星期五, 12月 10, 2004


< 李登輝出招 全部投台聯 >
  On Friday morning, former president Lee Teng-hui spent the last 24 hours before the election rallying for TSU candidates in the southern district of Taipei City. When asked about rumors of bomb threats, Lee said that the bombers had mental problems. As for vote allocation, several days ago Lee was still calling for the "husbands vote for DPP and wives vote for TSU" method, but on the day before the election, Lee suddenly changed his tune, asking the entire family to vote for TSU candidates. Lee will also be attending a last-minute evening rally in Taipei County on the night before the election.

  把握最後關頭,前總統李登輝輔選使出全力.上午,他鎖定台北市南區為候選人站台.針對台北傳出炸彈攻擊,李前總統大罵炸彈客,腦筋有問題。為了搶攻台聯選票,李前總統在造勢場合,一改前幾天要選民『先生投民進黨,太太投台聯』的配票法,改祭出『全家投台聯』。全力推動配票,還不停出新招,李前總統還在台北縣舉辦大型造勢晚會, 為台聯搶攻席次的決心很堅定。


< 塑膠墊有毒 吸入會致癌 >
  This type of plastic padding can be found in many homes to prevent children from falling and injuring themselves. But a Japanese report recently warned the public that the padding may contain harmful ingredients like formaldehyde or toluene, which, breathed in over the long term, may have detrimental effects on health or even cause cancer. Consumers should also beware of foam padding or cushioning in sofas or mattresses, which may also contain volatile, non-water soluble ingredients. The Consumers Foundation reminds the public to avoid purchasing plastic padding which have a strong chemical or plastic smell, and to make sure air circulation is adequate in rooms containing plastic padding. Furthermore, sun exposure can help to detoxify the padding.

  這種塑膠軟墊幾乎很多人家裡都有,因為就算小朋友在上頭跑跑跳跳也不必擔心跌倒撞傷頭,不過日本卻警告民眾,這種塑膠墊子裡可能含有揮發性的甲醛和甲苯,長期吸入的話不但有害健康而且可能致癌. 另外像是沙發和床墊中的泡綿軟墊,也可能含有揮發物質,用水洗也洗不掉,也讓家長非常擔心. 消基會提醒消費者購買塑膠墊時,如果聞到嗆鼻的塑膠味,可能就含有有毒的 揮發性甲苯,除了不要在密閉空間中使用之外,如果真的要使用,最好先在通風的地方曝晒太陽,直到沒有異味為止.


< 家電展示品 六折大特賣 >
  This LCD screen with an original price tag of 249,000 NT is on sale for 120,000 NT. The 40% off year-end sale being held at this home appliance store applies to a variety of items, including refrigerators, washing machines, and LCD monitors. Why such a big discount? Because the items on sale were all previously store display models. Although some of them have small scratches or other minor imperfections, the store guarantees that the products will work perfectly. As soon as the store opened, shoppers rushed in to find good bargains. They were attracted to the sale not only by the low prices, but by the post-sale customer service offered by the store. The store has also labeled each product with its specific imperfections, hoping that shoppers can view each product carefully before taking it home. If you don't mind a few scratches, why not take advantage of the low prices being offered?

  這一台液晶螢幕,原價二十四萬九,現在只要十二萬,就可以帶回家。家電業者年終大出清,舉行福利品特賣,從冰箱,洗衣機到液晶螢幕,通通六折起,一大早,就有民眾前來搶購. 要提醒您的是,這些特價品都是各賣場的展示商品,所以特價出清,有的外觀有稍微碰撞,有的有刮痕,但業者保證,功能沒問題。 也因為還有售後服務,所以有人專程從台中北上來挑貨即使不擔心,但買之前還是要看清楚,業者特別貼上瑕疵說明,就是希望消費者看仔細。如果您不嫌棄,趕緊來這裡搶便宜.


< 朝野批暴力 老宋施明德 >
  It is the count-down moment for legislative elections. Who would be protecting the legislative candidates' safety? Taipei Train Station and Taipei 101 Building both had rumors of terrorists trying to put bombs in the buildings. Vice President Annette Liu and PFP chairman James Soong strongly criticized to this kind of behavior. To be safe, Vice President Liu had asked her bodyguards to be more alert during this time. Meanwhile, non-party legislative candidate 施明德 received a threatening letter from an anonymous by fax. 施明德 hurriedly reported the case to nearby police station. Right now, police officers are undergoing investigations to find out whether it was the same person who threatened Taipei Train Station and Taipei 101 Building.

  倒數時刻選情忙連線,誰來搶救候選人人身安全,選前台北車站,一零一大樓驚傳爆裂物,嚇的人心惶惶,呂副總統和親民黨主席宋楚瑜,嚴厲譴責. 呂副總統隨護人員也加強戒備,隨侍在側,不敢大意,而無黨籍候選人施明德,接近中午時分,也接獲一封恐嚇信函,對方以不具名傳真的方式恐嚇,施明德趕緊向警方報案. 台北車站,一零一大樓炸彈客是不是同一人所為,警方正深入偵辦.


< 組閣輪不到?連戰江丙坤 >
  KMT Chairman Lien Chan requests, once again, for the President to appoint Vice President of Legislative Yuan, 江丙坤, as Premier. Chen responded that the DPP has many of its own capable candidates; Chiang does not stand a chance against them. In a trip home to ilan, current Premier You Shyi-kun also reprimanded the suggestion. It is the last day before the election, and the issue of forming a cabinet continues to sizzle. Lien Chan has rolled up his sleeves, making personal phone calls to voters. He plans to reach out to 3,500 households. In the final hours of battle against the pan-green camp, pan-blues fight to win the legislative majority.



< 代表說正名 國際間推動 >
  Could Taipei Trade Office in foreign countries change its name to Taiwan Trade Office? And how do Taiwan position itself internationally. Diplomats of France, Sweden, Malaysia and other countries, all together 8 diplomats returned to Taiwan for a press conference. It is the first time ever, they all lined up in a row like going through an examination. The changing of names became the main topic for this press conference. When would European Union Lifts its arm embargo against China? Taipei representative in France 邱榮男 replied that he put in more effort to push it. And the new trading agreement between China and other Asian-Pacific countries, especially the increasing trading relations between Malaysia and China shows that China is trying to pressure Taiwan by its economic strengths.

  台灣外館正名行不行,該怎麼站在國際舞台上,駐法國,瑞士,馬來西亞等八國代表回台灣頭一遭公開記者會,大家排排站,像是大會考,外館正名立刻成了熱門話題. 歐盟何時對中國解除武器禁運,駐法代表邱榮男強調會積極處理,奮戰到底,而東協與中國經貿合作,尤其中國經濟崛起,和東協中的馬來西亞互動越來越熱絡,中國從經濟方面著手打壓,也成了台灣能不能在外交戰場上站得穩的頭號強敵.


< 烹飪研習班 十期結業式 >
  Participants in the tenth term of the Overseas Chinese Cooking Workshop use song to show their appreciation. These mouth-watering dishes are the results of 2 weeks of training. 實踐 University, the organizer of the workshop, invited chefs from 5-star hotels to lecture its students. The professional cooks not only taught how to make good food, but also demonstrated how to garnish the dishes. After all, fine dining encompasses tasty cuisine and a comfortable atmosphere.
(What the teachers stress is outward appearance. In general, there are three things we look at: color, scent, and flavor. With improved cookware and decor, the dishes we make are high in added-value, and creative as well. With changes in decor, we can continue on eternally. This is my greatest gain.)
Students received 2 certificates at the commencement, from the OCAC and the university, respectively. Both institutions wished to acknowledge the efforts of the overseas Chinese cooks.




< 電腦放膝上 男生會不孕 >
  Using laptop this way would decrease man's sperm count by 40% in every 15 minutes. This is not a joke. A medical research conducted by New York State University showed that put laptop on laps would decrease number of sperm count. 29 men were asked to put a laptop on their laps and continuously use it for an hour. Result was the temperature of all 29 men's right and left scrotum increased by 2 degrees in Celsius. The temperature of the laptops even went as high as 40 degrees Celsius. Doctors warn everyone to better keep a distance with the high technology products. To put the laptop on the table rather than on the laps is the smart way to do.

  這個姿勢打電腦,每十五分鐘精子數量就少四成,這可不是危言聳聽,來自紐約州立大學的醫學報告,針對29名身體健康的男子進行實驗,將筆記型電腦放在大腿上連續使用一小時,發現左右兩側陰囊溫度平均都上升兩度多,電腦表面溫度更高達攝氏四十度. 這種高科技產品,還是盡量不要跟身體靠太近,醫師提醒,用點腦盡量還是放在桌面上使用,保持距離,才能保住『生』機。


< 週年慶刷手 千萬不手軟 >
  The power of department stores' anniversary sales is irresistible! Mothers use baby strollers for shopping carts; twenty-somethings haul suitcases from home to carry the goods. Big bags and small are all stuffed with merchandise purchased at discounted prices. To promote sales, artist 王宇婕was hired by the department store to be the day's manager. The charm of a star can be seen in the aquarium left in pieces by the crowds of spectators. We ascend the levels and come to a high-end porcelain shop, where a jewelry armor has just been sold at 30 million NT. The armor took 10 years to make, and is exclusive in the world. It was sold to a female executive, creating the highest purchase of the day, and contributing to total revenues of 250 million on the first day of the sale.

  衝衝衝,擠擠擠,週年慶魅力無法檔,有媽媽把嬰兒車拿來當購物車,還有辣妹直接拿行李箱來逛街,大包小包統統是他們的戰利品。百貨公司還請來漂亮寶貝王宇婕當一日店長,明星魅力更吸引人氣,瞧,這手扶梯旁邊的大魚缸都被人給擠破了,再往樓上更高檔的名店走,這間德國知名的瓷器店,賣出三千萬的珠寶櫃。 這款名為絕代風華的珠寶櫃,真的是舉世無雙,花了十年心血才出爐,女企業家創下單日最高消費,週年慶第一天整個賣場就創下兩億五千萬的超級業績!

星期四, 12月 09, 2004


< 民進黨過半?國際記者會 >
    This morning DPP announced the newest poll of support rate for legislative candidates. The survey shows that DPP will get approximately 94 to 98 seats, TSU will get approximately 16 to 18 seats and that's a total of a 110 to 116 seats in legislature. As for the Pan-Blue, KMT will get about 67 seats, PFP 1 seat, and New Party will get about 30 seats, that's all together about 98 seats. However, the international press and media reporters seemed to care more about whether President Chen's recent Taiwan name change proposal and new policies would bring war to cross strait. 張 俊雄 invited all media and press reporters to come to Taiwan 10 years later. He promised them that they will see a stable country and happy residents. It's two days before the election day and the newest support rate survey gave the Pan-Green full confidence in winning the majority seats.





< 連批扁小人 馬英九衝刺 >
    While stumping for pan-blue candidates in Tainan on Thursday morning, KMT Chairman Lien Chan was originally all smiles. But Lien reacted strongly when he was asked about Chen's plans to push ahead the construction of the Guggenheim Museum in Taichung.
(Chen's plans smack of insider transactions. He is not acting as a president should. He is petty and has no honor, and should really analyze his actions. )
Meanwhile, Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou rallied for pan-blue candidates in Kaohsiung. Leading the candidates on a jog, the group was tailed by a large contingency of Ma's fans. Ma attended four different rallies in the morning, doing all he can to help pan-blue candidates as the days before the election wind down.


    國民黨主席連戰,上午在台南市為候選人掃街拜票, 原本都是滿臉笑容,不過一談到陳總統說泛綠過半, 就要力挺古根漢, 連戰嚴肅的痛批
而南下高雄輔選的台北市長馬英九, 也沒有忘記每天都要慢跑帶著候選人往前跑, 後面跟著一大群熱情的粉絲, 馬英九果然超人氣一個上午連趕四場活動, 選戰逼近,輔選天王全力衝選票



< 抗議大和解 侯孝賢花絮 >
    With only two days until the big election day, anxiety has broken out again within the KMT, with candidate 丁守中 questioning the honesty of 蔡正元's distribution of votes. The candidates, 李永萍, 鄭運鵬 and 周守訓, from both the pan-blue and green camps, however, chose to join hands in the last minutes before showdown. The candidates participated in an online game, which ended in a tie of 2 to 2. Both sides were happy with the result as the friend match helped to rally votes as well. One candidate had an assistant help them out. And renowned director 侯孝賢 donned a clown costume, sewn by himself, in a rally for independent candidate 藍博洲
On the TSU side, youth votes were the target as pink stickers of former President Lee Teng-hui was handed out to the young voters. As planned, the 'pink' Lee was received with a warm reaction. Some chose to put the sticker on their personal notebook computer. As the clock ticks down to the final hour, candidates across the nation go all out to canvass last-minute votes.






< 選票印好了 重重警力送 >
    Opening up the steel doors and then the seal, each box of ballots left the printing shop at 7 a.m. In the past, ballots were bundled together, but not this year. For this week's election, the ballots have been carefully sealed in waterproof boxes, with 6000 ballots in each box. A change has also taken place in the delivery of the ballots. In the past, ballots were delivered by buses or even garbage trucks, but beginning this year, ballots are being delivered by armored vehicles in order to protect their security. To prevent ballots going missing, police officers have also been sent to accompany the ballots to their destinations. The 2.7 million ballots designated for Taipei County were all safely delivered before noon, and now only await election day.






< 世界人權日 台灣的人權 >
    The slogan calling out by the university students seems not effective enough to get the government's attention. Some college students in protest laid down on the road to see whether the government could agree to lower their college tuition fee. Within this year, there were many protesters went on streets protesting for their rights. Among the protesters, college students and workers for the factories take up the most percentage. Taiwan Association of Human Rights includes Law & Justice, Economics, Seniors , Children and others. All together the association covers 9 instruments. In year 2004 we discovered that no matter it was the college students or the elementary students all suffered from the new Education system. On top of that, labor law in this year had not done any progress. The 3 new constitutions protecting laborers are still on hold in the Legislative Yuan. This year however, had the most progess were the human rights and women rights.





< 五萬人遊行 重回美麗島 >
    A procession of civilians is led by pan-green legislative candidates, early in the morning, to demonstrate their love of the island of Formosa. The parade, named, "Formosa Forever," proceeds under a scorching sun, which further fuels the paraders' passion. Crew members have been busy with preparations for the evening's rally.
  The parade will take off on 至聖 Road, with the four heavyweights of DPP lighting the torch. They will be Premier Yu,Shyi-kun, Secretary-Genera l 蘇貞昌, Party Secretary-Genera l 張俊雄 and Kaohsiung City Mayor Frank Hsieh. The route will end at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, where the evening rally will follow. Both President Chen and Vice President Annette Lu will appear to boost the pan-blue's campaign.
  From fighting opposition in the early days to being in power today, Mayor Frank Hsieh has 25 years of memories and sentiments to reminisce. Hsieh hopes the DPP will continue in its pursuit of the people's welfare.






< 過半古根漢 胡志強驚訝 >
    In his endeavor to help pan-greens win the legislative majority, President Chen Shui-bian traveled to Taichung City twice this week. To the tens of thousands of supporters in the city, Chen spoke of the much-debated Guggenheim issue. The President stated that, although the proposal has been rejected by the City Council, he will support the plan provided that Taichung City Mayor Jason Hu helps the pan-green camp win majority.
  In response to Hu's request to meet with him, Chen replied Hu should solicit permission from Lien Chan.
  Jason Hu has remarked that he will not be susceptible to the President's provocation. The question has risen as to whether the open exchange between Chen and Hu would affect election outcomes in Taichung City. Hu answered in the negative. However, it is still anyone's guess as to what may occur in the remaining two days.




< 超級籃球賽 戒指和球衣 >
    Under the light, the gold championship ring shines. Seeing the ring, the players of the league can't help but long for it. The design of the ring is very unique, with the letters "SBL" and the year engraved on it. The ring is also sure to have great sentimental value for this year's SBL champion. The rings were designed by famous jewelry designer 呂政男 , and have won praise from the players. Seven teams have already been eliminated from the playoffs in a survival of the fittest-type situation. The 緯來 Hunters are sporting new uniforms as added motivation to bring home the championship. Basketball fans will have to wait until next week to see playoff action.



星期三, 12月 08, 2004


< 扁倒數衝刺 上午拼北市 >
    Chen arrived at a Taipei City rally to show his support for the five DPP candidates running in the northern district of the City. Chen led the candidates in burning incense and praying to get elected. In the final 72 hours before the election, Chen urged voters to save the candidates who are lagging in the polls.

(Ah-bian and Mayor Hsieh can't eat or sleep. So you have to support the pan-green camp to get rid of Ah-bian's worries.)
Chen attended two rallies in the morning, and at 保安宮, he once again reiterated that state-owned enterprises have to change their names.

(Some people say that only enterprises with "China" in their names can be profitable. But does Wang Yong-ching's "Formosa Plastics" have China in its names? He uses "Formosa," yet still earns money, isn't that right?) Chen once again criticized Lien Chan and James Soong, and urged voters to help the pan-green win the majority in the Legislature in order to end the latter's dominance.







< 蘇貞昌拼了 橋頭和市場 >
    It's only a few days before the election day, Presidential Office Secretary-General Su Tseng-Chang this morning went to Shin Dian in Taipei county for campaigning. He led the 4 DPP legislative candidates of Northern Taipei county to the streets pleading for votes. Regarding the vote competiting issue among Pan Green candidates and the incident about receiving black mails, Su Tseng-Chang asked the Pan Green to be more unitedat this moment. Su Tseng-Chang strongly recommend the 4 candidates; Shin Dian residents reacted excitedly, emphasized that they will vote for Pan Green to help President Chen do a better job in the government. With Su Tseng Chang and the residents' support, the four candidates appeared in full confidence.






< 連戰記者會 配票藍分裂 >
    Just how did the vote distribution strategy break up unity between KMT and PFP? In a KMT press conference on Wednesday, Lien Chan urged the importance of winning majority in the elections. However, press focused on the pan-blue's allocation of votes. The KMT's earlier arrangement had implied tensions between it and the PFP. In response to the questions, Lien stressed that although the two parties will not merge before the elections, the issue will be seen to after the election. Lien also responded to President Chen's criticism of forming a cabinet by insisting on the proposal. This is the first time the KMT has deployed vote distribution.






< 馬輔選子弟 搶救丁守中 >
    Accompanied by Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou, independent candidate 林正修 campaigned at Shihlin's 中正 Road. This is the sixth time that Ma has campaigned for Lin. Ma says that his support for Lin does not affect the pan-blue's election situation in any way. KMT candidate 丁守中, on the other hand, said that he wished Ma would spend some time campaigning for pan-blue candidates. Ma's incredible popular appeal was also on display as a female driver became too engrossed in watching him and forgot to step on her brakes, ramming into the scooter in front of her. Fortunately, neither party was hurt. But does the campaigning of candidates on intersections adversely affect traffic? Ma says that he will definitely review the situation.



    沿路向民眾拜託再拜託, 台北市長馬英九, 陪著子弟兵林正修, 在士林的中正路口拜票, 這已經是馬英九第六次為林正修造勢,難道不擔心引起泛藍內部的反對聲浪. 馬英九不擔心影響選情, 為林正修賣力演出, 看在正牌國民黨候選人的眼裡,丁守中話說得含蓄, 還是希望馬英九全力為黨籍候選人輔選, 而馬英九的超人氣也造成了意外插曲, 這名女駕駛看馬英九看得太入神, 竟然忘了踩煞車, 撞上了前面的摩托車還好雙方都沒有損傷, 不過, 路口拜票是不是真的對交通造成妨礙, 馬英九說, 回去之後一定會好好檢討



< 古根漢出局 胡志強無奈 >
    The long unsettled Guggenheim Museum was the key of discussion between Taichung city government and the city council. First the city council rejected the building of Guggenheim Museum by giving an unequal treaty. Now, the city council is afraid that Guggenheim Museum will not make profit, thus decided to hand this case to the central government. Taichung city mayor Jason Hu sighned and said he wants to meet with President Chen next week for some further explaination. City councils said no to the project because they are do not want to afford the risk of getting into financial difficulty. But the mayor have faith in the project, he believes the museum will make money. He said now only the central government could solve this problem. On December 16, Guggenheim Museum Foundation will hold another meeting. Whether there is any more changes before December 16th, obsevation is undertaking.






< 竹科電子業 不孕比例高 >
    This is Cathay General Hospital. In Hsinchu, centers for reproductive medicine and infertility are filled with patients like this every day. Most patients are engineers from the nearby Science Park. Or, what press calls, "electronic nobles." It seems that males who work in the Hsinchu Science Park are more susceptible to infertility than the average male. Doctors say that salaries at the Science Park may be lucrative, but an equal amount of pressure comes with the territory. Most engineers marry at later ages, which further decreases chances of having a baby. Among couples from the Science Park, one in three have difficulty bearing a baby. The ratio is 10 percent more than the national infertility rate. As a result, many couples resort to medical science. It isn't unusual to see patients undergo artificial insemination. It seems that, despite the prestige, members of the Science Park community still have their share of everyday troubles.






< 新品種行業 賺錢大調查 >
    許饒和 works in one of the most popular sectors of the service industry right now: teaching the game of go. A cartoon featuring a go king has created an interest in the game, and an estimated 2 million people have signed up for go classes, creating a demand for go teachers thatheavily exceeds supply. Therefore, go teachers are
now earning millions of NT in annual salary. Small enterprises are earning big bucks. This year's popular story houses are taking in around 600,000 NT per month, whereas the wedding industry raked in 133 billion NT this year. Meanwhile, pet salons earned tens of billions of NT just from bathing pets, and the fortune telling industry took in 5 billion NT from the market and 400 million NT from the internet. Which industries are slated to earn big bucks in 2005? Number one on the list are services which help lonely people like dating or pet matchmaking services. Therefore, if you want to earn a lot of money, you better start thinking of ideas now!







< 星機票大戰 來回一千六 >
    Since morning phones in travel agencies could not stop ringing, because everyone was calling to ask for the low fare tickets by JetStar Asia from Taipei to Singapore. Now you may wonder how low is the low airfare. Don't be surprised, it's 1788 nt to fly from Taipei to Singapore in the first week of the promotion.
However, the airline does not offer any food to passengers. Seats are narrower and there's only one departure time everyday, which is departing in evening and arriving to to Singapore in midnight. So travellers need to spend one more night of hotel fee. Maybe it's not that worthwhile if you calculate everything. This promotion by JetStar Airline had made an impact to the market. Singapore Airline also came out with a promotion of Taipei and Singapore round trip ticket for only 1688 nt dollars starting now until January 20th. Taiwan's Eva Airline and China Airline did not follow, with ticket price still selling for 11,000 nt to 12,000 nt. The cheap airfare offer JetStar Asia does not include airport tax. Therefore, passengers have to add 3000 nt to the ticket price. For those who want to travel but don't want to spend much, this is the perfect chance.






< 尋找太平輪 追思和徵人 >
    During the civil turmoils in Mainland China in the years of 1945-1950, the Pacific Ship traveled between Shanghai and Keelung, transportingover 2 million Mainlanders, with theirgold and silver, to Taiwan in search of refuge. In those days, Pacific Ship played a crucial role in the conveyance
of passengers across the Strait. In 1949, just as the ship embarked from Shanghai, full of passengers and cargo, it clashed into trade boats around the 舟山 islands. It resulted in the tragic deaths of 1500 passengers. To this day, family members have difficulty accepting the fact. There were 36 people who were rescued at the time. Ms. Chang was one of them. To commemorate the incident, the party central of the DPP invited families of those who died to East Coast Pier in Keelung to offer flowers to the Pacific Ship memorial. As it has been well over 50 years since the incident occured, it isn't easy gathering historical facts. The Pacific Ship Incident Team calls out to anyone who has had contact with the ship or those involved, to come forward and help piece together the facts.



記電子水母 / 浩 翔

刻著光的文件─記電子水母 / 浩 翔





星期二, 12月 07, 2004


< 國民黨配票 緊繃北北高 >
  In Taipei City, where the legislative race runs its tightest, pan-blues will deploy vote allocation in an effort to win majority. On Tuesday morning, the KMT announced its newest strategy. Constituents are classified by birth dates, with votes assigned to 8 candidates from the KMT and New Party. The KMT has released its first advertisement of the scheme. But before it was released, the People First Party used extensive media to urge voters to return to the PFP and cast the ballot their way, as they did last year. The action has officially substantiated tensions between the KMT and PFP. With rivalry from a fellow pan-blue party and rumors of a "dump-save" strategy, the pan-blue camp is seeing splinters in its unity.

  戰況激烈的台北市, 泛藍要怎麼配票衝過半, 國民黨上午公佈了新一波的配票策略. 由選民依照出生月份, 分別配票給國新兩黨的八位候選人, 國民黨也首度公佈了第一波的配票廣告, 不過這個廣告還沒出爐, 親民黨已經在媒體上刊登大幅廣告, 呼籲選民回娘家, 去年投給親民黨的, 今年繼續投給親民黨, 固票的動作相當明顯, 國親配票已經破局, 兩黨的候選人也有不同的意見.高民調的危機感,再加上棄保的耳語不斷, 泛藍陣營的配票, 已經陷入嚴重的內鬨與矛盾.


< 不同的血型 腎移植首例 >
  Hugging and kissing her husband, Mrs. Yu says that she certainly chose the right man when she married her husband forty years ago. Because Mrs. Yu, who has type A blood, suffered from kidney failure and refused to undergo dialysis, she was in desperate need of a transplant. Her husband, who has type AB blood, donated one kidney and doctors at National Taiwan University Hospital successful performed the transplant. The surgery was the first of its kind in Taiwan. Mrs. Yu needs to have her blood plasma replaced four times a week and take medication to prevent her body rejecting the new kidney. It has been two weeks since the surgery took place, and both Mr. and Mrs. Yu are in high spirits. The new kidney is functioning normally, and as Mr. Yu cuts into the birthday cake, he is not only celebrating his own birthday, but celebrating the new beginning for his wife.

  余太太對自己的先生又親又抱,結婚四十年還真沒嫁錯人。因為余太太罹患慢性腎衰竭,卻不肯洗腎,讓腎差點壞死,余先生雖然是AB型,但台大醫院卻成功的把他的腎臟,活體移植到A型的余太太體內,成為國內第一例。 手術順利不只是夫妻相互扶持,台大醫院利用一週四次的血漿置換,加上口服免疫藥,並且切除脾臟,讓排斥作用降到最低,現在手術兩個禮拜過去,夫妻倆手牽手,精神很好,AB型的腎也已經在A型體內正常運作,在生日當天動手術的余先生切下蛋糕,這次多層意義是慶祝太太重生。


< 天地風雲劇 華視要試片 >
  This is CTS' upcoming feature - Taiwanese puppet show "天地風雲," produced by the art form's master 黃俊雄, and adapted from comic book "風雲." It is made in contemporary style with movie quality. Production costs reached 30 million NT. It screening was held at the CTS building on the 7th, with 黃俊雄 in from Yunlin to boost its promotion. CTS President 江霞 was also present to support the puppet master's new work. Starting on December 7th, the series will be shown Monday to Friday from 1p.m. to 1:30 on CTS. Taiwanese puppet show fans are in for a treat.



< 國體男籃清一色是老師 >
  National College of Physical Fitness and Sports team captain 陳忠強 showed prowess at the three-point line. His teammates are likewise former professional basketball players. What is this team doing playing in the technical school basketball competition? It turns out that the members of this team, including veterans 桑茂森 and 李雲翔, are all current graduate students at the college, and studying to become physical education teachers. They were both excited and nervous about returning to the basketball court. On the court, the team competed hard. Although they unfortunately were unable to make it into the round of eight, they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

  國立體院隊長陳忠強,三分外線依舊犀利,再看看其他球員,桑茂森,李雲翔,當年都是職籃風雲人物,怎麼現在還在打大專盃.原來是現在工作不好找,這些球員全部回到校園讀研究所,準備以後當老師,重回球場,他們心情是既興奮又緊張. 笑稱自己是最老大專隊,不過上了場,這些老球員還是很拼,雖然最後沒有打進八強複賽,不過享受比賽還是很棒.


< 黑人嘻哈舞 力拼宋江陣 >
  Three dancers from Africa dance contemporary hip-hop with the stereo over their shoulders. They reach the square of Kaohsiung County's Government Hall and begin to challenge the swirls of the traditional Soongjiang battle array. The event is organized by the County Government to serve as prelude to the Neimen Soongjian battle array in March. According to the authority, this year's competition will be more exciting than last year's. It welcomes all university students to show off their moves. Award monies totaling 1 million will be waiting. What's interesting is that senior management of the county government will be competing as an incentive for spectators and competitors alike.

  三名來自非洲的黑人舞者,一路扛著音響,邊走邊跳著嘻哈舞,到了高雄縣政府中庭,左翻是右滾的向傳統的宋江陣挑戰. 這是高雄縣為了明年三月的內門宋江陣,所舉辦的暖身賽,縣政府說今年的將更有看頭. 縣政府不但歡迎大專院校祖對來踢館,同時還提供一百萬獎金,而縣政府的一級主管,也準備放下身段組隊參加,和全國的隊伍切磋切磋。


< 美反對正名 政府的反應 >
  In response to the US State Department's announcement that the US is against Chen's plans to change the word "China" to "Taiwan" in the names of state-owned enterprises, Vice President Annette Lu said that international pressure upon Taiwan originates in Beijing, and Taiwan will continue to negotiate with the US in order to make the US understand Taiwan's stance. Lu further said that by taking things one step a time, many obstacles can be overcome, and that the entire country needs to unite in support of governmental policies. Presidential Office Secretary General 蘇貞昌 also said that the change in names was a way to show the world that Taiwan is governed by itself, and is not related to changing the national flag. Su also stated that any difficulties should be overcome one step at a time through communication and therefore understanding, and turning understanding into support. Su further said that although Taiwan is officially known as the Republic of China in countries where the ROC has official diplomatic ties, the substitute names used in countries that lack official ties with the ROC often confuse foreigners.

  對於美國國務院表態不支持陳總統拋出的台灣正名 議題,副總統呂秀蓮認為,國際壓力來自於北京當局的施壓, 政府會持續與美方溝通,努力取得諒解。 只要是道理所 在,我們還是可以一步一腳印,克服許多困難,全體國 人應該要團結支持政府的政策。 總統府秘書長蘇貞昌則表示,正名台灣是為了凸顯主體性,不涉及更改 國號。外館正名台灣一事,看得出陳總統的積極爭取。有困難,就要一步步解決,透過溝通管道爭取瞭解,希望由瞭解轉為支持。 蘇貞昌說,台灣在邦交國設立的大使館冠以中華民 國,但沒有邦交的卻使用北美事務協調會、亞東關係協 會等名稱,讓很多外國人搞不清楚這究竟是代表那一邊,正名台灣,是要凸顯主體性,不涉及更改國號。


< 國軍的投票 新發言人來 >
  This is an usual press conference by the Ministry of National Defense. Everything else is the same except the spokesperson is new. He is 劉志堅, holding his first press conference since he got appointed to the new position. He is also the first spokesperson in Ministry of National Defense with navy background. He appeared calm in the press conference. His first assignment on duty is to announce to public whether the soldiers are allow to go back home to vote on election day. 劉志堅 emphasized that he will follow the rule, which is besides soldiers on duty and the number of soldiers require to stay for guarding, the rest of the soldiers are given a day off. Looks like even though the spokesperson has changed a new one, but the belief of staying neutral and insists on following rules are just the same as the previous spokespersons.

  一樣的國防部記者會,但軍事發言人換了新人,他是劉志堅,上任之後第一次主持記者會,表現沉穩,也是第一位海軍出身的發言人,打破過去傳統. 剛上任就遇上立委選舉,國軍能不能返家投票,再度受到重視,劉志堅強調,一切依照一般戰備規定. 除了留值以及必要兵力,其餘官士兵放假一天,國軍嚴守中立角色,軍事發言人雖然換人,但是軍隊國家化方向不變.


< 106歲人瑞 攝護腺手術 >
  The 106 year-old Mr. Huang is cutting the cake celebrating for his new re-born. Mr. Huang has just successfully recovered from a prostate hypertrophy surgery. The surgery solved the urinary problem he has had for many years. Probably because Grandpa Huang is an optimistic person; he recovered very quickly and well. He had done the same surgery 20 years ago, but in recent years discomfort recurred again. He had to use a urine tube every time he goes to bathroom. It caused many inconvenience in daily life and therefore he decided to undergo the surgery in such old age. Doctor evaluated Mr. Huang's condition and also recommended him to do the surgery. It is common for the prostate gland to become enlarged as a man ages. Urine frequency and trouble urinating are the syndromes for prostate hypertrophy patients. If not cured on time, it may lead to leukemia or undergo kidney dialysis. If there is an old man at your home with the above described symptoms, it is best to bring him to hospital for check up as soon as possible.

  切開象徵新生的慶祝蛋糕,106歲的人瑞黃老先生,順利完成攝護腺肥大手術的治療,解決他長期以來的排尿困擾。 或許就是這種樂觀性格,黃老先生恢復的狀況十分良好,他在二十年前也曾經進行同樣的手術,這幾年有復發的跡象,不過因為要反覆使用尿管,生活上十分不便,所以一般雖然都是以藥物來治療,不過,在醫師評估過老先生的狀況後,還是決定開刀。 攝護腺肥大是中老年人常見的疾病,會產生頻尿、尿急、小便困難的症狀,如果不加以治療,或引發敗血症或導致要洗腎,因此,家中的老年人,如果有這樣的症狀,要儘速就醫,才能維護身體健康與生活品質


< 扁李的拼場 泛綠大搶票 >
  President Chen and former President Lee coincidently both went to Shinchu county and Shinchu city for campaign rallies. Former president Lee pleaded supporters to allocate DPP's vote to TSU. Meanwhile, President Chen was busy criticizing Lien Chan and James Soong.

President of R.O.C. CHEN SHUI-BIAN (Don't let the pan-blue camp get the majority in the legislature again. They can pass a decision in the legislature a special case for making Lien and Soong the President and Vice President, and eliminate three motions to get rid of Chen Shui-bian. Can they be allowed to do this? Can the Legislative Yuan do this? )

FORMER PRESIDENT OF R.O.C. LEE TUNG-HUI (If there was no allocation of votes, we'll do the automatic allocation of votes ourselves. All husbands vote for DPP and all wives vote for TSU.)

Just a few hours after former President Lee said those words, President Chen also arrived to Shinchu for a campaign rally, this time for DPP candidate 柯建銘. As oppose to former President Lee, President Chen asked voters not to allocate votes. The two scenes resembled competition in Pan-Green. Would it affect the unity in Pan-Green? DPP headquarter answered no. DPP revealed, though DPP and TSU are competing for votes right now, but on the day before the election, Chen and Lee will stand together on the same stage holding hands, pleading for votes. By then everyone will see that Pan-Green is united.




星期一, 12月 06, 2004


< 不滿民進黨 台聯也發飆 >
    Pan-green legislative candidate 陳永福 holds in one hand a flyer which was disseminated by four DPP candidates: 周 雅淑, 陳朝龍, 趙 永清, and 沈發惠 . These four candidates are running in the same district as Chen. The front of the flyer calls for vote allocation to help all four DPP candidates win seats, whereas the back asks voters not to vote for 陳永福 . Chen wants the DPP to take action against the four within three days. Former President Lee Teng-hui announced while attending a rally on Sunday that the TSU is not a vase belonging to the DPP. With all this going on less than one week before the election, if the pan-green camp wants to win the majority in the Legislature, it looks like they'll have to first settle all the internal fighting.




< 國親的配票 最後怎麼做 >
    The KMT has finally declared deployment of the vote distribution strategy. However, the tactic will only apply to KMT and New Party, with PFP excluded from the plan. As the arrangement implies disunity in the pan-blue camp, speculation has risen as to how it will continue to operate as a joint body. Joining the distribution will be Taichung City, Kaohsiung County, Pingdong County and Tainan City. The counties of Taoyuan, Miaoli, Chunghwa, Yunlin, Taichung and Tainan will resort to regional vote distribution. Jiayi County and Hsinchu County will not participate in the plan; other cities to be named will be discussed in detail. On the PFP side, its own vote distribution strategy will be announced. One candidate has volunteered to share votes, but under the condition of sacrificing the least likely winning candidate. The party may have a difficult time taking up on a plan that will hurt its own party member.




< 親黨泡沫化 三地的連線 >
    Every time PFP legislative candidates 龐建 國 and 林郁方 go on streets for campaigning, they are scared to hear the words "to-dong" from their voters. "To-dong" in English means "don't worry, you'll make it". The two asked chairman James Soong not to assist other candidates anymore or else the two are afraid that none of them could get into the legislature. The parade on December 5th wishes to raise PFP's popularity. James Soong has lost twice in election and his support rating is continuously dropping. PFP is very much worried about the votes they could receive from South of Cho-Shiu Stream. In Southern Taiwan, as opposed to the wrong strategy last time, PFP only nominated one candidate in Kao-hsiung north district, wished to go for a safe strategy plan this time. To PFP, this election battle means more than just a battle for number of seats in legislature; it means life or death for the party.

    親民黨候選人龐建國,林郁方,夾帶高人氣,沿街拜票,最怕聽選民說“妥當“,他們要主席宋楚瑜最後一星期,別再趴趴走,應該斷尾求生,該斷就斷,否則拖垮所有人,大家一起死!週日這場大遊行,親民黨寄望選前拉抬聲勢宋楚瑜經歷兩次敗選, 聲勢直線下滑, 親民黨的支持度在這次選戰受到嚴苛考驗, 濁水溪以南能拿多少票, 很不樂觀至於在南台灣,上一屆親民黨在高雄北區提名太多,全軍覆沒,這一屆,不求多,提名一席,以安全全上壘為優先!這場選戰,對親民黨而言,不只是席次之爭,更是生死存亡的關鍵一戰!



< 超強冷氣團 淡水最低溫 >
    The continental cold front revealed itself in full force in Tamsui on Sunday evening, pulling temperatures down to this winter's record low of 11.4 degrees Celsius. The cold persisted through Monday morning, when temperature still gauged at 11.5 degrees Celsius. In the plains of Jiayi, the cold remained at 12.4 degrees. According to the Central Weather Bureau, Monday evening will be accompanied by even colder weather. That explains the thick sweaters seen on commuters in the city. But the fact is, weather conditions during the day are quite warm. In the north, temperatures returned to 21 degrees; in Central and Southern Taiwan, it reached a high of 26 degrees. The cold front has only appeared from evening until early morning, causing a great difference in day and night time temperatures. The cold will last until Wednesday.




< 父母親肥胖 子女大多胖 >
    Most people want to be in the best possible physical shape, but it isn't necessarily an easy goal to achieve. 1400 junior high school students were studied by a doctor from Hualien's 慈濟 Hospital. The results of the study showed that children of obese parents are much more likely to become obese. Furthermore, children of diabetic parents, particularly diabetic mothers, have a higher likelihood of developing diabetes after age 20. Because the eating habits of parents have a great influence on the growth of children, doctors urge obese youths to seek medical advice for any discomfort experienced. Doctors also recommend that obese parents should eat balanced meals and exercise regularly for the sake of their own and their children’s' health. Obese people should also pay extra attention to any physical changes that may occur.




< 新聖誕公車 今天要上路 >
    These are jolly bus drivers getting ready to give kids a big surprise on Monday morning. To celebrate the holiday season, Capital Bus had its 500 bus drivers dress up as Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus to treat children to candies and treats. The children are ecstatic at the sight of their favorite holiday characters. What's more, the buses are decorated with Christmas trees and lights. Bus rides are turned into a fun excursion! As bus operators have had to share business with the MRT system, the holiday festivity is an attempt at attracting more customers. Last year, the Christmas buses increased the number of passengers by 5 percent. In the season of love and joy, a win-win for businesses and consumers is the perfect holiday gift.




< 內湖派出所 將要列古蹟 >
    This Japanese-looking architecture is the Nei Hu local police station. This police station was originally a business office for Japanese when Taiwan was a colony of Japan. After the Japanese left, this office became the local police station for Nei Hu residents. And because the architecture is getting old, Nei Hu district office planned to tear it town and construct new office building. However, staffs of Cultural and Historical Committee wish this historical architecture could stay untouched. The staffs and Nei Hu borough warden began arguing. One of the staffs named 陳金讚 even shaved his head to show his determination in saving the historical architecture. Unlike the staffs Of Cultural and Historical Committee, nearby residents have long wanted the police station and the nearby old architectures to demolish for new development planning. Exactly what to do to satisfy both parties, and whether the architectures are to stay or demolish, both parties need to sit down and collaborate for a better plan.




< 紡織品發明 測心律衣服 >
    This thin strap doesn't look anything out of the ordinary, but it is the textile industry's latest product. Placed inside clothing, it can monitor heart rates and body temperatures. In combining electronics with clothing, this product can help you monitor your health at all times, while helping you to relax and save time. This piece of clothing, on the other hand, is bullet proof and temperature adjustable. Using the newest materials, bulletproof clothing no longer has to be heavy and heat absorbing. The event's theme this year is health, and is the result of Taiwan's textiles industry incorporating high technology into their products.



  瑞士公民在週日以公民投票的方式,通過支持開放人類胚胎幹細胞研究用於醫學研究,獲得66.4%民眾支持。這是全球首次將高度爭議的人胚胎幹細胞研究問題交由公投表決。  瑞士政府和醫界在投票前即呼籲大眾支持開放這項研究,政府認為研究人類胚胎幹細胞將有助於心臟病、糖尿病、帕金森氏症及老年癡呆症等疾病的研究與治療,而瑞士一向在生物技術具有優勢。  公投法案中也嚴禁相關研究利用於複製人的用途,並禁止胚胎買賣。公開反對這項法案者主要是宗教團體及右翼團體,他們認為人類胚胎亦是生命,開放研究將逾越傳統道德和倫理的界線。

星期日, 12月 05, 2004

一夜無夢 / Leon

一夜無夢 / Leon


