< 配票爆爭議 藍綠擺不平 >
DPP on November 25th had its very first Unified Campaign Rally in Taipei Northern district. 蕭美琴's face was blue when she came. She complained to Vice Secretary of DPP 李應元 of recently hearing some voices from other DPP legislator candidates telling her to share her votes with others because she has too many. But how exactly do the candidates from the same party share votes? So far there are still debates among DPP as to how to do so. Actually not only DPP, Pan Blue also have arguements. In Taichung city, a legislator candidate disguised as KMT leader, sent text messages telling all Pan Blue voters to share their votes. Election day is around the corner, some candidates left friendship aside, doing any tricks they can to gain votes. This phenamena could be seen in Pan Blue and Pan Green.
< 漫畫要分級 小叮噹限級 >
Staffs of the publishing house are extremely busy taking back comic books which were about to be sold in bookstores. Because in 5 days, these comics will no longer allow to be displayed on book shelves without classify them according to its level of content. Like comic "Sleeping Beauty" is labeled for over 18 only because in the story, Sleeping Beauty had an affair with a man. Another famous comic, Detective Conan's World, was said of containing too much of crimes and violence. Therefore it is alsonot suitable for children to read. According to the Publishing House Law, any comics that involves violence and sex or any story plotline that can induce children to go against the law will be classified as rated R, which means age 18 or above. From now on, famous comics Doraemon will also be classified as R-rated because the main character in the comic likes to watch girls taking bath. Not only that, the new version of Grimm's Fairytales is also R-rated because love-making scenes were described. Ironically, some comics with shocking titles like Desiring Love, Deadly Games, and etc do not have any shocking story content, therefore these comics were passed as Rated-G, which means suitable for all age readers. Publishing Houses have no way but to follow the rules. However, their biggest concern is how to get back all the comics out there in bookstores for classification. Not only the publishing houses are having headaches, bookstores too have to seperate the R-rated comics to another bookshelf or else they will be getting a heavy penalty too.
< 美女房地產 是票房保證? >
劉嘉玲 made a special trip to Taiwan to promote the piece of real estate she is representing. The construction company was impressed by her beauty, confidence, and reputation. Because this complex is close in proximity to the 華山 art district, 劉 was paid tens of millions of NT in fees. But this complex, which contains nearly 10,000 units, is worth 2.5 billion NT, and so her fees are definitely worth it. As the real estate market begins to rebound, many construction companies are signing celebrities to help promote the properties. 林 志玲, 關芝琳、劉真、賈靜雯, and 大and 小S are all endorsing real estate. Younger celebrities are the faces of small apartments, whereas more well-known celebrities are the faces of more expensive properties, tapping into the economic classes of their respective age groups. In light of recent favorable mortgage policies and a rising price index, the industry has confidence in the market, and will continue to hire female celebrities to endorse properties.
< 海大新發現 吃素易致癌 >
Is it healthy to be a vegetarian? Some people became vegetarian because they think that eating vegetables only can help avoid many diseases. However, that is not true according to National Marine University research team, the team discovered that for those who eatvegetables only actually have higher chances of getting cancer because their bodies reproduce more red blood cells after many years of not eating vegetables. Through labratory studies, long term vegetairans's red blood cell membranes N3 is much higher than fatty acid N6 which the ratio is similar to cancer patients. An advice to vegetarians is eat more algaes and seaweeds because they contain plenty of DHA, ALA, and EPA which can supplement the insufficiencyof N3. And thus decrease the chances of getting cancer. Therefore vegetarians should eat base on a healthy conscience. A balanced meal 3 times a day is the key to stay healthy.
< 馬英九印尼 與僑胞歡唱 >
A delegation led by Taipei City Mayor 馬英 九 arrived in Indonesia to bid for next year's Asian Network of Major Cities's annual conference to be held in Taipei. But the PRC government has been pressuring countries to support Beijing instead, casting a shadow over the conference. The final decision was that the 2005 conference will be held in Beijing, and Taipei will have priority in hosting the conference in 2006. Leaving diplomacy and politics aside for a night, Mayor Ma also took the opportunity while in Indonesia to share a meal with the country's overseas Chinese community. Since it was such a rare opportunity, every person who attended the dinner clamored to have their picture taken with the popular mayor. Finally, Ma led a singalong of 我們都是好兄弟, bringing an end to a memorable evening.
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