< 民進黨造勢 遊街游錫坤 >
Traveling through major roads and small alleyways, Premier Yu Shyi-kun rallied for a legislative candidate from a campaign car. The DPP has been going all out in trying to win votes for its candidates, but their efforts have been marred by suspicions of bribery and corruption. The Premier attended a rally for candidate 李俊毅 in Tainan County recently, and stressed that Lee definitely has not engaged in vote-buying despite coming under suspicion for such activities. Responding to Yu's comments, investigation officials said that their investigation targeted individuals rather than parties. Meanwhile, the DPP has released the results of a campaign poll it conducted. According to the results, the DPP could win up to 113 seats. On December 4th, one week before the election, the DPP will be holding a large-scale parade in a last-ditch attempt to win votes.
大街小巷走透透,行政院游院長長站在車隊上為候選人賣力輔選. 民進黨候選人拼選舉,火力全開,卻也在這個時候傳出賄選疑雲,游院長在台南縣助選,也為李俊毅被點名為檢察官茶會對象抱不平,強調李俊毅絕對沒有買票。面對游院長的砲火,檢察官強調,查賄絕對不分黨派。 在這個時候民進黨最新民調也出爐,民進黨有望衝刺113席選前衝刺,12月4號民進黨也將舉辦大遊行,.選情炒到最高點.
< 台灣人薪資 什麼最熱門 >
Salaries are the biggest work concern of workers. According to a survey published by Cheers magazine, the MIS and software industries have the highest average salary. Meanwhile, the computer and semiconductor industries fell to third and fourth place, respectively, because stock bonuses were not included in the basis of calculation for this survey. In general, there was a downward trend in salaries. Of the 48 industries surveyed, 46 showed a decrease in salaries. Salaries only increased in the multi-level marketing and building security management industries. The salaries of new university-level and above graduates also decreased. Due to the increase in number of graduate schools in Taiwan, the number of Masters degrees holders entering the labor force has about exceeded demand, creating a bottleneck. In the face of decreasing salaries, performance-base d bonuses will likely rise. Therefore, employees wishing to earn more will have to improve their work performance.
薪水四百萬是白領階級最關切的,Cheers雜誌公布他們的調查今年前十大薪資排名第一的是MIS(資訊管理)和軟體業,一向以高薪著稱的電腦業半導體業因為沒計算員工分紅入股,分別屈居第三、四,整體上班族固定薪資不增反減,在四十八類產業中有四十六類呈負成長,只有傳銷和大樓管理保全業是增加的. 而今年大學以上畢業生起薪都出現負成長,因為國內研究所大量增加,碩士級人力已開始達到需求飽和,造成瓶頸,整體趨勢看來,因定薪資受到壓抑,績效獎金差距將拉大. 所以有績效的上班族不用擔心,與其寄望薪水增加,不如多拿點績效獎金.
< 高空格鬥戰 首次到台灣 >
Imagine if you can what it would be like to slide down a 50-meter high bridge while having to aim at a target. For most people, sliding down would be terrifying enough. But to these contestants, it is an experience which not only trains one's courage, but provides a challenge as well. The contestants in this competition are all couples, and hail from countries as diverse as Taiwan, Canada, and India. They must slide down a 50-meter bridge while aiming at targets on the sea. Each contestant gets three paintballs. Many of them are participating in this event not for the prize, but for the experience. The competition will last for four days, and only get more challenging and thrilling each day.
< 國親到中選 選舉再上訴 >
This is the DPP's advertisement for the election. This is the KMT's media campaign. According to regulations, political advertisements are not to be seen on any form of media starting on December 1st. The question is, will live call-in programs with election candidates as guests constitute advertisements? And what about televising campaign rallies which will only become more exciting with election day getting closer? Would that be subject to fines? Pan-blue parties have requested the Central Election Commission to clarify. According to procedures, the Commission reviews reports through a committee. In the past three years, 47 cases have been found to be guilty out of 87 reports. On another note, the pan-blue camp has appealed again to the Supreme Court on Monday to nullify the March 20 presidential election.
民進黨的足球篇.國民黨的民不聊生篇. 根據選罷法,這些政黨廣告,週三開始,通通不得在媒體播放! 但每天說得口沫橫飛的call in節目,找來候選人,算不算廣告? 還有倒數十天,越來越精彩的造勢晚會,新聞包裝播出,該不該罰? 國親黨團請中選會說清楚講明白! 中選會根據檢舉,該不該罰,必須經過審查委員,過去三年,檢舉八十七起檢舉,已經開罰四十七件另外國親提出總統當選無效敗訴,週一再提上訴,由最高法院審理中。
< 新生活運動 公務員靜坐 >
40 staff members from the Department of Health in Changhua County gather here in the conference room to meditate. Leading them is Master Guo-yun from Dharma Drum Mountain, or, 法鼓山. Guo-yun helps the staff to relax by guiding them through meditation.W ith little room left, some just stay right in their own office chairs to purge the soul. After a month of the New Life movement, staff members remark that meditation has indeed helped them to relieve daily stress and in turn, increase efficiency at the office.The employees of the Department of Healthy in Changhwa meditate for 3 hours each week. According to them, the most effective time to do so is early in the morning. However, lunch breaks during noon seem to be the most feasible time slots. They say meditation helps them with performance at work and their personal lives. Two birds with one stone.
四十幾名彰化縣衛生局員工,全都聚集在大會議室裡面靜坐。一旁還有法鼓山的果雲大師朗誦口訣,幫助靜坐的員工放鬆心情;紓解壓力。 部份員工找不到位置,乾脆就在自己辦公座位上靜坐,淨化心靈,這樣的新生活運動舉辦一個月下來,員工都說,能有效紓解緊張心情,增進工作效率。 彰化衛生局的員工目前每週靜坐的總時間是三個小時,而且員工說,在早上時間靜坐最有效,但是佔用的上班時間,必須在中午休息補班,他們都說學習靜坐對工作和自己都有幫助,實在是一舉兩得。
< 網友來相挺 12吉普尋狗 >
12 jeeps roam through the streets and alleys of Hsinchu. You would think it was a campaign for the election. But listen carefully to the PA and you will discover it is a pet owner's search for his beloved Golden Retriever. "Jippy" was lost 3 months ago in the air force grounds in Hsinchu. Its married owners have been desperately trying to locate him ever since. The husband, an engineer from the Science Park, is worried about Jippy's health as recent temperatures have plummeted dramatically. As three months' of searching did not yield results for the couple, they decided to post Jippy's photograph on the internet as a last resort. Unexpectedly, a large number of supporters turned out to help them find their dog. As a result, a total of 12 jeeps were dispatched to comb the streets of Hsinchu city in search of the lost dog. Some even brought along their own golden retriever to help find Jippy. Dog or dog lover, the common mission is to send Jippy home.
12輛吉普車穿梭在大街小巷,以為是候選人宣傳車造勢,仔細聽廣播內容才知道,原來是狗主人要找迷路的狗兒子「吉皮」。黃金獵犬「吉皮」三個月前在新竹空軍基地附近走失,夫妻倆找了好久都沒愛犬的下落,害兩人又急又傷心。最近天氣驟變,在竹科當工程師的主人,更擔心狗兒子的身體狀況。 找了三個月,還是不見吉皮蹤影,最後狗主人上網把吉皮的照片上傳到網路上,沒想到一群不認識的網友,跳出來義氣相挺,出動了12輛吉普車,在新竹市街頭大力尋狗。 還有網友也帶著黃金獵犬一起尋狗,就希望大家一起努力,找到「吉皮」,送牠回家。
< 孕婦的產檢 要納入愛滋 >
To give birth to a healthy baby is every pregnant woman's wish. But due to the increasing population of HIV infected, the government is now implementing a free AIDS exam for pregant women for avoidance of HIV transmission from infected mothers to babies during pregnancy. Taipei city and Taoyuan county first followed such measure. However, this measure is majorly focused on the foreign pregnant wives. For most pregant women, such test is not yet for free. The cost is about 400 to 500 nt to do the test. Most residents, however, expressed their wish to have the exam given for free to everyone the future. So far, Europe, Hong Kong and partial China have implemented such measure. And Singapore will join the measure implementation next month. Although, the idea of this measure is good, but many doctors expressed concerns. Such as even if some babies are HIV positive, the hospitals don't have immediate cure for the babies. Therefore, taking care of HIV babies would be a big problem in the future.
垂直感染的機率,政府有計畫提供全國的孕婦做免費的愛滋篩檢服務,而台北市及桃園縣也率先實施,不過,目前這項措施,還是先鎖定外籍孕婦。 而針對一般的孕婦,為了顧及隱私,目前實施的醫院,則是採取自願性篩檢,並採自費方式,大約收取400~500元,在未來,如果全面免費實施,民眾則是樂觀其成。 目前,歐美、香港及中國大陸部份省分,已經施行這項措施,而新加坡在下個月也將加入,不過,這項措施雖然立意不錯,但醫生也表示,由於愛滋病並沒有特效藥醫治,因此,即便篩檢出來,愛滋寶寶在未來的照顧,還是一大問題。
< 無尾熊亮相 請民眾命名? >
Pearl and Joey came to Taiwan for over a month, finally made their appearance in public. Seeing so many people for the first time, the two koala bears climbs up and down the trees excitedly. The children too are very excited to see the two koala bears. Pearl is the female koala bear. She weighs 6.34 kilograms and is very active. Joey is the male koala. He is 2 years old and weighs 6.88 kilograms. He is more quiet compare to Pearl. From feeling unease when they first arrived to now they are active and eat well everyday. The zoo is preparing to hold a naming activity for the two joeys. All residents are welcome to go on to the zoo's website to vote for their favorate names. Many believe that the zoo will be filled with crowds to see the two cute joeys.
來台一個月的PEARL和JOEY,終於亮相了, 第一次看到新環境這麼多人, 兩隻無尾熊也興奮的爬上爬下,相當活潑. 無尾熊東張西望的可愛模樣,讓小朋友興奮不已,今年四歲的珍珠, 是個女生,個性活潑好動,現在已經有6.34公斤,而兩歲的小男生喬伊,內向害羞,也已經有6.88公斤,兩位嬌客比一個月前胖了些. 從一開始的不習慣,到現在的頭好壯壯,園方還準備在12月底為小JOEY舉辦命名活動,民眾可以上網票選,不過,相信這兩隻無尾熊的報到,肯定又要擠爆動物園了.
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