星期三, 11月 24, 2004


< 國民黨黨慶 宋楚瑜輔選 >
    It is the 110 years since KMT was established. On November 24th, KMT chairman Lien Chan led all the staffs to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and Chang Kei-shek Memorial Hall this morning. Purpose was to sent regards to National father and former president Chang Kei-shek. Originally on the evening of November 24th, merging between KMT, PFP and the New Party would be announced by the three parties to the public. However, the merging is being postponed again. KMT chairman Lien Chan expressed in confidence about the year-end legislator election. PFP chairman James Soong,who is now at Tainan campaigning and promoting orange sales, send regards to KMT wishing it a happy birthday. James Soong said,merging of Pan-Blue will be discussed again after the election.






< 法務部廁所 今天要公投 >
    Walking into the restrooms, you see bright clean hand washing tables and faucets. The faucets are automatic sensored. And the trash bins next to the toilets are also sensored. No one should worry that the hands would get dirty. It is hard to imagine that a 5 star restroom utilities like this could be seen in public service center.
Last year Ministry of Justice spent over 1 million nt to remodled the restroom. But Minister of Justice 陳定南 is still not satisfied. The reason is because the restroom is now located in the middle of the building. There is no window, therefore the air circulation in the restroom is bad. On top of that, male colleagues and female colleagues always bump to into each other face to face in hallway. And that's what made the minister feels awkward. The minister then decided to hold a referendum among ministry of justice, see whether staffs want to seperate female and male restrooms. For those who don't want to walk far to the other side of the building, alternative choice is to go straight up or down to other floors. This referendum was originally scheduled to be hold on November 24th. However, news was spread out and negative comments were heard. The ministry had to call a cancellation of the referendum at the last minute.






< 坐骨神經痛 治療新利器 >
    78 year old Mr. Kao can finally take a walk without feeling pain. Previously, he was bothered by sciatic nerve pains, which affected his entire lower body. Even squatting on toilet was very difficult. But after being treated with high frequency electromagnetic waves for thirty minutes, all the pain is gone. Mr. Kao is smiling now. Because only local anesthesia is needed for this treatment, and no medicine is prescribed, within three weeks all the discomfort is gone. Perhaps the only drawback is that the results are not permanent, although they can last up to three years.






< 黃霑過世了 滄海一聲笑 >
    The music of 黃 霑 always runs free; his lyrics invariably leave impact. Huang's image was wild, care-free, wreckless and sexy. At the age of 49, 黃霑 presented the world with a debut album. At interviews, he was always the cool,respected industry big brother with an amiable sense of humor.
Three years ago, Huang was diagnosed with lung cancer. The artist received chemotherapy, and the disease was once put under control. Three days ago, the cancer recurred with an asthma attack and left Huang unconscious. He died soon after at the age of 64. Active in music, acting, and hosting, 黃霑 never gave in to age. A handful of the 2000 popular songs he composed are familiar theme songs to movies and Tv series. As many of Huang's creations went on to become classics, he was billed as a "devil genius." With the artist gone, fans are left with his work to reminisce his sense of humor.






< 生之歌試刊 找回大恩人 >
    This is 鄧鴻吉, who is also known as Taiwan's "Invention King." While reminiscing about his tough childhood,he can't contain his emotions. His eyes redden as he remembers his one-time benefactor. Deng was previously Taiwan's representative to the World Invention Exhibition, and won the gold medal for five years in a row. But he had a difficult childhood, often searching through factory slops with his brother to fill their stomachs. Seeing that the school's water fountain was Deng's source of lunch everyday, the owner of the cafeteria pitied him, and provided him with odd jobs so that he could earn a little extra money. But Deng was soon faced with school tuition expenses, and after conflicting over it for a long time, he stole 50 NT from the cafeteria owner. This 50 NT later changed his entire life. Facing the camera, Deng expresses his biggest wish: to find his benefactor. This touching story, among many others, appears in the latest issue of 生之歌.



    西裝筆挺,戴著眼睛,他就是素有台灣發明王之稱的鄧鴻吉,用充滿感性的聲音,回憶他困頓的過去,想起昔日伸出援手的恩人,不禁紅了眼眶鄧鴻吉代表台灣參加世界發明展,連續五年拿得金牌,童年困頓,時常和哥哥在工廠找尋餿水填飽肚子,學校飲水機的水,就是他的午餐,福利社老闆娘看了很不忍心,給他打工的機會,才結束了他沒有午餐的日子,不過為了繳交晚自習學費,內心掙扎之後偷了老闆娘的五十元,不過就是因為這五十元改變了他的人生對著鏡頭,說出了他最大的願望,希望大家幫幫他,找尋他的恩人,這個故事,只是生之歌的其中一小段,這本雜誌還有許多感人的成長故事, 要與你一起分享



< 美髮抱銀獎 揮旗揚國威 >
    楊佩蓉 boldly uses the color purple as she applies bridal makeup on her model. Yang says, at the competition, she tried to break through glamour and create a style reminiscent of Athenians. Much to her own surprise, the move won her a silver medal at the World Hairstylilng Competition. But taking home the accolade was not what
pleased Yang the most about winning. In Milan, where the tournament was held, Taiwan's contestants were suppressed by those from China. To Yang, outdoing Chinese representatives among the thousand competitors filled her with national pride and was a rebuttal for teachers who accopamanied her and experienced the oppostion. Back home, Yang's classmates welcome her triumph as she waves the national flag as a proud Taiwanese.






< 游泳教練癱 成口足畫家 >
    With a paint brush in mouth, 李秋梅 skillfully draws a fruit platter painting. The fruits look so real and mouthwatering. To 李秋梅,a paint brush means more than just a paint brush. Drawing is now her center of life. Through drawing she could forget about herself and throws her mind into the world of colors. Through colors, she said, she could show the world that there's still hope in life. 李秋梅 was a swimming coach. When she was 33, she had an accident while jumping off the board, causing paralization from the neck down. Since then, her life became a dead end. Until 7 years ago, she started learning painting. She then realized that through painting she could forget about her pain. Through mouth painting, she has lived again.






< 視障舞蹈團 黑暗中起舞 >
    A soft ray of light shines upon the darkened stage. Relying upon their feelings, the performers begin moving. One line of dialogue is spoken, expressing helplessness. Although the members of this troupe are all blind, they refuse to bow down in the face of adversity, nor has their education
stalled. They continue to take drama, art, and culture classes, and have used what they have learned to create this new performance. This play combines dance, culture, and art, and features the troupe members drawing on stage. The director believes this to be a challenge, but the troupe uses each piece of art and the play to prove that although they lack sight, their futures are filled with unlimited possibilities.



    黑暗的舞台上,露出了些微的燈光,演員們憑著感覺,賣力演出一句台詞,說出了滿滿的無奈,他們是一群視障者,雖然眼睛看不見,不過憑著不向命運低頭的意志,不僅學戲劇,現在還學畫畫和文學創作,要把他們所學,展現在新劇當中這齣戲結合了舞蹈,文學和美術,並嘗試讓視障者在舞台上作畫,對於導演來說,是一項挑戰看看這一幅幅他們的畫作, 他們將用這些畫和戲劇來證明,即使視力有缺陷,不過還是有無限的可能



< 超級大善人 樹林都靠他 >
    Mr. Chiu takes a stroll in this newly erected park. He browses the grass and the trees like any stroller would. Except Chiu feel particular sentiments toward the park. That is because the 40 million NT used to build the park came entirely from the 78-year old good samaritan. The funds were a chunk of the 170 million inheritance tax Chiu dutifully paid to the government upon the death of his wife. In addition, he donated an extra 40 million worth of stock shares. This allowed the 8000 senior citizens of Shulin to receive a 2000 NT allowance each. Chiu is modest in response to his good deed. But to the City Hall that has trouble paying utilities, it is an act that moved them to tears. Chiu steps into the community center,also built with his donations, and says he is content. Having been a resident of Shulin for over 30 years, Chiu says his only wish is to chat and have tea with his neighbours in the community. As Chiu is extremely low-key, neighbors generally are not aware of his generosity. He explains that his personal achievement is the achievement of the entire community.


    七十八歲的邱老先生,在這個才剛剛完工不久的公園裡頭散步,看著身旁的一草一木,他的感覺特別不一樣,因為興建這所公園的四千多萬元,都是從他今年繳交的遺產稅提撥出來的,他的妻子過世之後,依法徵收一億七千萬的遺產稅,邱老先生還額外捐出股票,讓全樹林市八千多位老人,都可以領到兩千塊的敬老津貼老先生講的含蓄,不過這對連電費都快繳不出來的市公所來說,卻是感動的眼淚都快掉下來了。住在樹林三十幾年,踏進也是他繳稅蓋的活動中心,他說他相當滿意,未來他只希望能夠和街頭巷尾的鄰居,一起在活動中心裡泡茶聊天,就相當值得,邱老先生相當低調,連鄰居都不知道,自己附近住著這樣一個大善人。 他希望所有的樹林人,都能分享他的成就



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