星期六, 11月 20, 2004



星期二, 11月 16, 2004


< 政變說發酵 宋和國防部 >
  Whether there was a coup attempt after March 20th president election day by KMT, PFP chairman James Soong who was ready to take planes to Ma Zu said President Chen lied because of guilty conscience. He then said that the votes at the year-end legislator election will prove President Chen wrong. Despite who's right and who was lying, this scandal had sure created troubles for Ministry of National Defense, especially to the 3 generals and 8 lieutenant generals. When facing media and press' questions, spokesman of Ministry of National Defense 黃穗生 seemed reluctant to answer their questions. He emphasized that it is wrong to use Ministry of National Defense as a tool among political parties.



< 民進黨廣告 公布新廣告 >
  This is the first television commercial the DPP has released. The commercial uses a soccer match to symbolize the legislative elections. At the end of the match, the losing team protests and expresses their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the game. In the end, the referees declare the winner and loser. The DPP obviously means to mock the pan-blue camp with this commercial. In the eight months that have passed between March 20th and today, conflicts between the ruling and opposition parties have been unending. Perhaps it's time to stop the madness. Even elementary school students understand the principle, and hope that politicians can understand it too. This
one-minute commercial will be broadcast by all major television stations beginning on Tuesday evening.


  這是民進黨推出的第一支電視廣告,把選舉比喻成這場球賽,在結束比賽後,輸球的一方立刻表達抗議及不滿,經過抗爭,最後裁判判定輸贏,民進黨這支廣告, 諷刺泛藍陣營,從320到今天,已經亂了八個月,也該停止了連小學生都知道的道理,希望政治人物也能懂,這支長達一分鐘的廣告,從週二晚上開始,在各電視台強力放送


< 立委打廣告 網站和造勢 >
  Don't let this sight scare you. Shimenting has not caught on fire. This is a campaigning tactic of TSU candidates 陳建銘 and 黃適卓. Chen and Huang are playing firefighters joining hands to put out the people against democracy and against Taiwan. Of course, there are still many other ways of increasing visibility in the legislative race. 潘維剛's target is female voters, with a focus on victims of domestic violence. At her rally, an instructor was hired to teach women self-defense. And to expand his range of voters, incumbent 余政道 revamped his personal website to attract a younger crowd. At the website, the elderly Yu is turned into a cuddly mascot to appeal to the young. Candidates resort to a vast array of tactics, but the sole purpose is to pull in extra votes.

  別緊張,這不是西門町失火了,而是台聯立委參選人陳建銘、黃適卓的聯合造勢,扮起打火英雄,兩人要聯手撲滅反改革、反民主、反台灣的聲浪。 打選戰、增加曝光率還有新招,參選人潘維剛打出柔性訴求,要關懷男性家暴者,還請來蠻牛先生示範擒拿術,教大家保護自己 立委余政道不甘示弱,將個人網站升級,老成的余政道,搖身一變成為可愛道寶寶,要爭取年輕人的選票越接近選戰倒數,參選人越是腦筋用盡,就是要拉到你的選票。


< 誠品的書店 全亞洲最棒 >
  The romantic lighting, the spacious rooms and classical music come together to create a relaxed atmosphere. Eslite Bookstore, the first book shop in the nation to run 24-hour, is not only popular with local residents, but has also become a must-see on tourists' lists. Ms. Chen from Hong Kong, for instance, is here because of Eslite's fame. Eslite is not just a bookstore anymore, but an icon of Taipei's urban culture. Other attractions which made it to Time's list of Asia's best spots are scattered across Southeast Asia. Of course, the list had some Taiwanese readers challenging its objectiveness. The readers feel that there are parts of Taiwan which could easily outdo attractions that were cited. They feel Alishan or Kenting should have been named. What do you think?



< 成功肚臍橙 知名新品種 >
  Underneath each of these golden oranges, one can find a small fruit. The oranges were specially bred through a method developed in Japan. They are attractive looking and juicy, and labor-intensive. Farmers have to constantly feed them with milk. Having been specially bred, these oranges are very high quality, and are picked only after they have fully ripened. However, farmers have already produced 20,000 kilograms of these oranges.



< 腦痲痹青年 做模型陷困 >
  蔡玉書 taps the bamboo sheet and carves the roof of a house with hands that are a little less than coordinated. He even has trouble with holding his tools. Despite the difficulty, he insists on perfection. This miniature of a traditional Taiwanese abode took Tsai two months to finish. The details are so fine that its doors and windows can be opened. The eaves and window are even ornamented with painted bamboo. This kind of work is difficult even for a regular artist. To a patient of cerebral palsy, it is nearly impossible.蔡玉書 taps the bamboo sheet and carves the roof of a house with hands that are a little less than coordinated. He even has trouble with holding his tools. Despite the difficulty, coordination, 蔡玉書 had much trouble when he looked for work. To make ends meet, however, he worked until his hands and feet were filled with corns, and still was trapped in poverty. Tsai is defiant and says he can achieve what other people can. He shows his motor scooter license and says he is no different from "normal" people. His only wish is that someone can offer him a proper job or buy his miniature models to help he and his sister get by.



< 所有觀光車 開放自由行 >
  Starting November 16th, Taiwan Railway Administration's special touring railways to Beitou and Kenting will be opened for travelers to order tickets directly without going through travel agencies. Taiwan railway's touring railways have economy class and business class. Ticket price of economy class is equivalent to Ju Guang Hao and business class is equivalent to Zi Chiang Hao. The ordering and returning ticket process is just like the process of ordinary trains. As of the first class touring train called the "Formosa Star", it will begin to accept ordering starting from December 1st for those who want to take trains during Chinese New Year. Due to the more expensive price of hotel rooms during Chinese New Year, a 3 days 2 nights to 花東 package will raise from 16,800 nt to 20,000 per person. And 4 days 3 nights around the island package will raise from 15,000 nt to 30,000 nt per person.



< 博達案拖累 中視假扣押 >
  These boxes of mails piled on the floor were written and sent by Procomp Infomatics Ltd investors. Investers Protection Center was afraid that these investors have no where to go for compensation, thus it went to the court to ask for detention of related assets. As a result, CTV who was the supervisor of Procomp, had 2 buildings in Nan-Gang in seizure. CTV replied that they are also victims as well. On Tuesday, the CTV stock price dropped to limit down. CTV didn't want to comment whether this issue is political related or not. Investor Protection Center explained that it did this based on investors protection. It also said that provisional seizure doesn't mean selling CTV's assets, therefore investors should not panic. Next week, it will meet up with CTV chairman to discuss further issues.



< 獨腳董事長 國際當志工 >
  Olympic taekwondo medallists 陳詩欣 , 朱木炎, 黃志雄 , and 紀淑如 have taken on a new role. The four took part in an event encouraging people to do volunteer work. But they also helped to realize the dream of 林君翰 . Lin lost a leg in a car accident during his childhood, but he never lost his love for taekwondo. Today, he finally had the chance to stand on the same stage as his idols, and even matched up against 朱木炎. Lin has trained in taekwondo for years in the mountains, and his wife found out for the first time on this day just how amazing her husband's taekwondo skills are. Lin is in the timepiece business, and grew up in poverty. His family depended on the charity of an American to survive, and later on, Lin apprenticed at a watch and clock store. From humble beginnings to now owning a business, Lin of all people knows the importance of charity and giving back. Lin donated two watches each worth over a million NT to be auctioned off, touching the hearts of all those in attendance.


星期一, 11月 15, 2004


< 美妝代言人 美女大調查 >
    Dressed in a low cut and back showing green dress, this is Lin Hsi Lei who haven't been back to Taiwan for a year. She came back because she was being election as the Most Favorable Female Cosmetics Spokesperson. She confessed she puts in a lot of time and effort to take care of her skin. Though her skin is beautiful but she hasn't been invited by any cosmetics brand to be a spokesperson yet. Besides Lin Hsi Lei, Maggie Cheung, supermode l Lin Chi-ling were also on the top rank. Hong Kong movie stars Carina Lau and Michelle Lee were also Taiwan females’ favorites. According to a survey, one tenth of Taiwanese females spend 15,000 nt per month on skin care and cosmetics. Whitening products, moisturizers, and high UV sun block lotion are the top 3 skin care products among females.

    身穿低胸大露背的綠色小洋裝,一年多沒回台灣的林熙蕾這次被台灣女性票選為最受歡迎的美妝代言人,不過有著好皮膚的她其實還沒有代言化妝保養品的機會,但是蕾蕾對護膚可是一點都不馬虎除了蕾蕾,氣質美女張曼玉也是最受歡迎的美妝代言人之一,而人氣名模林志玲同樣也上榜,而代言無數保養品的港星劉嘉玲和電眼美女李嘉欣,也相當受到台灣女性的青睞,人人都 希望也能這麼美,有十分之一的女性每個月能花一萬五買保養品,而美白保濕和防晒,則是愛美女性保養品的前三名



< 當時的氣氛 藍綠的說法 >
    Whether the 7 days post election coup attempt by KMT was real or not? DPP legislator Lee Wan-Chong said he had heard of such saying before. He said it is true that 3 or 4 generals have retired since March 20th. They are all seniors to Tang Yao Ming however their retirement decision had nothing to do with coup attempt. The truth is after 320 election day, Tang Yao-ming checked in the hospital because of eye disease. During that time Chief of staff Lee Jie and other 3 vice commanders resigned at the same time. No wonder there was rumors about it. The aborted 7 days of coup attempt impact Taiwan's politics again. The Pan Green keep on stressing that it is not just rumors. The Pan Blue criticized President Chen for his false accusation. The Pan Blue thinks President Chen should go see a psychiatrist.




< 台聯真堅定 民進黨媽祖 >
    The supporters lined up neatly, honking loudly on the horns. The TSU women's election support group, headed by former President Lee Teng-hui's daughter 李安妮 , combines women from all different classes and is a force to be reckoned with. They hope to raise the status of women in Taiwan society, and strengthen women's rights. Meanwhile, male TSU legislative candidates campaigned in the south. TSU Chairman 黃主文 made a trip to Pingtung on the 20th and attended nineteen different rallying events. DPP Secretary-Genera l 李應元, on the other hand, was on hand to campaign for DPP Matsu candidate 林火孟 Hoping to remind people of Matsu's historical origin, the DPP tried to attract voters by parading Matsu's burial clothes. With Election Day getting closer, the DPP and TSU are resorting to a variety of campaign tactics to win votes.




< 宋王到花蓮 重砲談國父 >
    Sunday night was full of fervor at the campaign rally in Hualien. KMT Vice Chairman 王 金平 rallied for PFP legislative candidate 傅琨萁 in efforts to win a pan-blue majority in the legislature. Shortly after, PFP chairman James Soong was received with excitement and a roar of applause. Soong stepped onstage and immediately began lashing out at the DPP. Soong reprimanded the party for little experience in government leadership, and for calling Sun Yat-sen a foreigner. James Soong then referred to the prediction that war would break out across the Taiwan Strait should Taiwan declare independence, and said the assessment was made by a U.S. Congressman, rather than himself. Soong went on to criticize the DPP and urged voters to help the pan-blue camp win the legislative majority.




< 赴日免簽證 對台灣影響 >
    Every morning Japan Interchange Office Association in Taipei is packed with people lining up for visa to Japan. Some people are going for visit and some people are going for business trip. They all complained that the visa applying process is too time consuming and tedious. Here is good news for all Taiwan citizens. Very soon this visa applying process will be removed because Taiwanese are Japan's largest tourist group. Just last year alone, Taiwanese tourists visited Japan 820 thousands times. Therefore, Japan has decided that starting from March 2005 to September 2005, Japan will allow Taiwanese to visit Japan without visa. Japan will see whether number of Taiwanese going to Japan within that 6 months will increase or not. If there is an, then Japan may consider forever remove the visa applying process for Taiwan citizens.




< 萬納杜內閣 確認台邦交 >
    According to a report from Associated Press, the Cabinet of Vanuatu Republic has finally acknowledged diplomatic relations with Taiwan after 12 days of unrest. The establishment of Taiwan-Vanuatu ties underwent repeated opposition from the Mainland, who claimed that the Republic withdrew negotiations with Taiwan due to its one-China policy. Vanuatu Republic also witnessed different opinions internally. On November 15th, disputes were put to a rest as the Vanuatu Cabinet acknowledged Taiwan-Vanuatu ties, thus cementing status of two states' relationship.




< 天氣降七度 預防腦中風 >
    As people prepared to go to work and school on Monday, it was difficult not to notice the drop in temperature. There was a seven-degree difference in temperature between Sunday and Monday due to the arrival of a cold front. Little sunlight was seen in north and northeast Taiwan as temperatures averaged only 23 degrees. The Central Weather Bureau estimates that the cold front will last until the weekend. Apart from heavy rains, temperatures are expected to continue dropping everyday throughout the week. Northern Taiwan is expected to experience temperatures of around 16 degrees, whereas temperatures in central Taiwan, 嘉義, and 南投 are expected to reach lows of 15 degrees. The formation of a new typhoon off of Taiwan's southeastern coast has been observed, but it is not expected to hit Taiwan due to low temperatures and high-pressure systems this week. In light of the drop in temperature, we remind everyone with heart conditions to be extra careful.




< 只要用湯匙 可預防感冒? >
    莊淑旂 is the cancer-prevention expert on the medical team for the Japanese royalty. Anyone who witnessed her energy and suppleness would find it difficult to believe she is 86 years old! Dr. Chuang talks about her health regimen and shares her exclusive spoon exercise. With two to a team, have one person hold a ceramic Chinese spoon by pressing their index and middle fingers on the back of the spoon. Have the other person raise both arms with palms flat facing up. Then, scrape along the shoulder and collar bones with the spoon, eventually working down vertically along the spine. Finally, gently apply pressure to the bottom of the spinal cord with the knees to help stretch the limbs. According to the doctor, 5 minutes of the spoon exercise daily helps circulation in the lymph node and relieves fatigue. The exercise is easy, costs nothing, and causes no side effect. So if you are frequently subject to fatigue, poor quality of sleep, or just want to stay away from colds, this activity may be worth a try!






< 三輪椅勇士 改裝車環島 >
    The handicapped group drives along the street on their refurbished, four-wheeled scooters. The scooters are their preferred mode of transportation because they are convenient and fast. However, difficulties would abound if they were to travel around the island on these scooters. In order to bring to light the lack of public transportation facilities for handicapped people, the group of 50 released a manifesto calling for obstacle-free spaces at the Kaohsiung City Council. Although facilities for the use of handicapped people have been continually built over the past few years, the existing ones aren't enough. Therefore, three of the handicapped people will be touring the island on their scooters to highlight this fact and show where the facilities are lacking. They hope that through their tour, the government and public will understand how important and necessary obstacle-free spaces are to the handicapped community.
