切下生日蛋糕,鍾小妹妹眨著好奇的大眼睛,準備迎接重獲新生的每一天,最開心的當然是捐肝給她的爸爸,因為要把一個成人的肝裝進才九個月大,4.4公斤小女兒的身體裡,風險相當大,不但要承受發生併發症的高危險,還有腹腔空間太小的問題,但是為了讓女兒活命,爸爸毫不考慮放手一搏,身上二十多公分的傷疤,換來女兒的健康,一切都值得. 看到女兒恢復健康膚色,大眼睛咕嚕咕嚕轉,動手術之前的壓力終於可以放下,鬆一口氣,現在女兒體力超好、胃口超棒,體重已經直逼六公斤,四年多前也成功換肝的軒軒,手術當時十一個月大,現在已經六歲了,特地來為跟她一樣換肝的鍾小妹妹加油打氣,也恭喜她再創紀錄,成為國內體重最輕、體積最小肝臟移植成功的小生命。


< 紐奧良爵士 來台顯身手 >
  Listen to the jazzy melody, don't you feel very relaxed now? They are the New Orleans Jazz Band from the United States. This jazz band is very popular in the States. Every show they had, the seats are always filled. Trombone, clarinet, trumpet, piano, cello, drum, tico banjo together are the New Orleans Jazz Band's 7 essential instruments. The age of the band players ranges from 30 years old to 80 years old. Though with such great difference of age, their performing skills are excellent. What's so special of this band is that they never plan what to play before they get on stage because they like to think that each of their performance is like an exciting trip. If they carefully plan the songs beforehand, then they would lose the excitement of playing on stage. How do you like this kind of spontaneous way of playing Jazz?

  優雅甜美的樂聲,搖擺的節奏,是不是讓你整個心情都輕鬆了起來呢. 他們是來自美國的紐奧良爵士樂團,大眾化的音樂風格,風靡全美,每一場表演總是大排長龍、座無虛席. 長號的音色鴻亮沉重.單簧管的音色優美明亮. 小號的音色變化多端. 鋼琴奏出清脆的樂聲. 再加上低音大提琴,爵士鼓以及爵士樂的經典樂器斑鳩琴,組成了紐奧良爵士樂團七重奏,這群從30歲到80幾歲的音樂演奏者,有著絕佳的默契.他們的演奏完全沒有預設的曲目表,因為他們認為每一場的演出就像一趟旅行, 如果事先安排行程就會失去隨興的樂趣,用心聽聽他們的音樂,是不是也能讓你感動呢.


< 李登輝造勢 南投去站台 >
  Though busy traveling for the year end legislator election, President Lee Teng-hui looks extremely energized on the morning of November 22nd while assisting his party's legislator candidate in Nantou Pu-li. Former President Lee keep on emphasizing the importance of the Pan-Green taking over 50% of the seats in Legislative Yuan. He criticized that Lien Chan and James Soong were wrong to start riots after March 20th president election. Regarding Lien Chan encouraging all residents to take a referendum of supporting Taiwan independence or unity with China, Lee replied that Lien is being ridiculous.

  儘管馬不停蹄的助選,前總統李登輝上午仍精神奕奕的在南投埔里,全力幫台聯立委候選人站台,李前總統一再強調泛綠過半的重要性. 他把矛頭指向連戰和宋楚瑜兩人,李前總統說,敗選的人就不該再鬧,應該要有民主風度. 另外,針對連戰提出統獨工頭議題,李前總統批評連戰根本就是頭殼壞去.


< 新牛蛙大餐 創16種吃法 >
  There are so many dishes made from bullfrogs written on the menu. First time customers may not know where to begin to order. The owner showed us one of his popular dish, stir-fry bullfrog with wine, sesame oil and soy sauce. Second most popular dish is the roasted bullfrog legs. Very soon, this dish was emptied out. Now you can imagine how delicious the legs were. Third was the bullfrog soup with Chinese medicines. This soup is suppose to be very good to one's health! Though bullfrogs do not look appealing, but the meat is definitely tender. The meat taste like chicken but is lower in cholesterol and fat compare to chicken. It is high in nutrient and suitable in any form of cooking. For those who are interested, try some bullfrog dishes next time.

  牛蛙大餐這麼多道道菜,叫人真不知道該從哪一樣開始下手,老闆先露一手大火快炒三杯牛蛙肉. 香噴噴熱騰騰,接著再將牛蛙腿一隻一隻插上竹籤,送進烤箱,烤好之後,可是大家搶著吃! 再來一個藥膳牛蛙鍋,這湯頭,可是牛蛙的精華! 牛蛙雖然不好看,但口感吃起來像雞肉,而且比較脆,再加上低膽固醇、低熱量,高營養價值,又適合各種烹飪方法,有興趣的民眾,不妨嚐一嚐!


< 可愛的可魯 免費來試養 >
  The three Labradors rolling on the grass are seeing-eye dogs, just like Labrador movie star, Quill. The owner of these dogs, the 新莊 Institute for the Blind, is currently seeking foster homes for these dogs in order to acclimate them to society so that they can later become true seeing-eye dogs. The close relationship between seeing eye dogs and their owners is not formed overnight. The dogs must first be trained and fostered with a family for ten months to a year, and this step can't be overlooked. The Institute hopes to take advantage of the current Labrador rage and find new homes for these three dogs. Would you like to get a Labrador? If you live in the greater Taipei area and own a car, you can apply with the 新莊 Institute for the Blind to become a foster family for one of the Labradors. The Institute will cover all related expenses, and hopes that more seeing eye dogs can be trained to service the blind.

  在草地上嬉戲的三隻拉不拉多和電影主角可魯一樣,都是貨真價實的導盲犬,這裡是新莊的盲人重建院,他們現在正在為這些拉不拉多找適合的寄宿家庭,讓他們可以早點適應社會,成為真正的導盲犬. 看看導盲犬和主人之間的感情,導盲犬是要經過長久以來的培養,由於在訓練過程中,在寄養家庭十個月到一年的時間,是相當重要的一環,重建院想要趁這波可魯風潮,為這些導盲犬找到新家. 想在家中養一條可魯嗎?只要家住大台北,並且備有汽車,就可以向新莊盲人重建院申請,當然愛心是必備條件,至於經費更是全額補助,希望能有更多可魯,帶領盲人走出自己的路.



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