< 金牌到花蓮 北縣反賄選 >
Every hand shaked means a hope to get a vote. Every legislator candidates believe that their sincerity can move a voter's decision on the election day. In order to ensure DPP wins at the year-end election, DPP Secretary General 張俊雄 went to Hua-lien to assist Hua-lien DPP legislator candidate for campaigning. First stop, he came to Hua-lian 重慶 city for assisting 盧博基 . To 張俊雄, this year-end election is not just whether Pan Green could win or not, it also means whether he could be the head of the Legislative Yuan or not. Therefore, 張俊 雄 treats this election very seriously. TSU legislator candidates were advocating to share votes among Pan-Green. However, 張俊雄 did not want to comment on this. His second stop was to assist aboriginal candidate 陳道民 at Chen's campaign rally, hoping to get more support from the aboriginals.
< 連宋要密會 談國親配票? >
Only two weeks remain until the legislative election will take place. Lien Chan and James Soong, chairmen of the KMT and PFP, respectively, met privately on the 26th to decide whether to allocate votes. Voters of seven counties and cities may be asked to take part in vote allocation, including Nantou, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung. Candidate 陳學聖 , who is representing the southern district of Taipei City, believes that vote allocation is essential. Whether Lien and Soong can reach an agreement will greatly impact the outcome of the election.
選戰只剩下十五天, 國親兩黨到底要怎麼配票聯合競選, 都還沒有著落,為了進一步協商,兩黨主席連戰宋楚瑜週五中午密會討論﹐可能在南投台中高雄屏東等七縣市, 推動配票競選, 候選人都呼籲國親兩黨不能再拖參選北市南區的候選人陳學聖不諱言,配票和棄保釋勢在必行﹐而連宋會談能不能達成協議, 也將牽動國親在各縣市選情
< 孫大千阿標 查賄和阿農 >
DPP candidate in Tainan County 李俊毅 holds a stuffed animal and calls it his mascot. Lee, who is under investigation for election bribery, maintains innocence as he rallies for votes. While Lee defends his innocence, candidate 孫大千 in Taoyuan County stated that he was willing to
share his votes with fellow pan-blue candidates. Sun hopes to send as many pan-blues as possible to the legislature. In Jia-yi County, independent candidate 陳明仁 tried to win sympathy votes. Chen claimed that opponent 張 花冠's husband 曾振農 threatened to kill him. And in Miaoli County, the Prosecutor took to households to investigate bribery. 11 travel bags were found along with 3 envelopes with DPP candidate 陳 超明's name and the words, "transportation fee" written on them. Inside the envelopes were 6000 NT. Investigators suspect this to be evidence of bribery. Chen has denied such allegations.
< 監委的審查 呂副來主持 >
After 3 weeks of internal referring for memebers of Control Yuan, the 4th annual recommedation team by Control Yuan had all together received 188 nominees and their profiles. Besides the number of on-duty control yuan councilors who wish to continue another session, recemmendation team will elect 40 candidates. Then give to President Chen for review. President Chen will then elect 27 from the 40 candidates. Finally this list of candidates will be aproved by Legislative Yuan. Vice President Lu, who is the headmaster of the recemmendation department, emphaised that the reviewing process is absolutely fair and open. Regarding to the public suspecting the fairness of the President of High speed Railway 殷琪 being one of the recommendation councilors, Vice President Lu replied that there is nothing to be unfair about because recommendation councilors can not recommend any candidates. She believes that this kind of fair and just referring system would be acknowledged by all people in the nation.
< 中國女託警 探視台灣父 >
83-year old Mr. Mao finds a letter from his daughter in the pile of mail. It was just sent to him from Mainland China. The elderly Mao can barely stand straight; walking from his bedroom to the living room is even more difficult. Just as he sits to read the letter, a police officer arrives at the door. Mao thanks him for his daily visits and calls his daughter in Shanghai to tell her he is well. From her father, she learns of the policeman's courtesy and thanks him over the phone. At the beginning of the month, the local police station received a letter from Shanghai from a woman named Mao. The shapely handwriting told of her sickly father. The woman is unable to care for him as she is far away in China. Mao then asked the police to visit her father in place of her. Local police were moved by her filial piety and did so accordingly. The story has become an example in the neighborhood.
< 媽媽手酸痛 復健的妙招 >
Housewives must often multitask. Between preparing meals and taking care of the children, the hand and wrist movements used on a daily basis to perform these tasks often lead to a condition called "Mother's Hands," which is an inflammation of the hand-area muscles, particularly those located behind the thumbs. The inflammation is often painful, and most commonly occurs in massage therapists or people who use their computers for extended periods of time. Doctors point out that the majority of "Mother's Hands" patients tend to try to rectify the situation by purchasing wrist slings at pharmacies, but this is not the correct treatment for this condition. Instead, people suffering from this condition should seek medical advice for personalized physical therapy in order to effectively treat the problem. Traditional massage should also be avoided as a method of treatment. Doctors say that massaging the hands thirty times a day and an adequate amount of rest will prevent this problem from occuring.
拿著鍋鏟,辛苦地準備菜餚,孩子 哭了,趕緊抱起來哄一哄,這些動作,其實都是媽媽們手部健康的隱形殺手。有種俗稱媽媽手的肌腱炎,發生在拇指背側,因為肌腱過度摩擦造成疼痛,許多指壓按摩師,或是電腦族不正確地使用滑鼠,都患有這種症狀醫師指出,一般人患了媽媽手,常會到藥房購買護腕手套其實並不正確。應該要到醫院求診,按照個人手形定做固定式護腕,才能有效治療。另外有些人會求助傳統的推拿,醫師也不贊同。醫師建議,其實每天只要按摩手部三十下,再加上休息,就能讓雙手健康有活力。
< 旅美兩球員 返台來亮相 >
曹錦輝 appears fashionably dressed at the venue. His stature and sunglasses attract quite a few looks. It has been two years since Tsao has been home. He returned this time to serve supplementary military duties. On a baseball field, the player is the heroic pitcher. Faced with military duties, however, he is forced to shave off his hair. After years of training, Tsao has done away with initial fidgetings and now stands proudly on American territory, staking his claim in the Major League. As pains in his arms have healed, Tsao continues his path of success in his career. Sean Chen is another Taiwanese athlete with dreams in America. Chen will be joining the Orange County Crush of the American Basketball Association. Tsao and Chen each plays their own sport , but both have the same dream to attain in the United States.
< 馬英九印尼 與僑胞歡唱 >
A delegation led by Taipei City Mayor 馬英 九 arrived in Indonesia to bid for next year's Asian Network of Major Cities's annual conference to be held in Taipei. But the PRC government has been pressuring countries to support Beijing instead, casting a shadow over the conference. The final decision was that the 2005 conference will be held in Beijing, and Taipei will have priority in hosting the conference in 2006. Leaving diplomacy and politics aside for a night, Mayor Ma also took the opportunity while in Indonesia to share a meal with the country's overseas Chinese community. Since it was such a rare opportunity, every person who attended the dinner clamored to have their picture taken with the popular mayor. Finally, Ma led a singalong of 我們都是好兄弟, bringing an end to a memorable evening.