星期五, 11月 26, 2004


< 金牌到花蓮 北縣反賄選 >
    Every hand shaked means a hope to get a vote. Every legislator candidates believe that their sincerity can move a voter's decision on the election day. In order to ensure DPP wins at the year-end election, DPP Secretary General 張俊雄 went to Hua-lien to assist Hua-lien DPP legislator candidate for campaigning. First stop, he came to Hua-lian 重慶 city for assisting 盧博基 . To 張俊雄, this year-end election is not just whether Pan Green could win or not, it also means whether he could be the head of the Legislative Yuan or not. Therefore, 張俊 雄 treats this election very seriously. TSU legislator candidates were advocating to share votes among Pan-Green. However, 張俊雄 did not want to comment on this. His second stop was to assist aboriginal candidate 陳道民 at Chen's campaign rally, hoping to get more support from the aboriginals.





< 連宋要密會 談國親配票? >
    Only two weeks remain until the legislative election will take place. Lien Chan and James Soong, chairmen of the KMT and PFP, respectively, met privately on the 26th to decide whether to allocate votes. Voters of seven counties and cities may be asked to take part in vote allocation, including Nantou, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung. Candidate 陳學聖 , who is representing the southern district of Taipei City, believes that vote allocation is essential. Whether Lien and Soong can reach an agreement will greatly impact the outcome of the election.

    選戰只剩下十五天, 國親兩黨到底要怎麼配票聯合競選, 都還沒有著落,為了進一步協商,兩黨主席連戰宋楚瑜週五中午密會討論﹐可能在南投台中高雄屏東等七縣市, 推動配票競選, 候選人都呼籲國親兩黨不能再拖參選北市南區的候選人陳學聖不諱言,配票和棄保釋勢在必行﹐而連宋會談能不能達成協議, 也將牽動國親在各縣市選情



< 孫大千阿標 查賄和阿農 >
    DPP candidate in Tainan County 李俊毅 holds a stuffed animal and calls it his mascot. Lee, who is under investigation for election bribery, maintains innocence as he rallies for votes. While Lee defends his innocence, candidate 孫大千 in Taoyuan County stated that he was willing to
share his votes with fellow pan-blue candidates. Sun hopes to send as many pan-blues as possible to the legislature. In Jia-yi County, independent candidate 陳明仁 tried to win sympathy votes. Chen claimed that opponent 張 花冠's husband 曾振農 threatened to kill him. And in Miaoli County, the Prosecutor took to households to investigate bribery. 11 travel bags were found along with 3 envelopes with DPP candidate 陳 超明's name and the words, "transportation fee" written on them. Inside the envelopes were 6000 NT. Investigators suspect this to be evidence of bribery. Chen has denied such allegations.



< 監委的審查 呂副來主持 >
    After 3 weeks of internal referring for memebers of Control Yuan, the 4th annual recommedation team by Control Yuan had all together received 188 nominees and their profiles. Besides the number of on-duty control yuan councilors who wish to continue another session, recemmendation team will elect 40 candidates. Then give to President Chen for review. President Chen will then elect 27 from the 40 candidates. Finally this list of candidates will be aproved by Legislative Yuan. Vice President Lu, who is the headmaster of the recemmendation department, emphaised that the reviewing process is absolutely fair and open. Regarding to the public suspecting the fairness of the President of High speed Railway 殷琪 being one of the recommendation councilors, Vice President Lu replied that there is nothing to be unfair about because recommendation councilors can not recommend any candidates. She believes that this kind of fair and just referring system would be acknowledged by all people in the nation.




< 中國女託警 探視台灣父 >
    83-year old Mr. Mao finds a letter from his daughter in the pile of mail. It was just sent to him from Mainland China. The elderly Mao can barely stand straight; walking from his bedroom to the living room is even more difficult. Just as he sits to read the letter, a police officer arrives at the door. Mao thanks him for his daily visits and calls his daughter in Shanghai to tell her he is well. From her father, she learns of the policeman's courtesy and thanks him over the phone. At the beginning of the month, the local police station received a letter from Shanghai from a woman named Mao. The shapely handwriting told of her sickly father. The woman is unable to care for him as she is far away in China. Mao then asked the police to visit her father in place of her. Local police were moved by her filial piety and did so accordingly. The story has become an example in the neighborhood.




< 媽媽手酸痛 復健的妙招 >
    Housewives must often multitask. Between preparing meals and taking care of the children, the hand and wrist movements used on a daily basis to perform these tasks often lead to a condition called "Mother's Hands," which is an inflammation of the hand-area muscles, particularly those located behind the thumbs. The inflammation is often painful, and most commonly occurs in massage therapists or people who use their computers for extended periods of time. Doctors point out that the majority of "Mother's Hands" patients tend to try to rectify the situation by purchasing wrist slings at pharmacies, but this is not the correct treatment for this condition. Instead, people suffering from this condition should seek medical advice for personalized physical therapy in order to effectively treat the problem. Traditional massage should also be avoided as a method of treatment. Doctors say that massaging the hands thirty times a day and an adequate amount of rest will prevent this problem from occuring.

    拿著鍋鏟,辛苦地準備菜餚,孩子 哭了,趕緊抱起來哄一哄,這些動作,其實都是媽媽們手部健康的隱形殺手。有種俗稱媽媽手的肌腱炎,發生在拇指背側,因為肌腱過度摩擦造成疼痛,許多指壓按摩師,或是電腦族不正確地使用滑鼠,都患有這種症狀醫師指出,一般人患了媽媽手,常會到藥房購買護腕手套其實並不正確。應該要到醫院求診,按照個人手形定做固定式護腕,才能有效治療。另外有些人會求助傳統的推拿,醫師也不贊同。醫師建議,其實每天只要按摩手部三十下,再加上休息,就能讓雙手健康有活力。



< 旅美兩球員 返台來亮相 >
    曹錦輝 appears fashionably dressed at the venue. His stature and sunglasses attract quite a few looks. It has been two years since Tsao has been home. He returned this time to serve supplementary military duties. On a baseball field, the player is the heroic pitcher. Faced with military duties, however, he is forced to shave off his hair. After years of training, Tsao has done away with initial fidgetings and now stands proudly on American territory, staking his claim in the Major League. As pains in his arms have healed, Tsao continues his path of success in his career. Sean Chen is another Taiwanese athlete with dreams in America. Chen will be joining the Orange County Crush of the American Basketball Association. Tsao and Chen each plays their own sport , but both have the same dream to attain in the United States.





< 馬英九印尼 與僑胞歡唱 >
    A delegation led by Taipei City Mayor 馬英 九 arrived in Indonesia to bid for next year's Asian Network of Major Cities's annual conference to be held in Taipei. But the PRC government has been pressuring countries to support Beijing instead, casting a shadow over the conference. The final decision was that the 2005 conference will be held in Beijing, and Taipei will have priority in hosting the conference in 2006. Leaving diplomacy and politics aside for a night, Mayor Ma also took the opportunity while in Indonesia to share a meal with the country's overseas Chinese community. Since it was such a rare opportunity, every person who attended the dinner clamored to have their picture taken with the popular mayor. Finally, Ma led a singalong of 我們都是好兄弟, bringing an end to a memorable evening.



星期四, 11月 25, 2004


< 配票爆爭議 藍綠擺不平 >
    DPP on November 25th had its very first Unified Campaign Rally in Taipei Northern district. 蕭美琴's face was blue when she came. She complained to Vice Secretary of DPP 李應元 of recently hearing some voices from other DPP legislator candidates telling her to share her votes with others because she has too many. But how exactly do the candidates from the same party share votes? So far there are still debates among DPP as to how to do so. Actually not only DPP, Pan Blue also have arguements. In Taichung city, a legislator candidate disguised as KMT leader, sent text messages telling all Pan Blue voters to share their votes. Election day is around the corner, some candidates left friendship aside, doing any tricks they can to gain votes. This phenamena could be seen in Pan Blue and Pan Green.






< 漫畫要分級 小叮噹限級 >
    Staffs of the publishing house are extremely busy taking back comic books which were about to be sold in bookstores. Because in 5 days, these comics will no longer allow to be displayed on book shelves without classify them according to its level of content. Like comic "Sleeping Beauty" is labeled for over 18 only because in the story, Sleeping Beauty had an affair with a man. Another famous comic, Detective Conan's World, was said of containing too much of crimes and violence. Therefore it is alsonot suitable for children to read. According to the Publishing House Law, any comics that involves violence and sex or any story plotline that can induce children to go against the law will be classified as rated R, which means age 18 or above. From now on, famous comics Doraemon will also be classified as R-rated because the main character in the comic likes to watch girls taking bath. Not only that, the new version of Grimm's Fairytales is also R-rated because love-making scenes were described. Ironically, some comics with shocking titles like Desiring Love, Deadly Games, and etc do not have any shocking story content, therefore these comics were passed as Rated-G, which means suitable for all age readers. Publishing Houses have no way but to follow the rules. However, their biggest concern is how to get back all the comics out there in bookstores for classification. Not only the publishing houses are having headaches, bookstores too have to seperate the R-rated comics to another bookshelf or else they will be getting a heavy penalty too.






< 美女房地產 是票房保證? >
    劉嘉玲 made a special trip to Taiwan to promote the piece of real estate she is representing. The construction company was impressed by her beauty, confidence, and reputation. Because this complex is close in proximity to the 華山 art district, 劉 was paid tens of millions of NT in fees. But this complex, which contains nearly 10,000 units, is worth 2.5 billion NT, and so her fees are definitely worth it. As the real estate market begins to rebound, many construction companies are signing celebrities to help promote the properties. 林 志玲, 關芝琳、劉真、賈靜雯, and 大and 小S are all endorsing real estate. Younger celebrities are the faces of small apartments, whereas more well-known celebrities are the faces of more expensive properties, tapping into the economic classes of their respective age groups. In light of recent favorable mortgage policies and a rising price index, the industry has confidence in the market, and will continue to hire female celebrities to endorse properties.






< 海大新發現 吃素易致癌 >
    Is it healthy to be a vegetarian? Some people became vegetarian because they think that eating vegetables only can help avoid many diseases. However, that is not true according to National Marine University research team, the team discovered that for those who eatvegetables only actually have higher chances of getting cancer because their bodies reproduce more red blood cells after many years of not eating vegetables. Through labratory studies, long term vegetairans's red blood cell membranes N3 is much higher than fatty acid N6 which the ratio is similar to cancer patients. An advice to vegetarians is eat more algaes and seaweeds because they contain plenty of DHA, ALA, and EPA which can supplement the insufficiencyof N3. And thus decrease the chances of getting cancer. Therefore vegetarians should eat base on a healthy conscience. A balanced meal 3 times a day is the key to stay healthy.






< 馬英九印尼 與僑胞歡唱 >
    A delegation led by Taipei City Mayor 馬英 九 arrived in Indonesia to bid for next year's Asian Network of Major Cities's annual conference to be held in Taipei. But the PRC government has been pressuring countries to support Beijing instead, casting a shadow over the conference. The final decision was that the 2005 conference will be held in Beijing, and Taipei will have priority in hosting the conference in 2006. Leaving diplomacy and politics aside for a night, Mayor Ma also took the opportunity while in Indonesia to share a meal with the country's overseas Chinese community. Since it was such a rare opportunity, every person who attended the dinner clamored to have their picture taken with the popular mayor. Finally, Ma led a singalong of 我們都是好兄弟, bringing an end to a memorable evening.



星期三, 11月 24, 2004


< 國民黨黨慶 宋楚瑜輔選 >
    It is the 110 years since KMT was established. On November 24th, KMT chairman Lien Chan led all the staffs to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and Chang Kei-shek Memorial Hall this morning. Purpose was to sent regards to National father and former president Chang Kei-shek. Originally on the evening of November 24th, merging between KMT, PFP and the New Party would be announced by the three parties to the public. However, the merging is being postponed again. KMT chairman Lien Chan expressed in confidence about the year-end legislator election. PFP chairman James Soong,who is now at Tainan campaigning and promoting orange sales, send regards to KMT wishing it a happy birthday. James Soong said,merging of Pan-Blue will be discussed again after the election.






< 法務部廁所 今天要公投 >
    Walking into the restrooms, you see bright clean hand washing tables and faucets. The faucets are automatic sensored. And the trash bins next to the toilets are also sensored. No one should worry that the hands would get dirty. It is hard to imagine that a 5 star restroom utilities like this could be seen in public service center.
Last year Ministry of Justice spent over 1 million nt to remodled the restroom. But Minister of Justice 陳定南 is still not satisfied. The reason is because the restroom is now located in the middle of the building. There is no window, therefore the air circulation in the restroom is bad. On top of that, male colleagues and female colleagues always bump to into each other face to face in hallway. And that's what made the minister feels awkward. The minister then decided to hold a referendum among ministry of justice, see whether staffs want to seperate female and male restrooms. For those who don't want to walk far to the other side of the building, alternative choice is to go straight up or down to other floors. This referendum was originally scheduled to be hold on November 24th. However, news was spread out and negative comments were heard. The ministry had to call a cancellation of the referendum at the last minute.






< 坐骨神經痛 治療新利器 >
    78 year old Mr. Kao can finally take a walk without feeling pain. Previously, he was bothered by sciatic nerve pains, which affected his entire lower body. Even squatting on toilet was very difficult. But after being treated with high frequency electromagnetic waves for thirty minutes, all the pain is gone. Mr. Kao is smiling now. Because only local anesthesia is needed for this treatment, and no medicine is prescribed, within three weeks all the discomfort is gone. Perhaps the only drawback is that the results are not permanent, although they can last up to three years.






< 黃霑過世了 滄海一聲笑 >
    The music of 黃 霑 always runs free; his lyrics invariably leave impact. Huang's image was wild, care-free, wreckless and sexy. At the age of 49, 黃霑 presented the world with a debut album. At interviews, he was always the cool,respected industry big brother with an amiable sense of humor.
Three years ago, Huang was diagnosed with lung cancer. The artist received chemotherapy, and the disease was once put under control. Three days ago, the cancer recurred with an asthma attack and left Huang unconscious. He died soon after at the age of 64. Active in music, acting, and hosting, 黃霑 never gave in to age. A handful of the 2000 popular songs he composed are familiar theme songs to movies and Tv series. As many of Huang's creations went on to become classics, he was billed as a "devil genius." With the artist gone, fans are left with his work to reminisce his sense of humor.






< 生之歌試刊 找回大恩人 >
    This is 鄧鴻吉, who is also known as Taiwan's "Invention King." While reminiscing about his tough childhood,he can't contain his emotions. His eyes redden as he remembers his one-time benefactor. Deng was previously Taiwan's representative to the World Invention Exhibition, and won the gold medal for five years in a row. But he had a difficult childhood, often searching through factory slops with his brother to fill their stomachs. Seeing that the school's water fountain was Deng's source of lunch everyday, the owner of the cafeteria pitied him, and provided him with odd jobs so that he could earn a little extra money. But Deng was soon faced with school tuition expenses, and after conflicting over it for a long time, he stole 50 NT from the cafeteria owner. This 50 NT later changed his entire life. Facing the camera, Deng expresses his biggest wish: to find his benefactor. This touching story, among many others, appears in the latest issue of 生之歌.



    西裝筆挺,戴著眼睛,他就是素有台灣發明王之稱的鄧鴻吉,用充滿感性的聲音,回憶他困頓的過去,想起昔日伸出援手的恩人,不禁紅了眼眶鄧鴻吉代表台灣參加世界發明展,連續五年拿得金牌,童年困頓,時常和哥哥在工廠找尋餿水填飽肚子,學校飲水機的水,就是他的午餐,福利社老闆娘看了很不忍心,給他打工的機會,才結束了他沒有午餐的日子,不過為了繳交晚自習學費,內心掙扎之後偷了老闆娘的五十元,不過就是因為這五十元改變了他的人生對著鏡頭,說出了他最大的願望,希望大家幫幫他,找尋他的恩人,這個故事,只是生之歌的其中一小段,這本雜誌還有許多感人的成長故事, 要與你一起分享



< 美髮抱銀獎 揮旗揚國威 >
    楊佩蓉 boldly uses the color purple as she applies bridal makeup on her model. Yang says, at the competition, she tried to break through glamour and create a style reminiscent of Athenians. Much to her own surprise, the move won her a silver medal at the World Hairstylilng Competition. But taking home the accolade was not what
pleased Yang the most about winning. In Milan, where the tournament was held, Taiwan's contestants were suppressed by those from China. To Yang, outdoing Chinese representatives among the thousand competitors filled her with national pride and was a rebuttal for teachers who accopamanied her and experienced the oppostion. Back home, Yang's classmates welcome her triumph as she waves the national flag as a proud Taiwanese.






< 游泳教練癱 成口足畫家 >
    With a paint brush in mouth, 李秋梅 skillfully draws a fruit platter painting. The fruits look so real and mouthwatering. To 李秋梅,a paint brush means more than just a paint brush. Drawing is now her center of life. Through drawing she could forget about herself and throws her mind into the world of colors. Through colors, she said, she could show the world that there's still hope in life. 李秋梅 was a swimming coach. When she was 33, she had an accident while jumping off the board, causing paralization from the neck down. Since then, her life became a dead end. Until 7 years ago, she started learning painting. She then realized that through painting she could forget about her pain. Through mouth painting, she has lived again.






< 視障舞蹈團 黑暗中起舞 >
    A soft ray of light shines upon the darkened stage. Relying upon their feelings, the performers begin moving. One line of dialogue is spoken, expressing helplessness. Although the members of this troupe are all blind, they refuse to bow down in the face of adversity, nor has their education
stalled. They continue to take drama, art, and culture classes, and have used what they have learned to create this new performance. This play combines dance, culture, and art, and features the troupe members drawing on stage. The director believes this to be a challenge, but the troupe uses each piece of art and the play to prove that although they lack sight, their futures are filled with unlimited possibilities.



    黑暗的舞台上,露出了些微的燈光,演員們憑著感覺,賣力演出一句台詞,說出了滿滿的無奈,他們是一群視障者,雖然眼睛看不見,不過憑著不向命運低頭的意志,不僅學戲劇,現在還學畫畫和文學創作,要把他們所學,展現在新劇當中這齣戲結合了舞蹈,文學和美術,並嘗試讓視障者在舞台上作畫,對於導演來說,是一項挑戰看看這一幅幅他們的畫作, 他們將用這些畫和戲劇來證明,即使視力有缺陷,不過還是有無限的可能



< 超級大善人 樹林都靠他 >
    Mr. Chiu takes a stroll in this newly erected park. He browses the grass and the trees like any stroller would. Except Chiu feel particular sentiments toward the park. That is because the 40 million NT used to build the park came entirely from the 78-year old good samaritan. The funds were a chunk of the 170 million inheritance tax Chiu dutifully paid to the government upon the death of his wife. In addition, he donated an extra 40 million worth of stock shares. This allowed the 8000 senior citizens of Shulin to receive a 2000 NT allowance each. Chiu is modest in response to his good deed. But to the City Hall that has trouble paying utilities, it is an act that moved them to tears. Chiu steps into the community center,also built with his donations, and says he is content. Having been a resident of Shulin for over 30 years, Chiu says his only wish is to chat and have tea with his neighbours in the community. As Chiu is extremely low-key, neighbors generally are not aware of his generosity. He explains that his personal achievement is the achievement of the entire community.


    七十八歲的邱老先生,在這個才剛剛完工不久的公園裡頭散步,看著身旁的一草一木,他的感覺特別不一樣,因為興建這所公園的四千多萬元,都是從他今年繳交的遺產稅提撥出來的,他的妻子過世之後,依法徵收一億七千萬的遺產稅,邱老先生還額外捐出股票,讓全樹林市八千多位老人,都可以領到兩千塊的敬老津貼老先生講的含蓄,不過這對連電費都快繳不出來的市公所來說,卻是感動的眼淚都快掉下來了。住在樹林三十幾年,踏進也是他繳稅蓋的活動中心,他說他相當滿意,未來他只希望能夠和街頭巷尾的鄰居,一起在活動中心裡泡茶聊天,就相當值得,邱老先生相當低調,連鄰居都不知道,自己附近住著這樣一個大善人。 他希望所有的樹林人,都能分享他的成就

星期二, 11月 23, 2004


< 蘇貞昌掃街 民進黨衝刺 >
    The vendors of 三和 traditional market in Sanchung City present zhungzhe to Secretary General, 蘇貞昌 . It was quite a show of face for their former County Magistrate. Of course, Su doesn't forget his mission here: to rally votes for DPP legislative candidate 陳茂男 The passionate crowd fuel the official on as he shakes hands with every single one of them. Some say hello; others call him President Su. The Secretary-Genera l's popularity with the people is seen in the shower of gifts he receives. The traditional market sees lots of action early in the morning as Su supported the 8 DPP candidates of Taipei County's Second Voting District.




< 王金平陪同 黃健庭掃街 >
    President of Legislative Yuan 王金平 came to Tai-dong county on the morning of November 23rd to assist KMT legislator candidate 黃健庭 . Besides assisting 黃健庭 , 王金平 has another mission, which is to persuade councilor 吳俊立 to continue stay with KMT because there was rumor about 吳俊立 may be the next councilor 徐慶元 who turned to support Pan-Green. 吳俊 立 was also there with 王金 平 for campaign rally. When he was asked whether he would switch to Pan-Green, he did not answer directly. 王金平 did not want to miss any vote. Pan-Blue in Tai-dong County is in danger of losing votes to Pan-Green. 王金 平 hopes that every hand he shakes, could turn to useful result at the year-end election.




< 選戰的花絮 送蛋糕其他 >
    The young lady with the big eyes and wearing a pink jacket is legislative candidate 張清芳 's daughter. She flew back to Taiwan from Canada to surprise her father on his 53rd birthday. 張雅文 is proving to be a worthy aide, and is doing all she can to help her father win votes so that he can win another term in the Legislative Yuan. DPP candidate 林 重謨, on the other hand, is challenging 包青 天. He has pasted his own picture onto an anti-corruption poster as a sign of his fight against election corruption. Meanwhile, in Kaohsiung TSU candidate 林志 隆 is calling for the national emblem, national flag, and national anthem to be replaced. As Election Day nears, the candidates are coming up with different platforms in order to promote themselves and win votes.




< 黨徽混國徽 今天繼續吵 >
    President Chen produces the national and the KMT party emblems for all to see. But to do this during the election campaign makes one think it is a ploy to generate media coverage. Secretary General 蘇貞昌 stressed, however, that Chen had raised the issue of party nation boundaries long before the election. One DPP party member even suggested a referendum on the national emblem, to which the opposing party strongly resisted. The dispute has the military caught in an awkward situation, as one of its badges carries the national emblem. The Ministry of National Defense responded low-key and remarked that the national and KMT emblems are easy to distinguish if one looked close enough.






< 顧崇廉政變?自己出面說 >
    "Friends Forever". These were the words written by President Chen Shui-bian on his book "Taiwan's Son" and it was given to 顧崇廉 as a present. Back then, Chen was a president candidate and Gu was a diplomatic representative at Holland. Now, 顧崇廉 became a victim to be sacrificed by President Chen. Gu said he felt like he was betrayed and sold out. Besides 顧崇廉, President Chen also named several others. Like 許歷農 and former Minister of National Defense were also on the name list. Regarding former Minister of National Defense 蔣仲苓 asking 湯曜明 and 李傑 stand out for an explanation, Ministry of National Defense replied that it won't happen any time soon. The ministry emphasized that there were no arm leaders on duty involved in soft coup attempt. Therefore, it wishes media and press could stop discussing it.

    陳水扁總統把『永遠的朋友』五個大大的字,寫在『台灣之子』的新書上,送給顧崇廉!當時,一位是總統候選人,一位是駐荷蘭代表,如今,顧崇廉被陳總統點名,在民主牆簽名,煽動軍心,顧崇廉說,他有被陳總統出賣的感覺!陳總統還點名許歷農以及前國防部長涉入柔性政變,對此國防部相當低調至於前國防部長蔣仲苓要求湯曜明和李傑出面對質,國防部表示,目前沒有這樣的安排!調查現役將領,也沒有外傳涉入柔性政變的情形,希望爭議就此打住!對於蔣仲苓呼籲李傑和湯曜明出面說明, 國防部強調目前沒有規劃,



< 奧運奪牌選手獲頒獎章 >
    Tae Kwon Do Olympic gold medalist, 陳詩欣 was given an award handed by Chairman of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee 徐亨. Though it is a small award, but it represents the highest honor of an Olympic athlete. Taiwan all together won 2 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 1 iron medal at the Athens Olympic Games. 9 athletes on stage were all given an award by government. Each award has its own number series. And it's the one and only award given to the athlete by government. Its meaning and value cannot be calculated and replaced.






< 食品紙容器 安全大調查 >
    This supermarket shelf is lined with paper cups and bowls, and consumers often pick up these packs of printed paper plates. But the pigments and dyes used to create the patterns may be unsafe and illegal. These two paper bowls, for example, were tested by the Department of Health and revealed to have been colored with sub-standard, cheap dyes. If they are filled with hot water or soup, or microwaved, the dyes will dissolve. But don't think that by default, white cups, plates, and bowls are safe. This paper bowl and box this supermarket shelf is lined with paper cups and bowls, and consumers often pick up these packs of printed paper plates. But the pigments and dyes used to create the patterns may be unsafe and illegal. These two paper bowls, for example, were tested by the Department of Health and revealed to have been colored with sub-standard, cheap dyes. If they are filled with hot water or soup, or microwaved, the dyes will dissolve. But don't think that by default, white cups, plates, and bowls are safe. This paper bowl and box both contain fluorescent brighteners. Even though these chemicals are not directly harmful to humans, they are illegal. Therefore, next time you need to buy these items, avoid the ones that are too white or too pretty.




< 開頭燈開車 明年要罰錢 >
    The drivers that are stopped by the police initially think they violated traffic rules. It turns out, they just forgot to turn on the headlights. Starting on January 1st, 2005, however, the Taipei County traffic police will fine cars without their headlights on. Presently, 4 streets in Taipei County requires that cars operate with the lights on at all times. The reinforcement has reduced accidents by 20-30%. Starting next year, 3 major roads leading to Yangmingshan and Keelung will also require lights on regardless of day or night. Many drivers have yet to adjust to driving with lights in the day. It has been nearly 3 years since the County Government reinforced the lights regulation on mountain roads. Soon, on the seven roads, drivers who do not turn the lights on will be fined from 600 to 1200 NT.




< 販賣氧氣店 上班族最愛 >
    23-year-old Miss Hsu works at a bank, and often suffers from fatigue. Recently, she has taken to plunking down her money at spas for hyperbaric oxygen sessions. 99% density oxygen contains nearly four times the oxygen content of air, and Miss Hsu finds the 20-minute sessions well worth it at 400 NT a pop. Industry insiders say that hyperbaric oxygen not only directly enters the lungs, but can also be absorbed quickly into the skin and cells. But doctors, on the other hand, counter their claims. According to the medical community, hyper baric oxygen is effective in treating specific diseases over the long term, but is not likely to have any effect on the human body over the short term. Therefore, there is a big discrepancy between the spas' claims, and the actual effects of the treatment.


星期一, 11月 22, 2004


< 扁見哈維爾 會說些什麼 >
  On Monday morning, President Chen met with former Czech President Harvel. Chen decorated Harvel with the Order of the Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon for his contribution to Taiwan-Czech bilateral relations. The President also acknowledged Harvel as a world-class philosopher, statesman and literary artist. Harvel, however, was confined to a wheelchair when he met with Chen. The President expressed apologies for the guest's injuries in Taiwan as well as get-well wishes. Chen then went on to thank the former President for contributing to Taiwan-Czech relations. Under Harvel's efforts, visits of high-ranking officials from the two countries were made possible. Two First Ladies of Czech have visited Taipei. From Taiwan's side, former President Lee Teng-hui, former Premier Lien Chan and First Lady Wu Shu-jen have all paid visits to Czech and received warm welcomes from Harvel himself. President Chen named Harvel as one of the world's greatest thinkers, particularly in his philosophy toward human rights. Chen hailed Harvel's ideas, such as human rights rise above national sovereignty, or, the nation is a product of the people; people are a creation of God, as forward steps in humanity.



< 扁限國民黨 三月改黨徽 >
  Holding up a ROC flag and a KMT flag, Chen Shui-bian complained that the two were too similar. The KMT issued a statement saying that the party would not be changing its emblem, and voiced suspicions that Chen's ultimatum was simply a way to change the national flag, which Chen had promised not to do. Furthermore, in response to Chen's call for 黃復興 and other military committees to end ties to the KMT, the KMT said that this was an internal party matter. Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou also pointed out on Monday morning that the national emblem and KMT party emblem were in fact quite dissimilar, and that any questions should be directed to the relevant organizations.

  拿出中華民國國徽和國民黨黨徽,陳總統說兩個圖案太類似,痛批國民黨黨國不分. 國民黨口徑一致,不會改黨徽,更批評陳總統用意,其實要改國徽,至於陳總統呼籲裁撤黃復興等軍方黨部,國民黨則回應這是家務事. 上午出訪雅加達進行城市外交的台北市長馬英九則說,黨徽國徽分別很清楚,如有混淆情形應該督導各單位改善.


< 奧會旗警徽 黨徽比一比 >
  These emblems all come in blue, with white suns and 12 rays of light. It is difficult to tell which one is the party emblem and which is the national one. If you look carefully, you will see that the national emblem has a GREEN circle around its edge. The rays on the party emblem touch the outer circle. At the door of the National Police Agency is a party emblem. The Agency has indicated it will soon make the correction. An even closer look will show you that the flag of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and the National Police Agency both carry the party emblem. On the uniforms of the Police Agency is the national emblem. Two versions in one organization is a little disorienting for most. As to the Olympic Committee's emblem, the Secretary-Genera l indicated that it has been in use since 1981 and will not be changed hereon. The committee also expressed that the emblem itself should not be given political connotations. Politics is politics; physical fitness is not politics.

  都是青天白日、十二道白尖角光芒,究竟什麼是黨徽、什麼是國徽,一堆人霧煞煞。仔細瞧,國徽其實在周圍留下一到青色圓圈,黨徽的白尖角,則幾乎與圖形邊緣接觸。我們來到警政署大門口,發現上面就是黨徽的圖案,警政署表示會儘速修改。 再仔細比較,中華奧會的會旗與警政署大門都是黨徽,不過警政署人員的制服圖案卻是國徽。同一個單位,不同的版本,令人困惑。至於中華奧會使用黨徽,秘書長則表示,會徽的圖案是在1981年就確定,不會更改。 中華奧會也希望,不管國徽黨徽,不要過渡政治化解讀,讓政治歸政治,體育歸體育。


< 扁批蔣仲苓 女兒委屈哭 >
(It would be very simple to find out whether on the morning of March 24th, a retired general asked a currently high-ranking general to pretend to be sick and go to the hospital, and to resign.)
The President lashed out when he spoke of the coup d'etat, naming exact dates of the incident. Chen accused 蔣仲苓 of still acting as Minister of National Defense and asked 蔣仲苓's successors 湯曜 明 and 李傑 to come forward and testify. Subsequently, 蔣仲苓's daughter appeared on Monday to clear her father of his name. Chiang's agitation resulted in tears as she asserted that her 80-year old father is nearly blind and is incapable of instigating a soft coup.
(His eyes are so weak he can barely read. Can we stop talking about this? We don't want sympathy. We've said everything we need to say. Let him focus on his heath. We don't want him to suffer anymore harassment.)
蔣仲苓's daughter says neither she or her father will leave town. They welcome any investigation to prove his innocence.

  總統陳水扁(到底在三月二十四號上午是哪一個退役將領去請現役高級將領叫他生病住院、叫他辭官. 這個很容易查嘛)
提到柔性政變,陳總統火力全開!點出了明確時間, 陳總統還痛批蔣仲苓以為自己還是國防部長, 居然要求前後任國防部長湯曜明跟李傑出面對質,一再被點名涉入柔性政變, 蔣仲苓的女兒,代父出面,情緒激動當場痛哭流淚, 還透露八十多歲的蔣仲苓,因為眼疾, 幾乎雙眼已經不到
前國防部長蔣仲苓之女(他眼睛幾乎已經看不到字了. 不要再講了,不要再講了. 我們不願意博得同情. 你不要再講了. 我們該講的都講了. 讓他養身體,對對對. 我們不希望他再受到干擾)
蔣仲苓的女兒說,他和父親都不會離開, 如果真有證據,就請檢調去查明,還他清白!


< 比例四點四 兒童活體移 >
  Staring curiously at the birthday cake, baby 鍾 gets a new start in life today. Of course, the happiest person here is her father, who donated part of his liver to save his infant daughter's life. The transplant was very risky due to the fact that baby 鍾 was only 9 months old and weighed a mere 4.4 kilograms. There was the risk that her body would reject the liver, and that her abdominal cavity was not large enough. To her father, the 20 cm scar which now decorates his body is completely worth it when he thinks of what he got in exchange: his daughter's health. Seeing his daughter now, the picture of health, the pressure which he faced prior to the surgery can now finally be released. Her weight has increased to nearly 6 kilograms since the transplant. 軒軒, who also underwent a liver transplant four years ago, was only 11 months old at the time of the transplant. Now, she is already six years old, and has come to help baby 鍾 celebrate. She also congratulates baby 鍾 on having set a new record in Taiwan for the lowest weight and smallest body mass for a successful liver transplant.

  切下生日蛋糕,鍾小妹妹眨著好奇的大眼睛,準備迎接重獲新生的每一天,最開心的當然是捐肝給她的爸爸,因為要把一個成人的肝裝進才九個月大,4.4公斤小女兒的身體裡,風險相當大,不但要承受發生併發症的高危險,還有腹腔空間太小的問題,但是為了讓女兒活命,爸爸毫不考慮放手一搏,身上二十多公分的傷疤,換來女兒的健康,一切都值得. 看到女兒恢復健康膚色,大眼睛咕嚕咕嚕轉,動手術之前的壓力終於可以放下,鬆一口氣,現在女兒體力超好、胃口超棒,體重已經直逼六公斤,四年多前也成功換肝的軒軒,手術當時十一個月大,現在已經六歲了,特地來為跟她一樣換肝的鍾小妹妹加油打氣,也恭喜她再創紀錄,成為國內體重最輕、體積最小肝臟移植成功的小生命。


< 紐奧良爵士 來台顯身手 >
  Listen to the jazzy melody, don't you feel very relaxed now? They are the New Orleans Jazz Band from the United States. This jazz band is very popular in the States. Every show they had, the seats are always filled. Trombone, clarinet, trumpet, piano, cello, drum, tico banjo together are the New Orleans Jazz Band's 7 essential instruments. The age of the band players ranges from 30 years old to 80 years old. Though with such great difference of age, their performing skills are excellent. What's so special of this band is that they never plan what to play before they get on stage because they like to think that each of their performance is like an exciting trip. If they carefully plan the songs beforehand, then they would lose the excitement of playing on stage. How do you like this kind of spontaneous way of playing Jazz?

  優雅甜美的樂聲,搖擺的節奏,是不是讓你整個心情都輕鬆了起來呢. 他們是來自美國的紐奧良爵士樂團,大眾化的音樂風格,風靡全美,每一場表演總是大排長龍、座無虛席. 長號的音色鴻亮沉重.單簧管的音色優美明亮. 小號的音色變化多端. 鋼琴奏出清脆的樂聲. 再加上低音大提琴,爵士鼓以及爵士樂的經典樂器斑鳩琴,組成了紐奧良爵士樂團七重奏,這群從30歲到80幾歲的音樂演奏者,有著絕佳的默契.他們的演奏完全沒有預設的曲目表,因為他們認為每一場的演出就像一趟旅行, 如果事先安排行程就會失去隨興的樂趣,用心聽聽他們的音樂,是不是也能讓你感動呢.


< 李登輝造勢 南投去站台 >
  Though busy traveling for the year end legislator election, President Lee Teng-hui looks extremely energized on the morning of November 22nd while assisting his party's legislator candidate in Nantou Pu-li. Former President Lee keep on emphasizing the importance of the Pan-Green taking over 50% of the seats in Legislative Yuan. He criticized that Lien Chan and James Soong were wrong to start riots after March 20th president election. Regarding Lien Chan encouraging all residents to take a referendum of supporting Taiwan independence or unity with China, Lee replied that Lien is being ridiculous.

  儘管馬不停蹄的助選,前總統李登輝上午仍精神奕奕的在南投埔里,全力幫台聯立委候選人站台,李前總統一再強調泛綠過半的重要性. 他把矛頭指向連戰和宋楚瑜兩人,李前總統說,敗選的人就不該再鬧,應該要有民主風度. 另外,針對連戰提出統獨工頭議題,李前總統批評連戰根本就是頭殼壞去.


< 新牛蛙大餐 創16種吃法 >
  There are so many dishes made from bullfrogs written on the menu. First time customers may not know where to begin to order. The owner showed us one of his popular dish, stir-fry bullfrog with wine, sesame oil and soy sauce. Second most popular dish is the roasted bullfrog legs. Very soon, this dish was emptied out. Now you can imagine how delicious the legs were. Third was the bullfrog soup with Chinese medicines. This soup is suppose to be very good to one's health! Though bullfrogs do not look appealing, but the meat is definitely tender. The meat taste like chicken but is lower in cholesterol and fat compare to chicken. It is high in nutrient and suitable in any form of cooking. For those who are interested, try some bullfrog dishes next time.

  牛蛙大餐這麼多道道菜,叫人真不知道該從哪一樣開始下手,老闆先露一手大火快炒三杯牛蛙肉. 香噴噴熱騰騰,接著再將牛蛙腿一隻一隻插上竹籤,送進烤箱,烤好之後,可是大家搶著吃! 再來一個藥膳牛蛙鍋,這湯頭,可是牛蛙的精華! 牛蛙雖然不好看,但口感吃起來像雞肉,而且比較脆,再加上低膽固醇、低熱量,高營養價值,又適合各種烹飪方法,有興趣的民眾,不妨嚐一嚐!


< 可愛的可魯 免費來試養 >
  The three Labradors rolling on the grass are seeing-eye dogs, just like Labrador movie star, Quill. The owner of these dogs, the 新莊 Institute for the Blind, is currently seeking foster homes for these dogs in order to acclimate them to society so that they can later become true seeing-eye dogs. The close relationship between seeing eye dogs and their owners is not formed overnight. The dogs must first be trained and fostered with a family for ten months to a year, and this step can't be overlooked. The Institute hopes to take advantage of the current Labrador rage and find new homes for these three dogs. Would you like to get a Labrador? If you live in the greater Taipei area and own a car, you can apply with the 新莊 Institute for the Blind to become a foster family for one of the Labradors. The Institute will cover all related expenses, and hopes that more seeing eye dogs can be trained to service the blind.

  在草地上嬉戲的三隻拉不拉多和電影主角可魯一樣,都是貨真價實的導盲犬,這裡是新莊的盲人重建院,他們現在正在為這些拉不拉多找適合的寄宿家庭,讓他們可以早點適應社會,成為真正的導盲犬. 看看導盲犬和主人之間的感情,導盲犬是要經過長久以來的培養,由於在訓練過程中,在寄養家庭十個月到一年的時間,是相當重要的一環,重建院想要趁這波可魯風潮,為這些導盲犬找到新家. 想在家中養一條可魯嗎?只要家住大台北,並且備有汽車,就可以向新莊盲人重建院申請,當然愛心是必備條件,至於經費更是全額補助,希望能有更多可魯,帶領盲人走出自己的路.