星期一, 11月 29, 2004


< 中選會公告 明起禁哪些 >
    Watching closely to the time, waiting for the clock needle to tick exactly on 9am, chairman of Central Election Commission 張正 雄 immediately posted the public notice of the official name list of the legislative candidates. Also annouced that starting this Wednesday, all TV and radio stations are annulled to play commercials or campaign rally clips or anything related to legislative election. Even the candidates are not allow to promote themselve on shows. However, as to whether President could appear on news to promote election by talking about politics, so far the Central Election Commission don't have a definate response to this issue. Both Pan-Blue and Pan-Green are in opposition to the rules by Central Election Commission. Nevertheless, Central Election Commission insist that as long as the charity or commercials do not involve with election, no partywould get fine. Central Election Commission will hold an emergency meeting this Wednesday to find out a mid-grey area for all parties.






< 連宋去輔選 兩人還要選 >
    President Chen fired in full force at Lien Chan and James Soong, charging that the two will continue to stir chaos until year 2008, when they plan to run for the presidency once again. Chen called Lien and Soong one of the three hazards of Taiwan. He urged voters to support the pan-green camp to ensure its majority in the legislature.
According to the President, this is the only way to stem the Lien-Soong upheaval. KMT Chairman Lien Chan and PFP Chairman James Soong have both rebuked the charges. And not just the accused have responded to the President's provocations. Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou, who has been speculated to contend in the 2008 presidential election, has also spoken out asking the President to focus on the people. At a crucial time before the legislative election, President Chen's remarks have caused another wave of sensation.



    陳水扁總統重砲抨擊, 點名連宋兩人還要繼續亂到2008年, 已經成了台灣的三害之一,他再次呼籲選民支持泛綠過半, 才能終結連宋亂象,對於陳總統的說法, 國民黨主席連戰, 和親民黨主席宋楚瑜, 都嚴詞反駁不只是連宋兩人重話反擊, 被視為2008年總統黑馬人選的, 台北市長馬英九, 也呼籲陳總統把關心的焦點拉回到民生議題上。選戰關鍵時刻, 陳總統的一番話, 再度為政壇投下震撼彈



< 影音的平台 林佳龍啟動 >
    The national's Music & Movie Information Platform officially starts on November 30th. It is a platform that include all the movies, TV shows, music and commercials in Taiwan within the past 50 years. It serves like an encyclopedia.
(Through saving and putting all the music and movies on line, they again become an asset for business--an added value service business.)
With the assistance offered by President of CTS Jiang Sha and many other famous media representatives, these old and treasurable Taiwan movies and music can be sold on internet to the world.
(In the future, everyone could download and watch our programms from cell phones, computers, and even in the car. We are heading into a digital & e-generation. Friends, let us all be looking forward to this moment.)
From now until the end of the year, this platform will have a collection of over 10,000 minutes of music and movie files. Its purpose is to serve the foreign buyers a more complete and efficient way to buy Taiwan's enternainment products. Thus create Taiwan's enternaiment products an added service value.






< 拼英語環境 政府機關棒 >
    Looking at the people in the film speaking excellent English, don't you think English is becoming more and more important to your daily life? This promoting flim named "Improving English Learning Environment" is produced by Legislative Yuan's Research,Develop ment, and Evaluation Commission. Examination to promote a better english learning environment for all Taiwan citizens and thus to better connect Taiwan with other countries in the world. It aims to make English language part of all citizen's daily life, to build a more international living environment and thus increase Taiwan's competition level in the world. RDEC pointsout that foreigners' satisfactary rate to Taiwanese's English level had increased 3%, and satisfactory rate to Taiwan's civil services and government department's English level had increased 13%. From December 3rd to December 5th, there will be an exhibition of year 2004 English Learning Environment Exhibition. All residents by then will be able to see the hard work done by the government. SUPER
(Firstly, we want to let foreigners know the effort Taiwan government had put in this area. Secondly, to let all residents see the results government had done. Thirdly, to let all organizers who harded work to see the results as well. )
RDEC expressed that although there is room needed to improve English, but hopefully government and all citizens can work together to make Taiwan this country a friendly place.



    看到影片中大家英語琅琅上口的情形,您是不是也覺得英文在您的生活中愈來愈重要了呢?這支「英語環境、攜手前進」宣傳影片,是行政院研考會為了加速台灣與國際接軌、積極推動「營造英語生活環境行動方案」所製作的。目的是希望英文成為國民生活的一部份、打造國際化的生活環境,進而提升台灣全球競爭力。 研考會指出,從來台的外籍人士對我國英語環境整體滿意度調查顯示成長了3%, 對政府機關英語的滿意度更大幅提高了13%,因此在12月3號到5號將舉辦「2004英語環境博覽會」,讓社會大眾一起分享政府在推動英語環境上的成果。



< 計程車競爭 不漲反降價 >
    A long queue of taxis line up outside Sungshan Airport, waiting for passengers. If they're lucky and meet one going for a long-haul ride, their gas money for the day will be covered. Those who wander the city in search of passengers are not so lucky. Some times, even hours on the street would yield no ride. According to the Union's statistics, a total of 100 thousand cabs are in business in Taiwan, with 60 thousand of those in the Taipei Metropolitan area. In order to survive competition, cab services are slashing rates despite the rise in oil prices. Companies such as Taiwan Taxi, Pan-Asia, Sunrise and Blue Angel are all offering 10-20% discounts. To frequent cab riders, it is an alluring promotion. While discounts may increase business for cab services, they will create an impact on independent cab drivers. Drivers have no answer to the frustration and say providing quality service will have to be their edge. To consumers, it is a win-win situation.







< 搶救關節症 年齡層下滑 >
    As temperatures drop, many middle-aged people and senior citizens experience discomfort in their joints. If this is true for you, you might have degenerative arthritis. According to statistics, over half of the above-50 population in Taiwan suffers from arthritis, of which 80% are female. Furthermore, people with O-shaped legs should be extra careful. As an increasing number of people develop arthritis, the number of remedies and pharmaceuticals for the treatment of arthritis on the market are on the rise as well. Due to the probability ofearning big profits in this market, the percentage of fake or illegal drugshave also increased. For example, there is a fake version of the drug 維骨力 being sold. Because the Department of Health is trying to turn 維骨力 into a prescription drug, the drug will no longer be covered by National Health Insurance in the future. The burden of paying will fall to the public, but most importantly, when purchasing medications, be sure to purchase them from a reputable pharmacy to avoid counterfeit drugs.



   天氣一變冷,很多上了年紀的人,常常會覺得關節不太舒服,如果您有這樣的症狀,那可能 就有退化性關節炎 的問題,根據統計 ,目前國內五十歲 以上的人,每兩個 人就有一個人有退 化性關節炎,而且有80%的人都是女 性,另外,有O型腿的人,也要特別注意。 罹患退化性關節炎的人越來越多,為了搶救關節的健康,市面上更是出現 各種琳琅滿目的藥品,由於商機龐大,也造成偽藥氾濫 ,像是深受銀髮族 喜愛的【維骨力】 ,市場上就出現了一成的偽藥。 而由於衛生署有意 將維骨力改成指示用藥,未來健保不再給付,民眾負擔 加重,但更重要的,在選購的時候,要選擇有商譽的店家,免得買到偽藥 ,花錢傷身!


< 最大資訊月 有哪些特別 >
    Be it the light, portable wireless server, the flip mobile phone with built-in PDA, or the snazzy notebook computer, these cool gadgets will be on display at this weekend's Information Exhibit at the World Trade Center. This year's show will be the biggest ever, with 1800 suppliers setting up booth. Viewers will be able to view, up close and personal, some of the newest hi-tech products. For instance, this touch keyboard is operated by infrared rays projected onto the desk. Typing is made easier and space-efficient without a physical keyboard. And then there is the multi-media receiver which is able to save photographs and MP3 tracks. With one of these, you'll be able to do away with a few other machines. This is the world's miniest PDA mobile. With a thickness of just 1.8 centimeters, it is many women's favorite. Tempted to take a sneak preview? Don't miss this weekend's Information Exhibit.






< 最老計程車 車齡已25年 >
    Although the engine is a bit loud from the outside, passengers sitting inside the cab don't notice any excess noise or experience any discomfort. This car is 黃木 山's baby, and according to Huang, it is the oldest and most well preserved cab in Taiwan. Huang bought the car in 1979. This model ofcar was that era's Rolls Royce, but after the Ministry of Economic Affairs banned diesel-operated cars under 3.5 tons from being imported, the number of cars like this one dwindled. Luckily, Huang is not only a good driver, but an excellent mechanic as well. Apart from replacing the air conditioning system, the car has not had any major problems. The body of the car still has its original coat of paint on it, and according to Huang, the mileage which the car has accumulated is enough to go around the moon. Because Huang is an excellent driver, he has never been fined. Although future maintenance will be difficult since this car is the only one of its kind in Taiwan, Huang has confidence that his taxicab will continue to take passengers where they need to go, and enjoy a long life.






< 紅茶的香腸 兩百公尺長 >
    This old man is certainly enjoying his food as he digs spoonful after spoonful out of the gigantic jelly. It seems that the jelly will never be finished. This jelly was specially made out of 阿薩母 black tea from 魚池鄉. It has a diameter of 4 meters and is over 50 centimeters tall, and took over two days to make. At the other end of the festival is this huge link sausage which appears endless. 200 townspeople pull it out to its full length of 250 meters. Both the jelly and the sausage have set new world records. The sausage has a very unique flavor, and everyone who has tasted it can't stop praising it. Next time you have the chance to visit 魚池鄉, don't forget to sample the locally-produced black tea.





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