星期六, 12月 18, 2004

angel cool

應該是粉好玩的影片吧 _ 不過台灣片商應該不會買來上映_等著看dvd囉
英文片名:Cowboys & Angels
北美上映日期:2004/09/17 (Limited)


星期五, 12月 17, 2004


星期四, 12月 16, 2004


< 弔唁蔣方良 民眾哭斷腸 >
    After a night's arrangement, the shrine of Faina Chiang was set up at Tri-Service Hospital. At 9 a.m. Thursday morning, it was officially open to the public. A photograph of the the warmhearted first lady is placed on the shrine; fresh white flowers fill the solemn room. Throughout the morning, mourners stopped by to pay condolences. Some were in wheelchairs, others walked with the assistance of canes. They never met Faina in person, but came to pay respects to the former first lady nevertheless. A retired teacher from 三軍 Day Care Center, established by Ms. Chiang, brought a faded picture of Chiang to reminisce. Former President of Examination Yuan 邱創煥 speaks of the times he played golf with Ms. Chiang. President Chen paid respects for a second time at the shrine. Former President Lee Teng-hui and wife sent flowers. President of Legislative Yuan 王金平 paid a personal visit and remarked that the government will arrange a national burial if Ms. Chiang's family wishes to.






< 萬納度斷交?外館險撤離 >
    Trouble seems non-stop ever since Taiwan tries to build diplomatic relations with Vanuatu. Just days ago, Vanuatu's new government gave out a written notice to all airline companies forbidding Taiwan citizens to get in or leave Vanuatu. To avoid our diplomats and staffs being harm by China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the diplmats to retrieve from Vanuatu right away and go to Fiji for the time being. The ministry strongly criticized Vanuatu's new government trying to create obstacles for Taiwan diplomats and the pressure constantly release by China. As to what's the future diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Vanuatu? The ministry emphasized that only if Vanuatu officially announce terminating diplomatic relations with Taiwan or else the two countries' dimplomatic relation is still valid.



    我國與萬納度的建交案, 波折不斷,雖然目前仍然維持外交關係, 不過萬納度新政府, 日前竟然發函給各航空公司, 禁止台灣人民進出萬納度, 外交部擔心, 中國趁機對我國外交人員不利, 已經緊急將他們撤離外交部將兩名外交人員暫時安置在斐濟, 對於萬納度新政府的刁難, 和中國的打壓, 外交部也重話痛批至於兩國的邦交,到底樂不樂觀, 外交部強調, 除非萬納度主動宣佈和台灣斷交, 否則台萬邦交仍然有效, 外交部也會持續努力, 堅守到最後一分鐘



< 三一九槍案 可疑灰衣男 >
    After discovering where the gun was purchased, new developments came to light in the 319 shooting incident on a daily basis. Investigators discovered that the gun used on March 19 was purchased from 唐守義 by an unidentified male surnamed Huang. Huang, whose nickname is "Lefty," may know the identity of the would-be assassin. But because Huang refused to tell the police who he passed the gun and bullets onto, officials requested permission to take him into custody.
Investigators are also trying to apprehend the unidentified male in gray who appeared on the scene of the shooting, but since the shooting, the male in gray has disappeared into thin air. Investigators suspect that the male shot at President Chen with his left hand, and because Huang's nickname is "Lefty," the male in gray and Huang may be one and the same. There is another suspect in the case, the bald male in yellow, and police are investigating whether he is in fact the deceased 陳義雄. In their search for 唐 守義, officials have already taken 17 people into custody. If they are able to find out the identities of the male in gray and the bald male in yellow, the chances of cracking this case open is high.






< 高鐵超快感 急速駕駛艙 >
    This is the first time High Speed Railway's driver cabin shows in public. We're here to show you how it is like when the train travels in 300 km/hr. When the driver pulls down the accelerator, the train accelerates, the scenary passes by just like wind. The 700T train could speed as fast as 300km per hour. It was build like the high speed train, Shinkansen, in Japan. Taiwan's high speed railway costs over a 10 million nt dollars to build. All residents at the scene were all very eager to go into he driver's cabin to take a look. High Speed Railway expects the train to start servicing residents next year in October.






< 影帝鬧胃痛 一直臉臭臭 >
    On his second day in Taiwan, Nicolas Cage attended a press conference for his new movie. Cage appeared fatigued due to jet lag or lack of sleep, often taking sips of water and playing with his glasses, and only when he was asked about his first date with his wife Alice did he crack a smile.
("Would you like to go with me to the Grand Canyon?" She said, "Sure," but that I had to get her home by 11 o'clock. We went out to San Francisco and had dinner, but I got her back in time to be home for her mother at eleven.)
Cage was left with a deep impression of the fans that waited for him at the airport. And because his schedule has been so busy, he still has not had a chance to sample some Taiwanese delicacies.
(I haven't had a chance to really go anywhere cuz I just came straight to the hotel.)
Having starred in such action films as "The Rock," "Con Air," and "Gone in Sixty Seconds," Cage says that in real life, he is quite boring.
(I'm very boring. All I do is, when I'm not working, I read.)
In his latest film, Cage will be bringing you on his quest to find a 3000 year old treasure.



    在台灣渡過第一夜,尼可拉斯凱吉一身白色襯衫休閒裝扮,出席記者會。不過,不知是時差還是沒睡好,尼可拉斯凱吉有點無精打采,記者會上不時喝喝水,玩玩桌上的眼鏡,直到說起和新婚嬌妻愛莉私第一次約會的浪漫情節時,才露出一絲笑容。奧斯卡影帝 尼可拉斯凱吉(我問她你願不願意,和我在大峽谷共進午餐 她說好啊,不過我晚上十一點以前要回家,於是後來我們在舊金山,吃完晚飯後我就準時的在11點以前把她送回家了,因為我可是一個紳士。)第一次來到台灣影帝對機場熱情影迷印象深刻,不過一直在工作,到現在都還沒機會常常台灣有名的美食小吃。奧斯卡影帝 尼可拉斯凱吉(下飛機後就直接進飯店了,所以到現在我還沒機會去任何地方。)演過『絕地任務』『空中監獄』和『驚天動地60秒』等動作片,但大家可能不知道,螢幕下的影帝,自認是個無聊的人
 奧斯卡影帝 尼可拉斯凱吉(我是個非常無聊的人,不用工作的時候,我大部分就是在看書。)這次尼可拉斯凱吉要帶你去找尋三千年前遺失的寶藏,一起去尋寶吧.



< 白冰冰賣力 宣傳雙響炮 >
    The Big Sister of Taiwan's entertainment industry, 白冰冰, cheers for Taiwan and for her team. When theweekend approaches these days, the artist leads co-stars of her new series, 雙響炮, on promotions around town. Be it department stores of the night market, Bai promotes her new work with the same fervor. To meet the schedule, she even turned down 6 million NT worth of legislative rallying offers. This is Bai's first acting gig in seven years. It is almost as if she were a bride marrying the CTS station. Despte the hurt of losing a daughter and her father, 白冰冰 never gave up hope. In the series, she plays a spunky and lovable mother in law. She has no fashionable costume and wears makeup to look like an old woman. 白冰 冰's mission this time is to please the audience.






< 偶像劇明星 回鍋打超籃 >
    Hunter guard 高天騏, who wears number two, confidently directs his team's plays on the court. His individual matchup with Yulong Veteran 陳志忠 is the focus of much attention during the warmups. Kao, who was formerly the national high school assist king, chose to leave the basketball court three yeras ago to pursue acting. After becoming a popular soap opera actor, Kao has now decided to return to the basketball court. There are many basketball players turned actors in Taiwan. 黑人陳建州 and former national team player 顏行書 both jumped from the basketball court to the entertainment industry. However, Kao is perhaps unique in his return to basketball from acting. From training camp to finally becoming an official team member, Kao used actions to show his determination. Kao is currently the sixth man on the Hunters, and hopes to shine brightly on the basketball court.






< 養寵物過敏?提早可減敏 >
    The one year-old baby really like dogs. See how happy she is when she feeds and hugs the puppy. But her mom refuses to buy her the puppy because she worries that her baby would be allergic to the dog's fur and eventually lead to asthma when she gets older. But there was a research study that prove the mom's worries was unecessary. Doctor said the best time to own a pet is when a child reaches at the age of 5. If sneezing or rashes occur, then suggest to bring the child to the hospital for a blood test because very often the allergies wasn't induced by pets but by cold air or other factors. Therefore the sooner a child get contact with pets, the better he or she could be immuned from allergies. Looks like this child would soon able to bring a puppy home!






< 馬紹爾總統 國宴在台東 >
    Since this is the first time a national banquet is to be held in Taidong, chefs are cooking up their specialty dishes to impress the guests. This dish, called the Golden Mushroom with Bamboo, is refreshing to the palates and strengthens the kidneys. Entrees include swordfish and roast lamb, each with its own unique flavors.
And of course, a trip to Taidong would not be complete without a taste of its rich, creamy milk. This panna cotta,made with local milk, has preserved the original flavors of its ingredient. And fruit served after the meal will be Taidong's exclusive Buddha fruit. The 9-course meal will show its guests the beauty and flavors of Taiwanese cuisine.



分 手 / 仙人掌

分 手 / 仙人掌





【台灣日日詩】致稻米炸彈客 / 吳音寧






星期三, 12月 15, 2004



  傳說,修行之人到了某個境界,會產生「神通」,也就是超能力,或西方人所謂之ESP(意指「五官之外的知覺」Extrasensory Perception),其中稱之為「讀心術」的,便是佛經中的「他心通」。



  無獨有偶,「X檔案」(The X-files)的原創者克里斯‧卡特(Chris Carter),也推出了另一部影集「法眼奇案」(原名「千禧年」Millennium),主軸也是連續殺人犯,主角是退役的 FBI 探員,他也具有感應力,能看見兇手留在犯罪現場、屍體和兇器上的意念,探索兇手壓抑的心理、殺人的理由。

  電影「沉默的羔羊」(The Silence of the Lambs,1991)使心理分析用的「側寫」技術和「連續殺人犯」引起風潮,一時之間,警匪片中幾乎都有側寫的描述,而以上兩部例子,就結合了神秘學和心理學,將十分科學化的側寫技術,變成了他心通人士的洞察。




超能力可分「接收」(精神層次)和「放出」(物理層次),前者稱ESP,亦即第六感––五種感官外的第六種,後者稱 Telekinesis (念動力),比如移動物體、隔空取物,兩者皆屬佛教所謂「神通」,西方人將兩者合稱 Psi power (psi 是希臘字母倒數第二個,有神秘之義。


< 組財經內閣 點名賴英照? >
  The legislative elections are over, and now, the President has appointment of a new cabinet to keep his hands full. Who is the right candidate to head the Executive Yuan? So far, Governor of Central Bank 彭 淮南 and Justice 賴英照 are the most likely candidates. Lai was once Minister of Finance of the Provincial Government. During 張俊雄's term as Premier, Lai was promoted as Vice President of the Executive Yuan, forming a stronghold with the institution's then Secretary General 邱義仁. When 張俊雄 resigned three years ago, Lai insisted on leaving the cabinet as well. Subsequently, he took on responsibilities of a justice.彭 淮南 is presently Governor of Central Bank, bank of Taiwan. Peng was educated to become a financial expert for the government during the years the KMT was in power. A quality both Lai and Peng share is amiable relations with the opposition party. In the wake of the imbalance between government and the new legislature, either candidate would be vital to coordination between the pan-blue and green forces.



< 民進黨敗選 自評兩原因 >
  A deep bow to voters, President Chen Shui-bian acknowledged losing the legislative election battle. DPP did not win enough seats in legislative like they have expected. DPP headquarter did a reviewing report on the reasons why they failed. And the conclusion was during the election period, too many issues were being thrown out, including the change of name and constitution. That scared away many mid-voters. Another reason that failed was because after March 20th, the presidential election, DPP became too overly confident and optimistic about the legislative election this time. On top of that, there were too many legislative candidates running for the same districts, thus caused problems with vote-sharing. After this time, DPP will definitely learn to be more humble in the next election.

  向選民深深一鞠躬, 陳水扁總統承認, 在這次立委選舉中, 民進黨打輸了, 表現不理想, 而追究原因, 黨內也完成了檢討報告,總結起來最大的原因, 就是拋出太多的議題, 包括正名和制憲, 嚇跑了中間選民. 另一個值得檢討的, 就是民進黨在320過後,對於選舉過於樂觀, 自信和自滿, 才會導致敗選. 再加上提名爆炸, 同一, 聯合配票又出問題, 才會導致這次的大挫敗, 有了這樣的經驗, 民進黨下回面對選舉, 將會學著更謙虛.


< 宋楚瑜出國 連宋會喊停 >
  On the third day after the elections, PFP Chairman James Soong left for the US to visit family. Before he left, Soong said that he would no longer provoke the KMT, and that he is extending an olive branch to KMT Chairman Lien Chan. As for internal party rumors that the PFP would be cooperating with the DPP, Soong said that the oranges hadn't turned green, and furthermore, how does one merge blue oranges with the rest? Lien Chan had no comments for the media on Wednesday morning, but most people have an optimistic outlook on the planned merger. On the other hand, a KMT legislator has asked the KMT to do some humble self-analysis. Regardless of whether the merger ultimately takes place, the KMT and PFP will continue to work together. Currently, all negotiations are postponed until Soong returns to Taiwan.



< 蔣方良病逝 >
  Chiang Fang-liang was born in 1916 in Russia as Faina Vakhreva. In 1933, she met Chiang Ching-kuo at a factory in her home country. Two years later, the two were married. In 1937, Chiang Fang-liang gave birth to their first son 蔣孝文 . In the same year, she moved to China, where she spent the next twelve years. In 1949, she settled permanently in Taiwan. Chiang stayed by her husband's side for fifty-three years, rarely making public appearances during that time. She raised three sons and a daughter with Chiang Ching-kuo. Chiang Ching-kuo passed away in the year 1988. In the next eight years, Chiang Fang-liang then saw her three sons die one after another. The deaths made her even more private than before. Over the years, she developed chronic pulmonary disease, asthma and also suffered a stroke. In early October this year, she was hospitalized at Veterans General Hospital due to an outbreak of pulmonary symptoms. Guests including President Chen and Vice President Lu have paid personal visits to the former First Lady. Lu acknowledged Chiang as a role model for Taiwanese women. Chiang Fang-lian was 90 years old.

  蔣方良,一九一六年出生於俄羅斯,一九三三年認識同在俄羅斯烏拉爾機器工廠工作的蔣經國,兩年後結婚。一九三七年,長子蔣孝文出生,同 年回到中國定居。 在中國住了十二年,一九四九年來到台灣,伴隨蔣經國五十三年,蔣方良很少公開露面;蔣經國與蔣方良育有三子一女。一九八八年蔣經國去世,短短八年內,三個兒子接連離開人世,椎心之痛讓蔣方良變得更沉默。蔣方良患有慢肺腫瘤、中風、氣喘等病史,十月上旬因為肺疾發作,住進台北榮民總醫院治療,住院期間陳水扁總統、副總統呂秀蓮都前往探視,呂秀蓮讚揚她是位嫻淑台灣女性。


< 匯豐和花旗 擴大台市場 >
  Bank employees, don't worry of losing your job after banks hiring. Citibank has decided to increase 800 staffs in credit card department. HSBC on the other hand will increase 550 new staffs. It is a 30% increase of new blood compare to the number of staffs they have right now. The large number of staffs increase was for preparation for the uprising needs in credit card market and real estate market. Foreign banks believe that Taiwan is a big consumer behavior market. Knowing foreign banks' intention in Taiwan, local banks like First Bank for example is also begin hiring as well. The hundred year-old First Bank will hire over a thousand people for its 180 branches in the nation. First Bank said foreign banks mostly focused on customers on the top pyramid. Local banks on the other hand, strengthen in servicing customers on the lower and middle ranks, especially the residents living in the suburban areas.

  銀行人員不用擔心金控合併失飯碗了,外商銀行明年將有大規模招募行動,只要有企圖心抗壓力強,還不一定要有金融專業背景,先來看台灣前二大外商,花旗明年將增加八百名消費金融部門人員,匯豐也將增加五百五十名新血,比起現有人力成長三成,這也是匯豐在台灣有史以來最大規模招募行動,以搶攻房貸、信用卡等消金市場,金融同業普遍認為,台灣市場大有可為. 面對外商銀行搶大餅,本 國銀行也不甘示,百年老店第一銀行明年全國一百八十家分行共要招募上千人,和外商拼了,一銀表示外商多是以金字塔頂級客戶為主,但三百萬以下大餅,尤其是都會區以外需要一些草根性搏感情吸引客戶,本國銀行絕對佔優勢.


< 信義計畫區 停機車收費 >
  Staff at the Taipei City Parking Management Office carefully staple parking bills onto the motor scooter handles. Starting from noon this Wednesday, all motorcycles parked in the Hsin-yi commercial district will be charged a 20NT parking fee. Areas subject to the fee include Taipei 101, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Taipei City Hall and the World Trade Center. And Hsin-yi District won't be the only one. From January 1st, 2005, Nanyang Street by Taipei Main Station will also begin collecting parking fees from motor vehicles. Civilians who have enjoyed free parking in these areas are, as expected, indignant at the new regulation. The purpose of the deployment is to alleviate traffic congestion in the city. Whether it will be effective, however, still remains to be seen.

  台北市停管處的收費員, 仔細的把繳費單, 用訂書機訂在機車的把手上,從中午開始, 只要在信義商圈停機車, 就要交錢, 停一次, 收費二十元.停機車收費涵蓋的範圍, 包含了台北101, 新光三越,台北市政府, 還有世貿展覽館, 除了信義商圈, 明年元旦開始, 南陽街商圈也要開始收費,原本免費停車, 現在變成依次計費,民眾覺得很不合理.為了紓解車潮,停管處大動作, 只是, 停車要收費,能不能真的改善交通, 效果還要再觀


< 肺癌的基因 已經找到了 >
  The X-ray reveals whether a malignant tumor has been found in the patient's lung. Many people see the discovery of a cancerous tumor in the lungs as equal to a death sentence, because in over 80% of lung cancer patients, by the time the tumor is discovered, it is too late to operate. But now, lung cancer patients have new hope. The National Health Research Institute's Genetics Division has discovered a mutated gene within the tumors of55% of lung cancer patients in Taiwan. If the gene is suppressed, the tumor will not expand further. A new type of drug is particularly effective in treating this type of situation, and can successfully shrink the tumor in under a month. Because in the past under 20% of lung cancer patients live more than five years, this new discovery brings hope to patients. The National Health Insurance Bureau is also preparing to cover this type of drug, which costs millions of NT per year, in its insurance plans.



< 生育率新低 為何都不生 >
  These children's innocent smile is the sweetest but yet also the biggest burden for most parents in Taiwan. According to a survey, more and more married couple choose not to have babies, making Taiwan's birth rate dropped to 1.2, ranking number 2 for the lowest birth rate country in the world. According to a survey conducted by Ministry of Health targeting residents aging between 20 to 39. About 60% of the residents express willingness to get married but 40% wish not to have kids. The main reason is because they don't want to bear the heavy education fee for the next generation. This kind of common thinking among married couples made Taiwan's birth rate not able pass an average of 2 kids in a family. Declining birth rate and increasing aging population worries Taiwan government. The government is now in hurry to come out with a promotion plan. Purpose is to encourage married couples give birth to babies with a healthy and welcoming attitude.

  這樣天真無邪的笑容是每個爸爸媽媽心中最甜蜜的負荷,不過現在確有越來越多人選擇不要生小孩,讓台灣的生育率降到1.2,全球排名倒數第二,原因到底出在哪? 說來說去,其中最大的問題就是怕自己養不起,根據衛生署的調查,在20~39歲的民眾,其實有高達六成都願意結婚,但確有四成擔心經濟不足以負擔小孩長大,不到二的生育率,會讓台灣社會出什麼問題? 面對人口老化,政府極力研擬生育宣導政策,希望讓每個小寶貝都在爸媽的期待下,快快樂樂的長大


< 現代灰姑娘 陳好變紅星 >
  Actress 陳好 has played a variety of roles, and played each one convincingly. Chen shot to fame in the Greater China region when she appeared in 澀女郎 several years ago, and now she is commanding over 10 million per film. However, Chen never has a diva's attitude. Chen's determination to play her role in CTS' 雙響炮 results in her often leaving the set with bruises all over her body, but she has never asked for a body double. Her high standards for herself have allowed her to rise from a new graduate of Beijing's Theater School to a star on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

  陳好百變的造型還有俐落的武打工夫,不管是扮演什麼都入木三分,曾經以澀女郎走紅兩岸三地的她,即使現在拍戲身價高達一千萬,但對自我要了成功扮演華視八點大戲雙響炮俠女角色,陳好就算拍戲打得全身是傷也不輕言找替身. 就是嚴格的自我要求還有事事全力出擊,讓陳好從一個剛從北京戲劇學院畢業的應屆畢業生,搖身一變成為紅遍兩岸三地的萬人迷.






星期二, 12月 14, 2004



7,400萬 世界衛生組織希望能在今年10月和11月為7,400萬名非洲兒童施打疫苗,以在2005年前根除小兒麻痺病毒

11 自從2003年8月起,奈及利亞政府已經暫停了11個月的小兒麻痺病毒疫苗的施打,因為有傳言說這些疫苗被愛滋病毒感染

1,148 在上述的11個月間,全球發生了1,148個感染小兒麻痺病毒的病例

616 上述病例中,有616個是發生在奈及利亞

161 在2003年8月之前的11個月間,奈及利亞據報只有161個感染小兒麻痺病毒的病例

10 有10個在奈及利亞周圍的國家也受到小兒麻痺病毒感染,但這些國家之前都沒有這種病毒的疫情

30億美元 自從1988年以來,花在根除小兒麻痺病毒上的經費總共有30億美元

1億美元 要遏制奈及利亞疫情需要花上1億美元

90% 全球的小兒麻痺病毒防治費用,有90%是用在非洲

資料來源:世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)、各地疾病管制和預防中心(Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

你的呼吸是海 / 陳雋弘

你的呼吸是海 / 陳雋弘



【台灣日日詩】過薰衣草森林 / 方群



星期一, 12月 13, 2004


< 最高檢友宜 共同記者會 >
    The March 19 Shooting Investigation Team held a press conference on Monday to announce that bullets related to the shooting incident were manufactured by a man surnamed Tang. As Tang is a major supplier of modified artillery in the South, the the 9-month investigation has finally seen its first clue. As to whether the gun used in the attempted assassination was also supplied by Tang, and how the artillery were procured, still remains to be investigated. The team has put bullets produced by Tang on display and has released, for the first time, forensics photographs taken by Dr. Henry Lee. CIB Commissioner 侯友宜 indicated that blueprints of bullet designs found
in Tang's residence resembled the size and structure of bullets used in the March 19 shooting.Hou stressed, however, that the suspect's deposition still remains to be verified. Police authority's next step is to trace the channel through which the weapons were obtained. And to solve the case is still a long way.






< 民進黨挫敗 選後的檢討 >
    A sour loss in the legislative elections has spawned a wave of reactions within the DPP. Party members were so shocked and outraged that they asked President Chen to resign from Chair of the DPP. Some feel that, as President, Chen need not stoop to the ongoing battle between blues and greens. At the DPP's party central, a conference was held to discuss reasons behind the loss. As to whether a new party Chairman should be appointed, Secretary General 張俊雄 evaded any answer. Saturday's elections has officially set the uneven balance between leadership and parliment, as well as affect future guidelines for the Executive Yuan. Some pan-blue members even suggested replacing GIO Dirctor 林佳龍. One loss in the legislature; a big shock to the government.






< 國親併不併 連戰怎麼說 >
    As soon as KMT Chairman Lien Chan arrived at the KMT headquarters, he was asked about the pan-blue merger. Lien stepped into the elevator without responding.Has a split emerged between the KMT and PFP following the legislative elections? Besides saying that the KMT did not cooperate with the PFP in vote allocation, Soong said that he was unwilling to return to the KMT to be second fiddle. How will this affect the pan-blue merger, originally slated for February? Lien will be stepping down as KMT Chairman next year, and the two likeliest candidates to replace him, Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng and Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou both stepped out on
Monday to urge the pan-blue parties to be united. Wang also said that after the election, big matters would become small, and small matters would fade away, and that right now, the most important thing is for the pan-blue to be united in their future goals.






< 選後的立院 有誰來開會 >
    None of the legislatives who won the next term's in legislature showed up in legislature today. In contrary, legislator 邱議瑩 who did not win the election came for the meeting. The meeting almost could not get going because of the low attendence rate. Only 30 minutes after the meeting, the meeting was forced on hold due to too little legislator participants. 邱議瑩 showed sadness over losing the election battle. When asked of her future plan, she said she is considering of running for county magistrate, however, she would like to go study abroad or go for a vacation first. 沈 富雄 also attended the meeting. His old friends came to legislature to cheer him up. 江綺雯 was very prepared for the meeting. She even signed up to be the first person to interpellate. She said she will turn her unfinished cases to 林郁芳 , wishing Lin can do a good job in the legislature.






< 選後第一天 台股的漲跌 >
    In accordance to legislative election, Taiwan Stock Exchange on December 13th went up when opened but soon came down before market closed. The result of Pan-blue winning the majority seats in legislatre affected the Pan-blue stocks in active dealing, like the stocks of China Television Company and Advanced Microelectronic Products,Inc all performed well. After the election, the easing political situation is expected to bring up the real estate market, thus make an uprise in construction stocks today. CD products was also one of the best performing stocks. On the contrary, Pan-Green related stocks performed in negative because of the election result. Taiwan Salt Corporation stock dropped and financial stocks were the worst performer due to the recent RTC bill not able to pass in legislature. Stock analysts belive that this is just a temporary reaction of post election effect. Analysts also believe that foreign investment will be back to Taiwan Stock Market. The long position amount right now takes up 40%, there is still about 300 billion nt dollars for investment. Therefore, analysts expects the index to go up eventually. Therefore, investors can choose to buy the negative performing but good company stocks and ready for the next rise.






< 全民大乾杯 選後大和解 >
    A clasp of glasses celebrates a peaceful ending to the fiery legislative elections. In face of the outcomes, some are joyful; others are sorry. But the common wish on everyone's minds is to see peace and unity across the nation. In light of this, students and faculty at National Taiwan University of Arts produced a mimiature of Taiwan with 999 beer bottles. The artists are not worried about the stigma attached to alcohol, as bottles used are all empty. The group hopes for the people of Taiwan to plant flowers to keep the island beautiful and fulll of life. It also hopes to save the 999th empty beer bottle for President Chen. It asks the President to take Taiwan to a more peaceful, prosperous, and happier future.






< 地方戲巡演 壽豐鄉開幕 >
    Combining aspects of modern and traditional culture, the showtunes carnival is about to begin. The strong beats of the drum sounds, beckoning to the ears of the audience. The traditional lion dance style has been modernized with the addition of puppets, creating a plot for the lion dance and making it interactive. And what's going on over here? Don't think that someone accidentally put on the wrong music. The aborigine dancers move to western songs without missing a beat. The combination of modern and traditional culture creates a beautiful and rich new culture.






< 超大薑餅屋 塞五十幼童 >
    This house made of ginger cookies is two stories high. The ginger house is designed like a Russian castle. What's most special about this ginger castle is the Santa Clause on the chimney. See, there's even white smoke coming out from the chimney. Little cute dwarts could be seen around the castle, making the whole castle lively and interesting. The chefs said they have spent at least 2 months and used almost 200 kilograms to make the castle. The most difficult part is the roofs. They have to be extremely careful when making the right radian for the roofs. This is so-called the largest ginger cookie house in Taiwan. In order to attract more customers, the hotel is having a guessing game, which is ask customers to guess how many ginger cookies were used to build this ginger castle. Those who guess it right could stay in hotel for free for a month!






< 玻璃水溝蓋 防搶高級貨 >
    Who says that drain covers have to be black and dirty? This pink one belongs to 旗山鄉's government office, while 大社鄉 's government office sports a yellow one. 鳥 松鄉's office is also sporting one of these new anti-theft covers. Because they are not made from steel, they are much less likely to be stolen and sold for money. Made from glass and textile fibers, these covers are only 1/3 the weight of their steel counterparts, but just as effective and sturdy. Furthermore, they can be personalized in terms of design and color, and are inexpensive. With these new covers, drains along the roadside will no longer go uncovered.



不再彈琴的手 / 許齡芝

恐怖片 / 陳雋弘




【台灣日日詩】不再彈琴的手 / 許齡芝


星期日, 12月 12, 2004


Everytime Lyrics

Artist(Band):Britney Spears

Notice me

Take my hand

Why are we

Strangers when

Our love is strong?

Why carry on without me?


Everytime I try to fly, I fall

Without my wings, I feel so small

I guess I need you, Baby

And everytime I see you in my dreams

I see your face, it's haunting me

I guess I need you, Baby

I make believe

That you are here

It's the only way

I see clear

What have I done?

You seemed to move on easy

And everytime I try to fly, I fall

Without my wings, I feel so small

I guess I need you, Baby

And everytime I see you in my dreams

I see your face, you're haunting me

I guess I need you, Baby

I may have made it rain

Please forgive me

My weakness caused you pain

And this song is my sorry


At night I pray

That soon your face will fade away

And everytime I try to fly, I fall

Without my wings, I feel so small

I guess I need you, Baby

And everytime I see you in my dreams

I see your face, you're haunting me

I guess I need you baby

Britney Spears