< 國親要上訴 能有啥勝算? >
KMT lost the high court lawsuit, some people suspected whether the lawyer delegation KMT hired was incapable. However, KMT chairman Lien Chan was still very supportive to the lawyer delegation. The truth is, the KMT lawyers were under a lot of pressure during the past 7 months. It was a tough challenge for each of them to think of tactics to get the President annulled. Although they lost against DPP in the high court, but they are turning sadness into power. They have shifted their focus and hope to the year-end legislators election. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 選舉官司敗訴,外界質疑是不是國親律師團策略運用不當!國民黨主席連戰仍舊全力相挺律師團其實在長達七個月的訴訟中﹐國親律師團在身體心理壓力都很大﹐怎麼用法律手段處理政治問題﹐也是他門面臨最大的考驗雖然敗訴﹐國親立委面對年底選戰,還有另一種考量就是凝聚向心力﹐化悲憤為力量﹐著眼在年底的立委選戰
< 李昌鈺報告 今天要公佈 >
This CD contains forensics expert Dr. Henry Lee's report on the 319 shooting. The 130-page report is available for the public to download at the website of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. Within the report are the findings of medical examiner Dr. Cyril Wecht, who examined the president at the presidential office. According to Wecht, the first time he examined the injury was well after the 19th, and although he could no longer see the bullet's original point of entry, according to medical records, he can attest to the wound having been made by a low-velocity bullet. The report also contains pictures taken at the hospital. Lee also made a trip out to Tainan's 金華 Road, where the shooting occurred. Through the use of laser beams, he was able to estimate the position from where the shot was fired. However, in the conclusion, Lee still had questions and suspicions on the location where the bullet landed, and the chemical makeup of the gunpowder. He further stated any private reenactments of the shooting could only be used for reference purposes. The report is available at www.tps.moj.gov. tw. According to a government spokesperson, the purpose of releasing the report is to answer any questions the public may have. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這片光碟記錄的就是鑑識專家李昌鈺博士所有的鑑識內容,最高檢查署放上網站公佈,供所有民眾下載,全文一百三十多頁。一開始就鎖定陳水扁總統的槍傷,知名法醫魏契到總統府看總統傷勢的經過,法醫表示當時看到傷口,已經距離槍擊案發生有一段時間,雖然看不到原本的傷口,不過根據就醫記錄,可以確定是低速彈頭所造成的傷口。全文報告搭配醫院的就醫照片,李昌鈺博士也對到台南金華路現場的重建做說明,透過雷射光,推出可能的射擊高度及位置,不過在結論中仍然提出疑點,包括彈頭掉落的位置,以及火藥的成份,並表示任何民間的試射都只能當作參考,整篇原文報告書登錄在網站,網址是WWW.TPS.MOJ.GOV.TW,而政府公佈鑑識報告的目的,就是回應各界長久以來的質疑
< 小紅人號誌 首創倒數器 >
Crosswalks can be as dangerous a place as the mouths of tigers. When pedestrians cross the street, there is always the possibility of a car or scooter suddenly rushing at them out of nowhere. Since the little green man started appearing on pedestrian traffic lights, the situation has improved somewhat since pedestrians now know how many seconds there are left before the light changes. This type of setup is now being used in the reverse in Taichung. Previously, at a red light, the little red man would be stationary while the screen underneath him would be blank. Now, seconds will tick down to let pedestrians know how long it will be until the light turns green. Pedestrians can focus their attention elsewhere instead of looking right and left. However, there are some worries that this pedestrian-friendly system will be used by drivers to gauge when to step on their accelerators, which could increase the likelihood of hitting a pedestrian crossing the street. Traffic lights can't guarantee safety, so pedestrians and drivers alike must be careful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 馬路如虎口,行人在通行的時候,最怕走到一半突然衝出一堆車子.自從有了小綠人的號誌,來不及過馬路的狀況改善了,還有多少時間可以通過,清清楚楚看數字就知道,而這樣的設計,現在有人把它反過來操作.綠燈變紅燈,原本呆板的小紅人,下方的數字,竟然也會開始變化.行人在等待過馬路的時間,可以站在人行道上從容地打電話,不必左顧右盼,有時候都站到機車道上了,還不自覺.但是也有人擔心,這個專門給行人看的號誌,會變成駕駛朋友用來觀察,到底還要等多少時間才能踩足油門往前衝的參考.因為這樣反而可能撞上還在斑馬線走的行人.號誌燈並不能保證一定安全,最重要還是自己要小心.不過有了小紅人,過馬路的時候很清楚知道還要等多久,對行人來說,倒也真是方便.
< 奇摩聊天室 下午要關閉 >
These chat room regulars type away furiously. Because in a few hours' time, Yahoo Kimo's chat room will be shut down for good. And indeed, when the clock struck 11 a.m., all chat rooms closed. There is no way to click into any of them. Yahoo Kimo says this is not something they are happy about doing. But they are forced to resort to this measure as the chat room function is abused by too many to spread sex. Even its large number of users understand the need to shut down. Internet users will have to learn to be disciplined and respect the convenience offered by cyberspace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大家拼命打,拼命打,一抓到機會就趕快上網,因為再不上網,奇摩聊天室就要關閉。果真,上午十一點一到,奇摩聊天室真的關了,怎麼點選都進不去,雅虎奇摩說他們也不想這麼做,不過實在真的有太多人利用網路散播色情,到網咖看一看,上聊天室聊天的人還真不少,不過大家都覺得,關閉聊天室真的是不得已的方法沒錯,最重要的還是網友自治,否則也是徒勞無功。
< 盲人當律師 台灣第一位 >
This is the first blind lawyer 李秉宏 in the nation. He is given a gift handed by the President of Executive Yuan for being a good example for the blinds. Everyone at the scene gave 李秉 宏 their big applause. 李秉宏 's mother cried out in tears when seeing this. Although 李秉宏 was born blind, but that never stopped him from studying hard. He said he once almost gave up on himself because he was discouraged many times after he graduated from college. And because of his family's support and encouragement, he is able to walk out from dark clouds and became a lawyer. His hard work and determination made him the third blind lawyer in Asia. Though he is blind, but his future is bright. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 從考試院長姚嘉文的手中接過禮物,國內第一位盲人律師李秉宏,接受大家的喝采。看到一手拉拔大的兒子,能夠通過律師高考,成為盲人之光,李秉宏的媽媽幾度紅了眼框。先天視障的李秉宏,求學過程要比一般人艱辛,畢業後找工作也不斷碰壁,幾度挫折,讓他很想放棄,能有今天的成就,都是靠著家人的支持,才走過來的。靠著媽媽的錄音,再加上自己的努力,這位亞洲第三位盲人律師,雖然眼前一片漆黑,但人生卻是一片光明。
< 銀行員加班 一週眼中風 >
A 40-year old financial specialist worked overtime at his bank for an entire week and suffered a stroke in the right eye. The vision of the eye dropped to below 0.1. The doctor's diagnosis found that the veins of the eyeball had been completely blocked. Doctors are also finding that the age group in which eye strokes occur has been getting younger. Even patients in their 20's are suffering the symptom. The cause is generally overwork and staying up after hours. Those in the highest risk group are diabetics and patients with high blood pressure. And the current seasonal transition from autumn to winter is when stroke in the eye occur most easily. As the stroke requires steroid to treat and takes at least 3 months to cure, the best bet is to avoid staying up and working overtime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一名在銀行當理財專員的四十歲男子,因為連續加班了一個星期,竟然引發眼中風,右眼的視力不到零點一,醫師一檢查,發現男子眼球的靜脈全阻塞了醫師也發現,現在眼中風的年齡層降低,甚至有二十多歲的年輕人,大多是因為太過疲勞,熬夜造成的,其中又以糖尿病和高血壓患者最容易眼中風現在這個秋冬交接的季節,是眼中風好發的時刻,由於眼中風必須靠類固醇來治療,視力最快也要三個月才能恢復,上班族最好避免熬夜加班
< 無尾熊哈雷 不幸駕崩了 >
The three koalas at Taipei Muzha Zoo still carry on today happily as ever, eating and sleeping. They do not know that they have lost a companion. 8-year old Harley is the second koala in Taiwan to have passed away. The first one died of lymphoma; Harley died of cancer of the nasal cavity. While the first koala was born with lymphoma cells, Harley's death came as a surprise to the zoo. Back in September, Harley had trouble eating due to an extremely runny nose. An examination with endoscopes found that Harley had a tumor in his nose. Even now, his babysitter is sad to see him leave. Visitors to the zoon and others who met and spent time with Harley are also sad at the loss. After all, he shared many good times with friends in Taiwan for the past six years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 市立動物園裡三隻無尾熊,今天還是一副活潑可愛的模樣,照常的打著瞌睡,完全不知道他們已經少了一個同伴,8歲的哈雷是在台灣第二隻死亡的無尾熊。和第一隻死亡的無尾熊不同的是,第一隻無尾熊死於淋巴癌,而哈雷是因為鼻腔癌.這樣的說法,顯示無尾熊一出生就帶有淋巴癌的基因,但哈雷的死因,卻讓動物園很意外。哈雷從九月開始,就出現流鼻水的症狀,無法進食,是照了內視鏡後,才發現鼻腔內有腫瘤讓一直照顧他的保姆非常捨不得回顧哈雷可愛的模樣,民眾也是萬般不捨,畢竟他來台六年的時間,帶給不少人快樂的時光。
< 護士大樂團 敲尿桶便盆 >
Bedpans, toilet brushes, and plastic boxes--in other words, items commonly used by hospital patients--have now become instruments. This nurse uses a bedpan in a way never seen before, and it has the desired effect. The nurses play these items with confidence, and play them with flair. In one short month, the nurses not only care for their patients, but also find time to transform themselves into a musical group, entertaining their patients and helping them to forget their troubles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 看仔細了嗎﹖尿壺、馬桶刷、塑膠盒,醫院裡病患用的,今天全成了打擊樂器。還有這位護士拿的便盆,更厲害了,必要時候一出手,效果十足。每天清理的醫療用具,護士果然拿得順手,敲敲打打,這首男兒當自強,還真演奏出了架式。短短一個月,白衣天使不但照顧病患身體上的疼痛,還搖身一變,成為台灣版的破銅爛鐵打擊樂團,給這些病患帶來心靈上的慰藉。
< 簡訊看小說 台灣也可以 >
"Walk out from the big gate, it was my first date outside the city.” This is the first passage of China's famous novel, "Outside the City". The content of the novel is sent through text message everyday to readers on mobile phone. Each day readers get to read 70 words from the novel through mobile phones. And the service cost 2 nt per page. This method of reading novel on mobile phone is very popular in China right now. Like the story "Outside the City" for example, 60 pages of the novel charges 120 nt for every reader who subscribed for this service. Some people like it, but some people proclaimed that they don't have the patience for it. However, it's undeniable this service provides a good channel for busy people who like to read novels. Chunghwa Telecom announced that in the future, mobile phone users in Taiwan will also be getting the same service too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 走出圍成,第一次到城外約會,這是中國簡訊小說城外的第一段,你有興趣繼續看下去嗎?一次只提供七十字內容,一天一次,這樣的小說在中國大流行,每則費用只需兩元,像首部手機小說(城外),只要六十則簡訊,120元就可以通通看完有人覺得划算,但是也有人覺得看不過癮不過用簡訊看小說的確替忙碌的手機族,提供一個輕鬆的管道.中華電信表示,未來還會陸續推出不同的小說,讓手機族看個過癮